# repr-rs: Representation Invariants for Rust A library for representation invariants with support for automatic caching and parallelism. See https://docs.rs/repr-rs/latest/repr_rs/struct.Repr.html and https://docs.rs/repr-rs/0.3.3/repr_rs/cache/struct.CacheableRepr.html. ```rust use repr_rs::Repr; #[derive(Debug)] struct MinMax { min: i32, max: i32 } let mut repr = Repr::new( MinMax { min: 1, max: 5 }, |mm| mm.min < mm.max, ); { let view = repr.read(); assert_eq!(1, view.min); assert_eq!(5, view.max); } repr.write().min = 4; let view = repr.read(); assert_eq!(4, view.min); assert_eq!(5, view.max); ```