use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait}; use reson::{MidiEvent, Note, Portamento, Synth, SynthOpts, Tuning, Voice}; use ringbuf::HeapRb; use std::f32::consts::PI; use std::sync::mpsc; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { // A channel for sending MIDI events to the synth let (midi_tx, midi_rx) = mpsc::sync_channel::(1024); // A ring buffer for sending audio from the synth to the audio card let (mut audio_tx, mut audio_rx) = HeapRb::::new(2048).split(); // A channel for the audio card to signal that it is ready for more input let (audio_tx2, audio_rx2) = mpsc::sync_channel::<()>(0); read_midi(move |ev| { midi_tx.send(ev).ok(); }); let sample_rate = play_audio(move |buffer| { audio_rx.pop_slice(buffer); audio_tx2.try_send(()).ok(); }); let mut synth = Synth::new( SynthOpts { tuning: Tuning::concert_pitch(), max_voices: 12, max_block_size: 256, mono: false, portamento: Portamento::Off, max_pitch_bend: 2.0, }, SimpleVoice::new(), ); synth.set_sample_rate(sample_rate); const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 128; let [mut left, mut right] = [[0.0; BLOCK_SIZE]; 2]; let mut stereo = [0.0; 2 * BLOCK_SIZE]; loop { // Wait until the buffer has space while audio_tx.free_len() <= 2 * BLOCK_SIZE { audio_rx2.recv().unwrap(); } // Recieve MIDI events while let Ok(event) = midi_rx.try_recv() { synth.midi_event(event); } // Synthesise audio synth.process([&mut left, &mut right]); // Interleave and write to the ring buffer interleave_stereo(&left, &right, &mut stereo); audio_tx.push_slice(&stereo); } } fn read_midi(mut tx: impl FnMut(MidiEvent) + Send + 'static) { let mut midi_in = midir::MidiInput::new("MIDI input").unwrap(); midi_in.ignore(midir::Ignore::ActiveSense); let in_ports = midi_in.ports(); if !in_ports.is_empty() { println!("Connecting to first MIDI port."); // Create a callback to handle incoming MIDI messages let callback = move |_, message: &[u8], _: &mut ()| { if let Some(event) = MidiEvent::from_raw(message) { tx(event); } }; // Connect to the selected MIDI input port let cxn = midi_in .connect(&in_ports[0], "midi-read-connection", callback, ()) .unwrap(); // Prevent the connection from being dropped Box::leak(Box::new(cxn)); } else { println!("No MIDI input ports available. Playing generated notes."); std::thread::spawn(move || { std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); loop { let off = |note: Note| MidiEvent::NoteOff { channel: 0, note, velocity: 0, }; let on = |note: Note| MidiEvent::NoteOn { channel: 0, note, velocity: 127, }; for note in [60, 64, 67, 64] { tx(on(note)); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(250)); tx(off(note)); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(250)); } } }); } } pub fn play_audio(mut rx: impl FnMut(&mut [f32]) + Send + 'static) -> u32 { let host = cpal::default_host(); let device = host.default_output_device().unwrap(); let config = device.default_output_config().unwrap(); let sample_rate = config.sample_rate(); let stream = device .build_output_stream( &config.into(), move |data, _| rx(data), move |err| { eprintln!("an error occurred on stream: {}", err); }, None, ) .unwrap();; Box::leak(Box::new(stream)); sample_rate.0 } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct SimpleVoice { phase: f32, on: bool, amp: f32, inv_sample_rate: f32, } impl SimpleVoice { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } } impl Default for SimpleVoice { fn default() -> Self { Self { phase: 0.0, on: false, amp: 0.0, inv_sample_rate: 0.0, } } } impl Voice for SimpleVoice { fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, sample_rate: u32) { self.inv_sample_rate = (sample_rate as f32).recip(); } fn reset(&mut self) { self.phase = 0.0; self.on = false; } fn trigger(&mut self, _note: Note, _velocity: u8) { self.on = true; } fn release(&mut self) { self.on = false; } fn process(&mut self, pitch: f32, output: [&mut [f32]; 2]) -> bool { let [left, right] = output; if self.on || self.amp > 0.0 { let delta_amp = self.inv_sample_rate * 20.0 * if self.on { 1.0 } else { -1.0 }; for sample in left.iter_mut() { *sample = self.amp * (2.0 * PI * self.phase).sin(); self.phase += self.inv_sample_rate * pitch; self.phase = self.phase.fract(); self.amp = (self.amp + delta_amp).clamp(0.0, 1.0); } right.copy_from_slice(left); true } else { left.fill(0.0); right.fill(0.0); false } } } /// Interleaves the two channels of a stereo signal. pub fn interleave_stereo(left: &[f32], right: &[f32], output: &mut [f32]) { let lr = left.iter().zip(right.iter()); for (i, (&ls, &rs)) in lr.enumerate() { output[2 * i] = ls; output[2 * i + 1] = rs; } }