use std::time::Duration; use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use gtk::gio::ApplicationFlags; use gtk::glib::clone; use gtk::prelude::{ApplicationExt, BoxExt, ButtonExt, GtkWindowExt}; use relm4::{ComponentParts, ComponentSender, RelmApp, RelmWidgetExt, SimpleComponent}; // Iteration count that appear to be reasonable. // Constant delays like GTK's runtime are negligible at this number. const ITERATIONS: u32 = 200000; struct AppModel { counter: u32, application: gtk::Application, } #[derive(Debug)] enum AppMsg { Increment, } struct AppWidgets { label: gtk::Label, } impl SimpleComponent for AppModel { type Init = gtk::Application; type Input = AppMsg; type Output = (); type Root = gtk::Window; type Widgets = AppWidgets; fn init_root() -> Self::Root { gtk::Window::builder() .title("Stress test benchmark") .default_width(300) .default_height(100) .build() } fn init( application: Self::Init, window: Self::Root, sender: ComponentSender, ) -> ComponentParts { let model = AppModel { counter: 0, application, }; let vbox = gtk::Box::builder() .orientation(gtk::Orientation::Vertical) .spacing(5) .build(); let stress_test_button = gtk::Button::with_label("Increment"); let label = gtk::Label::new(Some(&format!("Counter: {}", model.counter))); label.set_margin_all(5); window.set_child(Some(&vbox)); vbox.set_margin_all(5); vbox.append(&stress_test_button); vbox.append(&label); stress_test_button.connect_clicked(clone!( #[strong] sender, move |_| { for _ in 0..=ITERATIONS { sender.input(AppMsg::Increment); } } )); let widgets = AppWidgets { label }; stress_test_button.emit_clicked(); ComponentParts { model, widgets } } fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Input, _sender: ComponentSender) { match msg { AppMsg::Increment => { self.counter = self.counter.wrapping_add(1); } } if self.counter == ITERATIONS { self.application.quit(); } } /// Update the view to represent the updated model. fn update_view(&self, widgets: &mut Self::Widgets, _sender: ComponentSender) { widgets .label .set_label(&format!("Counter: {}", self.counter)); } } criterion_group! { name = benches; config = Criterion::default() .warm_up_time(Duration::from_millis(100)) .sample_size(20); targets = benchmark } criterion_main!(benches); fn benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("stress_test", move |b| { let application = gtk::Application::new( Some("relm4.bench.stress_test"), ApplicationFlags::FLAGS_NONE, ); b.iter(move || { let app = RelmApp::from_app(application.clone()); let application = application.clone();; }) }); }