from __future__ import annotations import sys import typing as t from itertools import groupby import typing_extensions as te from rene import (MIN_CONTOUR_VERTICES_COUNT, Location, Orientation, hints) class Ordered(te.Protocol): def __lt__(self, other: te.Self, /) -> bool: ... _OrderedT = t.TypeVar('_OrderedT', bound=Ordered) _T = t.TypeVar('_T') def all_same(iterable: t.Iterable[t.Any]) -> bool: iterator = iter(iterable) try: value = next(iterator) except StopIteration: return True else: return all(candidate is value for candidate in iterator) def are_contour_vertices_non_degenerate( vertices: t.Sequence[hints.Point[hints.Scalar]], / ) -> bool: return (all(orient(vertices[index - 1], vertices[index], vertices[index + 1]) is not Orientation.COLLINEAR for index in range(1, len(vertices) - 1)) and (len(vertices) <= MIN_CONTOUR_VERTICES_COUNT or ((orient(vertices[-2], vertices[-1], vertices[0]) is not Orientation.COLLINEAR) and (orient(vertices[-1], vertices[0], vertices[1]) is not Orientation.COLLINEAR)))) def do_boxes_have_common_area( first: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], second: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], / ) -> bool: return not first.disjoint_with(second) and not first.touches(second) def do_boxes_have_no_common_area( first: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], second: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], / ) -> bool: return first.disjoint_with(second) or first.touches(second) def do_boxes_have_common_continuum( first: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], second: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], / ) -> bool: return (not first.disjoint_with(second) and (not first.touches(second) or (first.min_y != second.max_y and second.min_y != first.max_y) or (first.min_x != second.max_x and second.min_x != first.max_x))) def do_boxes_have_no_common_continuum( first: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], second: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], / ) -> bool: return (first.disjoint_with(second) or (first.touches(second) and (first.min_y == second.max_y or second.min_y == first.max_y) and (first.min_x == second.max_x or second.min_x == first.max_x))) def ceil_log2(number: int, /) -> int: return number.bit_length() - (not (number & (number - 1))) def collect_maybe_empty_polygons( polygons: t.Sequence[hints.Polygon[hints.Scalar]], empty_cls: t.Type[hints.Empty[hints.Scalar]], multipolygon_cls: t.Type[hints.Multipolygon[hints.Scalar]], / ) -> t.Union[ hints.Empty[hints.Scalar], hints.Multipolygon[hints.Scalar], hints.Polygon[hints.Scalar] ]: return (collect_non_empty_polygons(polygons, multipolygon_cls) if polygons else empty_cls()) def collect_maybe_empty_segments( segments: t.Sequence[hints.Segment[hints.Scalar]], empty_cls: t.Type[hints.Empty[hints.Scalar]], multisegment_cls: t.Type[hints.Multisegment[hints.Scalar]], / ) -> t.Union[ hints.Empty[hints.Scalar], hints.Multisegment[hints.Scalar], hints.Segment[hints.Scalar] ]: return (collect_non_empty_segments(segments, multisegment_cls) if segments else empty_cls()) def collect_non_empty_polygons( polygons: t.Sequence[hints.Polygon[hints.Scalar]], multipolygon_cls: t.Type[hints.Multipolygon[hints.Scalar]], / ) -> t.Union[hints.Multipolygon[hints.Scalar], hints.Polygon[hints.Scalar]]: assert len(polygons) >= 1 return polygons[0] if len(polygons) == 1 else multipolygon_cls(polygons) def collect_non_empty_segments( segments: t.Sequence[hints.Segment[hints.Scalar]], multisegment_cls: t.Type[hints.Multisegment[hints.Scalar]], / ) -> t.Union[hints.Multisegment[hints.Scalar], hints.Segment[hints.Scalar]]: assert len(segments) >= 1 return segments[0] if len(segments) == 1 else multisegment_cls(segments) def cross_multiply(first_start: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], first_end: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], second_start: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], second_end: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], /) -> hints.Scalar: return ((first_end.x - first_start.x) * (second_end.y - second_start.y) - (first_end.y - first_start.y) * (second_end.x - second_start.x)) def deduplicate(values: t.List[_T], /) -> t.List[_T]: return [value for value, _ in groupby(values)] def flags_to_false_indices(flags: t.Sequence[bool], /) -> t.List[int]: return [index for index, flag in enumerate(flags) if not flag] def flags_to_true_indices(flags: t.Sequence[bool], /) -> t.List[int]: return [index for index, flag in enumerate(flags) if flag] def square(value: hints.Scalar, /) -> hints.Scalar: return value * value def