#![allow(unused)] #![allow(dead_code)] #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate env_logger; extern crate redis; #[global_allocator] static A: Zalloc = Zalloc; mod common; use reredis::env::*; use reredis::oom::oom; use reredis::zalloc::Zalloc; use threadpool::ThreadPool; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; use std::sync::mpsc; use std::thread; use std::fmt; use std::io::Write; use common::*; use std::error::Error; use redis::Commands; use rand::Rng; const ADDR: &str = "redis://"; trait TestInputData {} impl TestInputData for () {} type TestResult = Result<(), Box>; type TestFunction = fn(input: Box) -> TestResult; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct TestCase { name: &'static str, func: TestFunction, } #[derive(Debug)] struct ReturnError { expected: String, real: String, } impl fmt::Display for ReturnError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "Expected: {}\n\ Real: {}", self.expected, self.real) } } impl Error for ReturnError {} #[test] #[ignore] fn test_main() { test_init_logger(); let pool = ThreadPool::new(4); // start running reredis server in a separated thread let handle: thread::JoinHandle<()> = thread::spawn(|| { let mut config = Config::new(); config.db_filename = "__temp_reredis_test_rdb_file.trdb".to_string(); let mut env = Env::new(&config); env.server.clean_rdb = true; env.init_server(); if let Err(_) = env.create_first_file_event() { oom("creating file event"); } env.ae_main(); }); // waiting for the server to start sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)); let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel::(); // start running tests concurrently for test in TEST_CASES.iter().cloned() { let s = sender.clone(); pool.execute(move || { let r = (test.func)(Box::new(())); if let Err(e) = r { // send error to main thread s.send(format!("\n{}: \n{}\n", test.name, e.to_string())); } else { error!("{} .. ok", test.name); } }); if let Ok(err) = receiver.try_recv() { panic!("{}", err); } } pool.join(); eprintln!("ADMIN: wait for error for 3 seconds"); if let Ok(err) = receiver.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(3)) { panic!("{}", err); } eprintln!("ADMIN: no error detected, all tests are passed"); pool.execute(shutdown); let _ = handle.join(); } const TEST_CASES: &'static [TestCase] = &[ TestCase { name: "ping server", func: test_ping }, TestCase { name: "simple set and get", func: test_simple_set_and_get }, TestCase { name: "simple del", func: test_simple_del }, TestCase { name: "simple incr and decr", func: test_simple_incr_decr }, TestCase { name: "simple mget", func: test_simple_mget }, TestCase { name: "simple list push and pop", func: test_simple_list_push_pop }, TestCase { name: "simple sort", func: test_simple_sort }, ]; // simple tests fn test_ping(_input: Box) -> TestResult { error!("ready to ping"); let mut con = establish()?; let ret: String = redis::cmd("PING").query(&mut con)?; compare("PONG".to_string(), ret) } fn test_simple_set_and_get(_input: Box) -> TestResult { error!("ready to set and get"); let mut con = establish()?; let ret: String = con.set("_key", "_value")?; compare("OK".to_string(), ret)?; let ret: String = con.get("_key")?; compare("_value".to_string(), ret)?; let ret: i64 = con.set_nx("_key", "_value")?; compare_i64(0, ret)?; let ret: Option = con.get("_not_exist")?; is_nil(ret)?; Ok(()) } fn test_simple_del(_input: Box) -> TestResult { error!("ready to set and del"); let mut con = establish()?; let ret: String = con.set("_to_be_deleted", "0")?; compare("OK".to_string(), ret)?; let ret: i64 = con.del("_to_be_deleted")?; compare_i64(1, ret)?; let ret: i64 = con.del("_to_not_be_deleted")?; compare_i64(0, ret)?; Ok(()) } fn test_simple_incr_decr(_input: Box) -> TestResult { error!("ready to incr and decr"); let mut con = establish()?; let ret: i64 = con.incr("_counter1", 1)?; compare_i64(1, ret)?; let ret: i64 = con.incr("_counter2", -1)?; compare_i64(-1, ret)?; let ret: i64 = con.incr("_counter1", 100)?; compare_i64(101, ret)?; let ret: i64 = con.incr("_counter1", -1000)?; compare_i64(-899, ret)?; Ok(()) } fn test_simple_mget(_input: Box) -> TestResult { error!