# Renom Renom is a simple program that allows you to rename your Unreal Engine projects. It handles both Blueprint-only and C++ projects, in accordance with the guidelines set forth [here](https://unrealistic.dev/posts/rename-your-project-including-code). ```shell > renom wizard [ Welcome to Renom ] > Choose a workflow: Rename a project > Project root directory path: LyraStarterGame > Provide a new name for the project: SpyroStarterGame ( apply ) set [URL] GameName = SpyroStarterGame in config file LyraStarterGame\Config/DefaultEngine.ini ( apply ) set [/Script/EngineSettings.GeneralProjectSettings] ProjectName = SpyroStarterGame in config file LyraStarterGame\Config/DefaultGame.ini ( apply ) rename file LyraStarterGame\LyraStarterGame.uproject to LyraStarterGame\SpyroStarterGame.uproject ( apply ) rename file LyraStarterGame to SpyroStarterGame [ Success ] Successfully renamed project LyraStarterGame to SpyroStarterGame. ``` Among other things, Renom: - Provides workflows to rename projects, plugins, targets, and modules - Detects project name, targets, modules, and other metadata - Updates target, build, config, and source files - Creates backups of all affected files to prevent data loss - Supports consecutive renames ## Installation You can install Renom either by downloading the binary release or by using the Cargo package manager. ### Binary Simply download the latest release [here](https://github.com/UnrealisticDev/Renom/releases) and put the executable (_.exe_) on your system PATH. ### Cargo Renom is written in Rust, and Cargo is the package manager for Rust. Install the Rust toolchain, which includes Cargo, by following the instructions [here](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). Once Cargo is installed, run the following command to install Renom: ```shell cargo install renom ``` This will pull and build Renom directly from [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/renom). If the build is successful, you should be able to find the installed executable at _C:/Users/{User}/.cargo/bin/renom.exe_. ## Usage Run the following command to see available options: ```shell renom ``` To start an interactive session, run the following command instead: ```shell renom wizard ```