# reredis reredis is a reimplementation of [Redis](https://redis.io/) (server) in Rust programming language. The current equivalent version of Redis is 1.x - 2.x. It supports Linux and MacOS(it depends on Unix API like fork, so Windows version is not available now). [![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/jiahuah0077/jiahuah/_apis/build/status/huangjiahua.reredis?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/jiahuah0077/jiahuah/_build/latest?definitionId=1&branchName=master) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/reredis.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/reredis) Licensed under BSD 3-Clause. ## Building reredis reredis can be compiled on all *nix systems that supports Rust toolchain(but tested only on Linux and MacOS). It requires Rust(>= 1.37.0) to compile. To install Rust, [see this](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). The build command is ```shell %cargo build --release ``` and the executable is located at `./target/release/reredis` After building Redis, it is a good idea to test it using: ```shell %cargo test # This is unit tests ``` and ```shell %cargo test --test server_test -- --ignored --nocapture # This is integration tests ``` Alternatively, you can use the Makefile, which is just a wrapper of the former commands. ```shell %make ``` to build. ```shell %make test ``` to do all tests. ## How to use? The command is identical to Redis. Like ```shell %reredis # start on ``` and ```shell %reredis --bind --port 9090 # binds on all ip address and port 9090 ``` and ```shell %reredis example.conf # configured by example.conf ``` Other supported configuration are listed [here](./example.conf) ### Supported Commands The usage of the commands can be looked up [here](https://redis.io/commands). - get - set - setnx - del - exists - incr - decr - mget - rpush - lpush - lpop - rpop - llen - lindex - lset - lrange - ltrim - lrem - sadd - srem - smove - sismember - scard - spop - sinter - sinterstore - sunion - sunionstore - sdiff - sdiffstore - smembers - incrby - decrby - getset - randomkey - select - move - rename - renamenx - expire - keys - dbsize - auth - ping - echo - save - bgsave - shutdown - lastsave - type - sync - flushdb - flushall - sort - info - monitor - ttl - slaveof - object encoding ## Relation with Redis reredis is a reimplementation of Redis, and its protocol is compatible with Redis Protocol([RESP](https://redis.io/topics/protocol)). But the current version of `.rdb` file is not compatible with Redis, because the format of `ziplist` and `intset` is slightly different. I'm still working on it. ## Clients Since the protocal is compatible with Redis. All clients of Redis can be used with reredis, like [redis-rs](https://github.com/mitsuhiko/redis-rs) in Rust. There is currently on implementation of `redis-cli` in my project, but I'm working on it.