to_segments_intersection_point(first_start: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], first_end: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], second_start: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], second_end: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], /) -> hints.Point[hints.Scalar]: scale = to_segments_intersection_scale(first_start, first_end, second_start, second_end) return type(first_start)( first_start.x + (first_end.x - first_start.x) * scale, first_start.y + (first_end.y - first_start.y) * scale ) def to_segments_intersection_scale(first_start: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], first_end: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], second_start: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], second_end: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], /) -> hints.Scalar: return (cross_multiply(first_start, second_start, second_start, second_end) / cross_multiply(first_start, first_end, second_start, second_end)) def is_even(value: int, /) -> bool: return value & 1 == 0 def is_odd(value: int, /) -> bool: return value & 1 == 1 def locate_point_in_point_point_point_circle(point: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], first: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], second: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], third: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], /) -> Location: first_dx, first_dy = first.x - point.x, first.y - point.y second_dx, second_dy = second.x - point.x, second.y - point.y third_dx, third_dy = third.x - point.x, third.y - point.y raw = to_sign(((first_dx * first_dx + first_dy * first_dy) * (second_dx * third_dy - second_dy * third_dx)) - ((second_dx * second_dx + second_dy * second_dy) * (first_dx * third_dy - first_dy * third_dx)) + ((third_dx * third_dx + third_dy * third_dy) * (first_dx * second_dy - first_dy * second_dx))) return (Location.BOUNDARY if raw == 0 else (Location.INTERIOR if raw > 0 else Location.EXTERIOR)) def locate_point_in_region( border: hints.Contour[hints.Scalar], point: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], / ) -> Location: is_point_inside = False point_y = point.y for edge in border.segments: end, start = edge.end, edge.start if locate_point_in_segment(start, end, point) is Location.BOUNDARY: return Location.BOUNDARY if ((start.y > point_y) is not (end.y > point_y) and ((end.y > start.y) is (orient(start, end, point) is Orientation.COUNTERCLOCKWISE))): is_point_inside = not is_point_inside return Location.INTERIOR if is_point_inside else Location.EXTERIOR def locate_point_in_segment(start: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], end: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], point: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], /) -> Location: return (Location.BOUNDARY if (start == point or end == point or ((start.x <= point.x <= end.x if start.x <= end.x else end.x < point.x < start.x) and (start.y <= point.y <= end.y if start.y <= end.y else end.y < point.y < start.y) and orient(start, end, point) is Orientation.COLLINEAR)) else Location.EXTERIOR) def merge_boxes(boxes: t.Iterable[hints.Box[hints.Scalar]], /) -> hints.Box[hints.Scalar]: boxes_iterator = iter(boxes) first_box = next(boxes_iterator) max_x, min_x = first_box.max_x, first_box.min_x max_y, min_y = first_box.max_y, first_box.min_y for box in boxes_iterator: if box.max_x > max_x: max_x = box.max_x if box.min_x < min_x: min_x = box.min_x if box.max_y > max_y: max_y = box.max_y if box.min_y < min_y: min_y = box.min_y return type(first_box)(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y) def orient(vertex: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], first_ray_point: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], second_ray_point: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], /) -> Orientation: raw = to_sign(cross_multiply(vertex, first_ray_point, vertex, second_ray_point)) return (Orientation.COLLINEAR if raw == 0 else (Orientation.COUNTERCLOCKWISE if raw > 0 else Orientation.CLOCKWISE)) def permute(values: t.MutableSequence[_T], seed: int, /) -> None: """ Based on "Ranking and unranking permutations in linear time" by W. Myrvold, F. Ruskey Time complexity: O(values.len()) Memory complexity: O(1) More at: """ for step in range(len(values), 0, -1): values[seed % step], values[step - 1] = (values[step - 1], values[seed % step]) seed //= step def point_vertex_line_divides_angle( point: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], vertex: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], first_ray_point: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], second_ray_point: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], / ) -> bool: return (orient(vertex, first_ray_point, point) is