use std::collections::VecDeque; use repath::graph::Graph; use repath::settings::RePathSettings; use repath::utils::parse_obj; use dashmap::DashMap; #[test] fn test_pathfinding_connected_nodes() { let settings = RePathSettings { navmesh_filename: "NavMesh.obj".to_string(), precompute_radius: 5000.0, total_precompute_pairs: 100, use_precomputed_cache: true, }; // Parse the navmesh file into a graph let graph = parse_obj(&settings.navmesh_filename); // Initialize the cache using DashMap for concurrent access let cache = DashMap::new(); // Find connected nodes let (start_node_id, goal_node_id) = find_connected_nodes(&graph).expect("No connected nodes found"); // Print node information for debugging println!( "Start node ID: {}, Position: {:?}", start_node_id, graph.nodes[start_node_id] ); println!( "Goal node ID: {}, Position: {:?}", goal_node_id, graph.nodes[goal_node_id] ); // Run the A* algorithm to find a path between the start and goal nodes let path = graph.a_star(start_node_id, goal_node_id, &cache); // Assert that a path was found assert!(path.is_some(), "No path found between start and goal nodes"); } fn find_connected_nodes(graph: &Graph) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { for start_node_id in 0..graph.nodes.len() { for goal_node_id in (start_node_id + 1)..graph.nodes.len() { if are_nodes_connected(graph, start_node_id, goal_node_id) { return Some((start_node_id, goal_node_id)); } } } None } fn are_nodes_connected(graph: &Graph, start: usize, goal: usize) -> bool { let mut visited = vec![false; graph.nodes.len()]; let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back(start); while let Some(current) = queue.pop_front() { if current == goal { return true; } if visited[current] { continue; } visited[current] = true; for edge in &graph.edges[current] { if !visited[] { queue.push_back(; } } } false }