use gtk::prelude::*; use relm4::factory::{FactoryVecDeque, FactoryView}; use relm4::prelude::*; use relm4::Worker; use relm4_components::open_dialog::{ OpenDialog, OpenDialogMsg, OpenDialogResponse, OpenDialogSettings, }; use relm4_components::save_dialog::{ SaveDialog, SaveDialogMsg, SaveDialogResponse, SaveDialogSettings, }; use relm4_icons::icon_names; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::path::PathBuf; const DEFAULT_SPACING: i32 = 5; const XALIGN_CENTER: f32 = 0.5; const CSS_CLASS_DESTRUCTIVE_ACTION: &str = "destructive-action"; /// The view. /// /// Any state held within the view components is private and self-contained, and is solely used to /// render information on screen. Any exchange of data with external components is done via events. /// As a result the view has no knowledge of the document - indeed it is possible to remove the /// document and replace it with a different implementation without the view knowing. #[derive(Debug)] struct Task { name: String, tags: FactoryVecDeque, } #[derive(Debug)] enum TaskInput { // events of Task object ChangedName(String), // events broadcast downwards to nested Tag objects AddedTag(String), DeletedTag(usize), } #[derive(Debug)] enum TaskOutput { // events of Task object Name(DynamicIndex, String), Delete(DynamicIndex), // events bubbled up from nested Tag objects AddTag(DynamicIndex, String), DeleteTag(DynamicIndex, DynamicIndex), } #[relm4::factory] impl FactoryComponent for Task { type Init = (); type Input = TaskInput; type Output = TaskOutput; type CommandOutput = (); type ParentWidget = gtk::ListBox; view! { gtk::Box { set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Vertical, set_spacing: DEFAULT_SPACING, gtk::Box { set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, set_spacing: DEFAULT_SPACING, #[name(label)] gtk::Entry { #[watch] set_text: &, set_hexpand: true, set_halign: gtk::Align::Fill, connect_activate[sender, index] => move |entry| { // activate means 'enter' was pressed, so user is done editing let new_name: String = entry.text().into(); sender.output(TaskOutput::Name(index.clone(), new_name)).unwrap(); } }, gtk::Button { set_icon_name: icon_names::DELETE_FILLED, set_tooltip: "Delete Task", connect_clicked[sender, index] => move |_| { sender.output(TaskOutput::Delete(index.clone())).unwrap(); } }, }, gtk::Box { set_spacing: DEFAULT_SPACING, set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, gtk::MenuButton { set_icon_name: icon_names::TAG_OUTLINE_ADD, set_tooltip: "Add Tag", #[wrap(Some)] set_popover = >k::Popover { gtk::Box { set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Vertical, set_spacing: DEFAULT_SPACING, gtk::Button { set_label: "#home", connect_clicked[sender, index] => move |_| { sender.output(TaskOutput::AddTag(index.clone(), "#home".into())).unwrap(); } }, gtk::Button { set_label: "#work", connect_clicked[sender, index] => move |_| { sender.output(TaskOutput::AddTag(index.clone(), "#work".into())).unwrap(); } } } } }, #[local_ref] tag_list_box -> gtk::Box { set_spacing: DEFAULT_SPACING, }, } } } fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Input, _sender: FactorySender) { match message { TaskInput::ChangedName(name) => { = name; } TaskInput::AddedTag(name) => { self.tags.guard().push_back(name); } TaskInput::DeletedTag(index) => { self.tags.guard().remove(index); } } } fn init_widgets( &mut self, index: &Self::Index, root: Self::Root, _returned_widget: &::ReturnedWidget, sender: FactorySender, ) -> Self::Widgets { let tag_list_box = self.tags.widget(); let widgets = view_output!