# GRU : G Rename Utility
A **CLI tool** to batch rename files in the provided directory
# Key features
- **Backup file generated after every use**
- **Avoids cycles**
- **dry-run flag to preview changes**
- **Detects and uses the correct padding for numbering**
- **Ignore/Include hidden files**
- **Random order**
- **Target only one extension**
- **Append CRC32 checksum in Hexadecimal at the end of each file name**
- **Replace extension**
- **Replace n or all occurrences of a string**
- **Convert Unicode to ASCII representation**
- **All the basic stuff like clear original names, numbering, add prefix, remove n first...**
- **Linux and Windows are supported, it should also work on macOS, but I can't test**
# Install
- **using cargo** : `cargo install rename-gru`
- or build from source `git clone https://github.com/G1ya777/GRU && cd GRU` then `cargo build`
- on Arch Linux install from the AUR the package `rename-gru-git`
# Usage examples
- **Example file tree**
├── audios
│ ├── hit.mp3
│ ├── other.mp3
│ ├── song.mp3
│ └── test.mp3
├── images
│ ├── image.png
│ ├── img1.png
│ ├── img2.png
│ └── otherimg.png
├── other
│ ├── data
│ │ └── somefile
│ ├── file
│ └── video.mp4
└── videos
├── file1.mkv
├── file2.mkv
├── file.mkv
└── other_video.mkv
- **`rename-gru --clear --main-filename " - main - " --prefix "prefix" -suffix " - suffix" --numbering ./other`**
data -------> prefix - main - 1 - suffix
file -------> prefix - main - 2 - suffix
video.mp4 -------> prefix - main - 3 - suffix.mp4
- **rename video files, add tags at the end**
`rename-gru ./videos --clear --prefix "MTVS" --numbering --suffix "[AWSMUploader] [1080P]""`
file.mkv -------> MTVS1[AWSMUploader] [1080P].mkv
file1.mkv -------> MTVS2[AWSMUploader] [1080P].mkv
file2.mkv -------> MTVS3[AWSMUploader] [1080P].mkv
other_video.mkv -------> MTVS4[AWSMUploader] [1080P].mkv
- **rename background files, use random ordering**
`rename-gru ./images --clear --prefix "bg" --numbering --sort-by 3`
image.png -------> bg1.png
img2.png -------> bg2.png
otherimg.png -------> bg3.png
img1.png -------> bg4.png
- **keep title and add numbering at the start of the file**
`rename-gru ./images --main-filename " - " -B --numbering -b --sort-by 3`
image.png -------> 1 - image.png
otherimg.png -------> 2 - otherimg.png
img2.png -------> 3 - img2.png
img1.png -------> 4 - img1.png
- **rename .mp4 file only**
`rename-gru ./other --clear --prefix "my_video" --numbering --sort-by 3 -t ".mp4"`
video.mp4 -------> my_video1.mp4
- **rename folders only**
`rename-gru ./other --only-folders -n`
data -------> data1
- **append CRC32 checksum at the end of each filename**
`rename-gru --crc ./videos`
file.mkv -------> file [AA98C6D9].mkv
file1.mkv -------> file1 [26022818].mkv
file2.mkv -------> file2 [1B5BD171].mkv
other_video.mkv -------> other_video [23233DEC].mkv
- **restore original file names**
`rename-gru ./videos --restore "./videos/grubcp-2023-10-22-18-17-23.json"`
# Usage
A CLI tool to batch rename files in the provided directory
Usage: rename-gru [OPTIONS] [LOCATION]
[LOCATION] location of the files to rename (defaults to the current location)
-c, --clear
use if you wanna clear the original titles and start naming from scratch (the extension will be kept)
-p, --prefix
Prefix to add for the naming
-s, --suffix
Suffix to add for the naming
-m, --main-filename
add a main filename (when --clear isn't used it is added after the original filename)
add the main filename before the original filename when --clear isn't used
-n, --numbering
Add numbering
specify padding for numbering, use --no-pad to disable (defaults to number of digits of number of files - 1)
-b, --before-main-name
numbering position, can be before main_filename or after main_filename (default)
custom numbering start (default is 1)
add crc32 checksum in hex at the end each filename (folders won't be renamed if this option is used)
replace old String with a new one
-e, --extension-replace-by
replace the extension of the original title of all files with a new one (eg: .mp3) (also use -t to target files with a certain extension)
how to sort files, default is 0 (by name), 1 is by modification date, 2 for date created, 3 for random
set file sort to descending
only modify files and don't modify folders
only modify folders and don't modify files
-f, --first-n-remove
remove the first n characters from the original title
-l, --last-n-remove
remove the last n characters from the original title
-r, --remove-all
remove all occurrences of a string from the original title
remove n occurrences of a string (defaults to 1) from the original title (use --times to specify the number)
use with remove_n to specify a number of occurrences to remove
-t, --target-extension
apply renaming only to files ending with provided extension (eg : .jpg)
disable backing up the original filenames
disable temporary renaming (used to avoid cycles)
also rename hidden files (turn off by default)
convert utf-8 to ascii
use to preview file names, w/o writing
perform rename w/o asking for y/n
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
# Found a bug or want a new feature ?
- **[Issues](https://github.com/G1ya777/GRU/issues/new)**
- any help would be appreciated.