# `remedy`
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## Getting Started
- Install [`cargo`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html)
- Ensure `~/.cargo/bin` is in the `PATH` environment variable.
- Install [`remedy`](https://crates.io/crates/remedy) (`cargo install remedy`)
- Make a workspace directory (`mkdir ~/workspace && cd "$_"`)
- Create a document (`echo "• b89a01bc ·A·Hello· ·B·World·\!" > test.rem`)
- Create a deck from this document (`remedy deck add test.rem`)
- Initialise a session with all decks (`remedy session initialize`)
- Start learning the cards in this session (`remedy session learn`)
### What's going on?
- A document contains many *rems* - a syntax that can generate cards.
- A rem begins with a bullet `•` followed by an ID of eight hex characters, and contains some text that can optionally be *closed* - this is the text that you want to learn.
- Closed text belongs to a group and is defined by `···`.
- The group may be specified as an ancestor's group by prefixing the group with multiple `^` characters.
- Implements the simple yet effective [SM2 Algorithm](https://www.supermemo.com/en/blog/application-of-a-computer-to-improve-the-results-obtained-in-working-with-the-supermemo-method).
- Assess your retention of the card after viewing the answer.
- On quitting the program, the session is saved.