(); widgets } fn init_model(_name: Self::Init, index: &DynamicIndex, sender: FactorySender) -> Self { let task_index = index.clone(); let tags = FactoryVecDeque::builder().launch_default().forward( sender.output_sender(), move |output| match output { TagOutput::Delete(tag_index) => { TaskOutput::DeleteTag(task_index.clone(), tag_index) } }, ); Self { name: "".into(), tags, } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Tag { name: String, } #[derive(Debug)] enum TagInput {} #[derive(Debug)] enum TagOutput { Delete(DynamicIndex), } #[relm4::factory] impl FactoryComponent for Tag { type Init = String; type Input = TagInput; type Output = TagOutput; type CommandOutput = (); type ParentWidget = gtk::Box; view! { gtk::MenuButton { #[watch] set_label: &, #[wrap(Some)] set_popover = >k::Popover { gtk::Button { set_label: "Delete", connect_clicked[sender, index] => move |_| { sender.output(TagOutput::Delete(index.clone())).unwrap(); } } } } } fn init_model(name: Self::Init, _index: &DynamicIndex, _sender: FactorySender) -> Self { Self { name } } } /// The document is a headless component which holds and manages the data model. /// It receives input events FROM the App to update the data model. /// When updates to the model occur, it sends output events TO the App. /// /// The document's interface is just input and output events. As a result you have a lot of freedom /// in how you choose to store the data model within the component, which backing store you use /// (such as the file system, a database, or a Web API), and how you synchronise to the backing /// store (e.g. manual save/load control, auto-saving on each change, batching up changes before /// syncing, and so on). struct Document { /// The application data model. /// In this case we have just stored the whole thing in memory because our requirements are /// simple. In a real app you might choose a more elaborate approach. model: Model, } #[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct TagModel { name: String, } #[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct TaskModel { name: String, tags: Vec, } #[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Model { tasks: Vec, } #[derive(Debug)] enum DocumentInput { // extra operations on the document itself (in this case, related to file I/O) Open(PathBuf), Save(PathBuf), // events related to the model that the document stores Clear, AddTask, DeleteTask(DynamicIndex), ChangeTaskName(DynamicIndex, String), AddTag(DynamicIndex, String), DeleteTag(DynamicIndex, DynamicIndex), } #[derive(Debug)] enum DocumentOutput { Cleared, AddedTask, DeletedTask(usize), ChangedTaskName(usize, String), AddedTag(usize, String), DeletedTag(usize, usize), } impl Worker for Document { type Init = (); type Input = DocumentInput; type Output = DocumentOutput; fn init(_init: Self::Init, _sender: ComponentSender) -> Self { let model = Model::default(); Self { model } } fn update(&mut self, input: DocumentInput, sender: ComponentSender) { match input { DocumentInput::Save(path) => { println!("Save as JSON to {:?}", path); // TODO in a real app you would report any errors from saving the document if let Ok(json) = serde_json::to_string(&self.model) { std::fs::write(path, json).unwrap(); } } DocumentInput::Open(path) => { println!("Open tasks document at {:?}", path); if let Ok(json) = std::fs::read_to_string(path) { if let Ok(new_model) = serde_json::from_str(&json) { // update the data model self.model = new_model; // refresh the view from the data model let _ = sender.output(DocumentOutput::Cleared); for (task_index, task) in self.model.tasks.iter().enumerate() { let _ = sender.output(DocumentOutput::AddedTask); let task_name =; let _ = sender .output(DocumentOutput::ChangedTaskName(task_index, task_name)); for tag in &task.tags { let tag_name =; let _ = sender.output(DocumentOutput::AddedTag(task_index, tag_name)); } } } } } DocumentInput::Clear => { self.model.tasks.clear(); let _ = sender.output(DocumentOutput::Cleared); } DocumentInput::AddTask => { self.model.tasks.push(TaskModel::default()); let _ = sender.output(DocumentOutput::AddedTask); } DocumentInput::DeleteTask(index) => { self.model.tasks.remove(index.current_index()); let _ = sender.output(DocumentOutput::DeletedTask(index.current_index())); } DocumentInput::ChangeTaskName(index, name) => { if let Some(task) = self.model.tasks.get_mut(index.current_index()) {; } // We don't technically need to send an event, because gtk::Entry updates itself // this is just to make the example consistent. let _ = sender.output(DocumentOutput::ChangedTaskName(index.current_index(), name)); } DocumentInput::AddTag(task_index, name) => { if let Some(task) = self.model.tasks.get_mut(task_index.current_index()) { task.tags.push(TagModel { name: name.clone() }) } let _ = sender.output(DocumentOutput::AddedTag(task_index.current_index(), name)); } DocumentInput::DeleteTag(task_index, tag_index) => { if let Some(task) = self.model.tasks.get_mut(task_index.current_index()) { task.tags.remove(tag_index.current_index()); } let _ = sender.output(DocumentOutput::DeletedTag( task_index.current_index(), tag_index.current_index(), )); } } } } /// The App is at the top level. /// It acts as a bridge between the view and the document, forwarding events between them. struct App { view: FactoryVecDeque, document: Controller, save_dialog: Controller, open_dialog: Controller, } #[derive(Debug)] enum AppInput { Clear, Cleared, AddTask, AddedTask, DeleteTask(DynamicIndex), DeletedTask(usize), ChangeTaskName(DynamicIndex, String), ChangedTaskName(usize, String), AddTag(DynamicIndex, String), AddedTag(usize, String), DeleteTag(DynamicIndex, DynamicIndex), DeletedTag(usize, usize), // No-op event for when load/save dialogs result in Cancel None, Open, OpenResponse(PathBuf), Save, SaveResponse(PathBuf), } #[relm4::component] impl SimpleComponent for App { type Init = (); type Input = AppInput; type Output = (); view! { main_window = gtk::ApplicationWindow { set_width_request: 360, set_title: Some("Tasks"), gtk::Box { set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Vertical, gtk::HeaderBar { set_show_title_buttons: false, #[wrap(Some)] set_title_widget = >k::Label { set_text: "" }, pack_start = >k::Button { set_icon_name: icon_names::PLUS, set_tooltip: "Add Task", connect_clicked[sender] => move |_| { sender.input(AppInput::AddTask); } }, pack_end = >k::Button { set_label: "Save", connect_clicked => AppInput::Save, }, pack_end = >k::Button { set_label: "Open", connect_clicked => AppInput::Open, }, }, gtk::ScrolledWindow { set_hscrollbar_policy: gtk::PolicyType::Never, set_min_content_height: 360, set_vexpand: true, #[local_ref] task_list_box -> gtk::ListBox { set_selection_mode: gtk::SelectionMode::None, } }, gtk::Box { set_hexpand: true, set_spacing: DEFAULT_SPACING, set_orientation: gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, gtk::Label { set_text: "Press Enter after editing task names", set_hexpand: true, set_xalign: XALIGN_CENTER, }, gtk::Button { set_icon_name: icon_names::DELETE_FILLED, set_tooltip: "Delete All Tasks", add_css_class: CSS_CLASS_DESTRUCTIVE_ACTION, connect_clicked[sender] => move |_| { sender.input(AppInput::Clear); } } } } } } fn update(&mut self, msg: AppInput, _sender: ComponentSender) { match msg { AppInput::Clear => { self.document.emit(DocumentInput::Clear); } AppInput::Cleared => { self.view.guard().clear(); } AppInput::AddTask => { self.document.emit(DocumentInput::AddTask); } AppInput::AddedTask => { self.view.guard().push_back(()); } AppInput::DeleteTask(index) => { self.document.emit(DocumentInput::DeleteTask(index)); } AppInput::DeletedTask(index) => { self.view.guard().remove(index); } AppInput::ChangeTaskName(index, name) => { self.document .emit(DocumentInput::ChangeTaskName(index, name)); } AppInput::ChangedTaskName(index, name) => { self.view.guard().send(index, TaskInput::ChangedName(name)); } AppInput::AddTag(index, name) => { self.document.emit(DocumentInput::AddTag(index, name)); } AppInput::AddedTag(index, name) => { self.view.guard().send(index, TaskInput::AddedTag(name)); } AppInput::DeleteTag(task_index, tag_index) => { self.document .emit(DocumentInput::DeleteTag(task_index, tag_index)); } AppInput::DeletedTag(task_index, tag_index) => { self.view .guard() .send(task_index, TaskInput::DeletedTag(tag_index)); } AppInput::None => {} AppInput::Save => { let name = "tasks.json".into(); self.save_dialog.emit(SaveDialogMsg::SaveAs(name)); } AppInput::SaveResponse(path) => { self.document.emit(DocumentInput::Save(path)); } AppInput::Open => { self.open_dialog.emit(OpenDialogMsg::Open); } AppInput::OpenResponse(path) => { self.document.emit(DocumentInput::Open(path)); } } } fn init( _: Self::Init, root: Self::Root, sender: ComponentSender, ) -> ComponentParts { let view = FactoryVecDeque::builder() .launch_default() .forward(sender.input_sender(), |msg| match msg { TaskOutput::Delete(index) => AppInput::DeleteTask(index), TaskOutput::Name(index, name) => AppInput::ChangeTaskName(index, name), TaskOutput::AddTag(index, name) => AppInput::AddTag(index, name), TaskOutput::DeleteTag(task_index, tag_index) => { AppInput::DeleteTag(task_index, tag_index) } }); let document = Document::builder() .launch(()) .forward(sender.input_sender(), |msg| match msg { DocumentOutput::Cleared => AppInput::Cleared, DocumentOutput::DeletedTask(index) => AppInput::DeletedTask(index), DocumentOutput::DeletedTag(task_index, tag_index) => { AppInput::DeletedTag(task_index, tag_index) } DocumentOutput::AddedTask => AppInput::AddedTask, DocumentOutput::AddedTag(index, name) => AppInput::AddedTag(index, name), DocumentOutput::ChangedTaskName(index, name) => { AppInput::ChangedTaskName(index, name) } }); let save_dialog = SaveDialog::builder() .transient_for_native(&root) .launch(SaveDialogSettings { create_folders: true, accept_label: "Save".into(), cancel_label: "Cancel".into(), is_modal: true, filters: tasks_filename_filters(), }) .forward(sender.input_sender(), |response| match response { SaveDialogResponse::Accept(path) => AppInput::SaveResponse(path), SaveDialogResponse::Cancel => AppInput::None, }); let open_dialog = OpenDialog::builder() .transient_for_native(&root) .launch(OpenDialogSettings { create_folders: false, folder_mode: false, cancel_label: "Cancel".into(), accept_label: "Open".into(), is_modal: true, filters: tasks_filename_filters(), }) .forward(sender.input_sender(), |response| match response { OpenDialogResponse::Accept(path) => AppInput::OpenResponse(path), OpenDialogResponse::Cancel => AppInput::None, }); let app = App { view, document, open_dialog, save_dialog, }; let task_list_box = app.view.widget(); let widgets = view_output!(); ComponentParts { model: app, widgets, } } } fn tasks_filename_filters() -> Vec { let filename_filter = gtk::FileFilter::default(); filename_filter.set_name(Some("JSON (.json)")); filename_filter.add_suffix("json"); vec![filename_filter] } /// /// This example demonstrates how to interact with persistent state in a Relm4 app, using Relm4's /// one-way event-based data flow. /// /// Events bubble up from view components to the top level, where they are forwarded down into the /// document which persists them. When the persistent data model is changed, the document bubbles /// events back up to the top level, where they are forwarded back down to the relevant view. /// /// In an app with persistent state, view Components do not update their own view state as soon as /// changes happen. Instead, an Inversion Of Control is used. They forward the change as an output /// event (which goes up the view hierarchy), and trust that the persistent state store (the /// document) will call them back with the relevant view state update later. /// /// (This is the difference between e.g. the `AddTag` event (view -> document) which expresses the /// change we would like to persist, and the `AddedTag` event (document -> view) which contains the /// persistent change that has actually happened.) /// fn main() { let app = RelmApp::new("relm4.example.state_management"); relm4_icons::initialize_icons();; }