orient(vertex, point, second_ray_point)) def polygon_to_correctly_oriented_segments( polygon: hints.Polygon[hints.Scalar], segment_cls: t.Type[hints.Segment[hints.Scalar]] ) -> t.Iterable[hints.Segment[hints.Scalar]]: yield from to_oriented_segments(polygon.border.vertices, Orientation.COUNTERCLOCKWISE, segment_cls) for hole in polygon.holes: yield from to_oriented_segments(hole.vertices, Orientation.CLOCKWISE, segment_cls) def polygon_to_segments_count(polygon: hints.Polygon[hints.Scalar], /) -> int: return len(polygon.border.segments) + sum(len(hole.segments) for hole in polygon.holes) def rotate_sequence(value: t.Sequence[_T]) -> t.List[_T]: return [value[0], *value[:0:-1]] def shrink_collinear_vertices( vertices: t.Sequence[hints.Point[hints.Scalar]], / ) -> t.List[hints.Point[hints.Scalar]]: assert len(vertices) >= MIN_CONTOUR_VERTICES_COUNT result = [vertices[0]] for index in range(1, len(vertices) - 1): if (orient(result[-1], vertices[index], vertices[index + 1]) is not Orientation.COLLINEAR): result.append(vertices[index]) if (orient(result[-1], vertices[-1], result[0]) is not Orientation.COLLINEAR): result.append(vertices[-1]) return result def to_arg_min(values: t.Sequence[_OrderedT], /) -> int: return min(range(len(values)), key=values.__getitem__) def to_boxes_have_common_area( boxes: t.Sequence[hints.Box[hints.Scalar]], target_box: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], / ) -> t.List[bool]: return [do_boxes_have_common_area(box, target_box) for box in boxes] def to_boxes_have_common_continuum( boxes: t.Sequence[hints.Box[hints.Scalar]], target_box: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], / ) -> t.List[bool]: return [do_boxes_have_common_continuum(box, target_box) for box in boxes] def to_boxes_ids_with_common_area( boxes: t.Iterable[hints.Box[hints.Scalar]], target_box: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], / ) -> t.List[int]: return [box_id for box_id, box in enumerate(boxes) if do_boxes_have_common_area(box, target_box)] def to_boxes_ids_with_common_continuum( boxes: t.Iterable[hints.Box[hints.Scalar]], target_box: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], / ) -> t.List[int]: return [box_id for box_id, box in enumerate(boxes) if do_boxes_have_common_continuum(box, target_box)] def to_boxes_ids_with_intersection( boxes: t.Iterable[hints.Box[hints.Scalar]], target_box: hints.Box[hints.Scalar], / ) -> t.List[int]: return [box_id for box_id, box in enumerate(boxes) if not box.disjoint_with(target_box)] def to_contour_orientation(vertices: t.Sequence[hints.Point[hints.Scalar]], min_vertex_index: int, /) -> Orientation: return orient(vertices[min_vertex_index - 1], vertices[min_vertex_index], vertices[(min_vertex_index + 1) % len(vertices)]) def to_contour_segments(vertices: t.Sequence[hints.Point[hints.Scalar]], segment_cls: t.Type[hints.Segment[hints.Scalar]], /) -> t.List[hints.Segment[hints.Scalar]]: result = [segment_cls(vertices[index], vertices[index + 1]) for index in range(len(vertices) - 1)] result.append(segment_cls(vertices[-1], vertices[0])) return result def to_oriented_segments(vertices: t.Sequence[hints.Point[hints.Scalar]], target_orientation: Orientation, segment_cls: t.Type[hints.Segment[hints.Scalar]], /) -> t.List[hints.Segment[hints.Scalar]]: return to_contour_segments( vertices if (to_contour_orientation(vertices, to_arg_min(vertices)) is target_orientation) else rotate_sequence(vertices), segment_cls ) def to_sign(value: t.Any, /) -> int: return 1 if value > 0 else (-1 if value else 0) def to_sorted_pair( first: _OrderedT, second: _OrderedT, / ) -> t.Tuple[_OrderedT, _OrderedT]: return (first, second) if first < second else (second, first) def validate_seed( seed: t.Any, _max_usize_value: int = (sys.maxsize << 1) + 1, / ) -> None: error_type: t.Type[Exception] if not isinstance(seed, int): error_type = TypeError elif seed < 0: error_type = ValueError elif seed > _max_usize_value: error_type = OverflowError else: return raise error_type('Seed should be an integer ' f'from range({0}, {_max_usize_value}), but got "{seed}".') def subtract_segments_overlap( minuend_start: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], minuend_end: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], subtrahend_start: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], subtrahend_end: hints.Point[hints.Scalar], / ) -> t.Tuple[hints.Point[hints.Scalar], hints.Point[hints.Scalar]]: minuend_start, minuend_end = to_sorted_pair(minuend_start, minuend_end) subtrahend_start, subtrahend_end = to_sorted_pair(subtrahend_start, subtrahend_end) return ((subtrahend_end, minuend_end) if subtrahend_start < minuend_start < subtrahend_end else (minuend_start, subtrahend_start))