use std::time::Instant; use renoir::prelude::*; use rand::prelude::*; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: mimalloc::MiMalloc = mimalloc::MiMalloc; const INIT: i64 = 6_000_000; const HOP: i64 = 1_000_000; fn main() { env_logger::init(); let (config, args) = RuntimeConfig::from_args(); // command-line args: numbers of nodes and edges in the random graph. let nodes: u64 = args[0].parse().unwrap(); let edges: u64 = args[1].parse().unwrap(); let max_iter: usize = 10000; config.spawn_remote_workers(); let env = StreamContext::new(config); let source = env .stream_par_iter(move |index, peers| { let mut rng1: SmallRng = SeedableRng::seed_from_u64(index); (0..(edges / peers)).map(move |_| (rng1.gen_range(0..nodes), rng1.gen_range(0..nodes))) }) .batch_mode(BatchMode::fixed(1024)); let mut split = source.split(2); let adj_list = split .pop() .unwrap() .group_by(|(x, _y)| *x) .fold(Vec::new(), |edges, (_x, y)| edges.push(y)) .unkey(); let init = split .pop() .unwrap() .flat_map(|(x, y)| [x, y]) .group_by_fold(|x| *x, (), |_, _| (), |_, _| ()) .unkey() .left_join(adj_list, |x| x.0, |x| x.0) .map(|(_, (_, vec))| (INIT,|(_, v)| v).unwrap_or_default())); let out = init.delta_iterate( max_iter, |_, (rank, _), delta_rank| *rank += delta_rank, |x, (rank, adj_list)| { let mut update = Vec::with_capacity(adj_list.len() + 1); if !adj_list.is_empty() { let degree = adj_list.len() as i64; let new_share = (*rank * 5) / (6 * degree); for adj in adj_list { update.push((*adj, new_share)); } } update.push((*x, HOP - *rank)); update }, |_, (rank, _)| rank, |u| *u != 0, move |s| s.flatten().drop_key().group_by_sum(|(x, _)| *x, |x| x.1), ); out.for_each(|x| { println!("{}:{}", x.0, x.1); core::hint::black_box(x); }); let start = Instant::now(); env.execute_blocking(); let elapsed = start.elapsed(); eprintln!("Elapsed {elapsed:?}"); }