//! An example of using the slightly more complicated API. extern crate repng; use repng::{Options, meta}; use std::fs::File; fn main() { let mut enc = Options::smallest(480, 360) .build(File::create("flag.png").unwrap()) .unwrap(); meta::text( &mut enc, meta::Keyword::Author, "Ram Kaniyur", ).unwrap(); let mut row = [255; 480 * 4]; for x in 0..480 { let i = x * 4; if x < 160 { row[i] = 0; } else if x < 320 { row[i + 1] = 0; } else { row[i + 2] = 0; } } for _y in 0..360 { enc.write(&row).unwrap(); } enc.finish().unwrap(); }