use std::time::Instant; use regex::Regex; use renoir::prelude::*; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: mimalloc::MiMalloc = mimalloc::MiMalloc; // /// Simpler alternative tokenization // fn tokenize(s: &str) -> Vec { // s.split_whitespace().map(str::to_lowercase).collect() // } #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))] fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let (config, args) = RuntimeConfig::from_args(); if args.len() != 1 { panic!("Pass the dataset path as an argument"); } let path = &args[0]; config.spawn_remote_workers(); let env = StreamContext::new(config); let source = FileSource::new(path); let tokenizer = Tokenizer::new(); let result = env .stream(source) .batch_mode(BatchMode::fixed(1024)) .flat_map(move |line| tokenizer.tokenize(line)) .group_by(|word| word.clone()) .fold(0, |count, _word| *count += 1) .collect_vec(); let start = Instant::now(); env.execute_blocking(); let elapsed = start.elapsed(); if let Some(_res) = result.get() { eprintln!("Output: {:?}", _res.len()); println!("{elapsed:?}"); } } #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] #[tokio::main()] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let (config, args) = RuntimeConfig::from_args(); if args.len() != 1 { panic!("Pass the dataset path as an argument"); } let path = &args[0]; config.spawn_remote_workers(); let env = StreamContext::new(config); let source = FileSource::new(path); let tokenizer = Tokenizer::new(); let result = env .stream(source) .batch_mode(BatchMode::fixed(1024)) .flat_map(move |line| tokenizer.tokenize(line)) .group_by(|word| word.clone()) .fold(0, |count, _word| *count += 1) .collect_vec(); let start = Instant::now(); env.execute().await; let elapsed = start.elapsed(); if let Some(_res) = result.get() { eprintln!("Output: {:?}", _res.len()); println!("{:?}", elapsed); } } #[derive(Clone)] struct Tokenizer { re: Regex, } impl Tokenizer { fn new() -> Self { Self { re: Regex::new(r"[A-Za-z]+").unwrap(), } } fn tokenize(&self, value: String) -> Vec { .find_iter(&value) .map(|t| t.as_str().to_lowercase()) .collect() } }