("ready to mget"); let mut con = establish()?; for j in 0..3 { let _: () = con.set(&format!("key{}", j), &j.to_string())?; } let ret: Vec> = con.get(&["key0", "key1", "key2"])?; for j in 0..3 { // TODO: change this let s = ret[j].as_ref().unwrap(); let _ = compare(j.to_string(), s.clone())?; } Ok(()) } fn test_simple_list_push_pop(_input: Box) -> TestResult { error!("ready to list push"); let mut con = establish()?; // test lpush let ret: i64 = con.lpush("_list_simple_lpush", &["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"])?; let _ = compare_i64(5, ret)?; let ret: Vec = con.lrange("_list_simple_lpush", 0, -1)?; let _ = compare_vec(vec!["5", "4", "3", "2", "1"], ret)?; // test rpush let ret: i64 = con.rpush("_list_simple_rpush", &["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"])?; let _ = compare_i64(5, ret)?; let ret: Vec = con.lrange("_list_simple_rpush", 0, -1)?; let _ = compare_vec(vec!["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], ret)?; // test lpop let ret: String = con.lpop("_list_simple_rpush")?; let _ = compare("1", ret)?; let ret: String = con.lpop("_list_simple_rpush")?; let _ = compare("2", ret)?; // test rpop let ret: String = con.rpop("_list_simple_rpush")?; let _ = compare("5", ret)?; let ret: String = con.rpop("_list_simple_rpush")?; let _ = compare("4", ret)?; let ret: i64 = con.llen("_list_simple_rpush")?; let _ = compare_i64(1, ret)?; // test pop empty let ret: Option = con.rpop("_no_such_list")?; let _ = is_nil(ret)?; let ret: Option = con.lpop("_no_such_list")?; let _ = is_nil(ret)?; // test lindex let ret: String = con.lindex("_list_simple_lpush", 0)?; let _ = compare("5", ret)?; let ret: Option = con.lindex("_list_simple_lpush", 100)?; let _ = is_nil(ret)?; Ok(()) } fn test_simple_lset(_input: Box) -> TestResult { error!("ready to lset"); let mut con = establish()?; let ret: i64 = con.rpush("_list_simple_lset", &["1", "2", "3", "4"])?; let _ = compare_i64(4, ret)?; let ret: String = con.lset("_list_simple_lset", 3, "5")?; let _ = compare("OK".to_string(), ret)?; let ret: String = con.lindex("_list_simple_lset", 3)?; let _ = compare("5", ret)?; Ok(()) } fn test_simple_sort(_input: Box) -> TestResult { error!("ready to sort"); let mut con = establish()?; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); for _ in 0..20 { let k: i64 = rng.gen(); let _ = con.lpush("_simple_sort_1", k.to_string())?; } let ret: Vec = redis::cmd("SORT").arg("_simple_sort_1").query(&mut con)?; is_sorted(&ret); Ok(()) } fn shutdown() { let mut con = establish().unwrap(); error!("Send shutdown command"); let _: redis::RedisResult<()> = redis::cmd("SHUTDOWN").query(&mut con); } fn establish() -> Result> { let client = redis::Client::open(ADDR)?; let con = client.get_connection()?; Ok(con) } fn establish_other(addr: &str) -> Result> { let client = redis::Client::open(addr)?; let con = client.get_connection()?; Ok(con) } fn compare(expected: S, real: String) -> TestResult where S: PartialEq + std::string::ToString { if expected == real { Ok(()) } else { Err(Box::new(ReturnError { expected: expected.to_string(), real, })) } } fn compare_i64(expected: i64, real: i64) -> TestResult { if expected == real { Ok(()) } else { Err(Box::new(ReturnError { expected: expected.to_string(), real: real.to_string(), })) } } fn compare_vec(expected: Vec, real: Vec) -> TestResult where S: PartialEq + std::fmt::Debug { if expected == real { Ok(()) } else { Err(Box::new(ReturnError { expected: format!("{:?}", expected), real: format!("{:?}", real), })) } } fn is_nil(real: Option) -> TestResult where T: std::fmt::Debug { if real.is_none() { Ok(()) } else { let none: Option = None; Err(Box::new(ReturnError { expected: format!("{:?}", none), real: format!("{:?}", real), })) } } fn is_sorted(v: &Vec) -> TestResult where T: std::cmp::Ord + Clone { let mut v2 = v.to_vec(); v2.sort(); match *v == v2 { true => Ok(()), false => Err(Box::new(ReturnError { expected: "sorted vec".to_string(), real: "unsorted vec".to_string(), })) } }