# This rustfmt file is added for configuration, but in practice much of our # code is hand-formatted, frequently with more readable results. # Todo: report_todo and report_fixme # Modules reorder_modules = true reorder_impl_items = true merge_derives = true # Style ## Braces brace_style = "SameLineWhere" ## Spaces tab_spaces = 4 spaces_around_ranges = false space_before_colon = false space_after_colon = true inline_attribute_width = 0 indent_style = "Block" ## Punctuation type_punctuation_density = "Wide" trailing_semicolon = true trailing_comma = "Vertical" match_block_trailing_comma = true # Function fn_single_line = false fn_args_layout = "Tall" # fn_call_width = 60 force_multiline_blocks = false # Imports reorder_imports = true imports_granularity = "Item" imports_layout = "Horizontal" imports_indent = "Block" group_imports = "StdExternalCrate" # Comments: normalize_comments = true wrap_comments = true normalize_doc_attributes = true comment_width = 100 # report_todo = "Unnumbered" # report_fixme = "Unnumbered" # Where Clauses where_single_line = false # Compatibility edition = "2018" # TODO use_field_init_shorthand = true # General max_width = 80 use_small_heuristics = "Default" overflow_delimited_expr = true blank_lines_upper_bound = 1 # Ignored ignore = [] # enum_discrim_align_threshold = 20 # struct_field_align_threshold = 20