const cp = require('child_process'); const fs = require('fs'); const prog = require('progress'); function dd(infile, outfile, bytesize) { console.log('Getting started'); var bar; var currentBytes; fs.stat(infile, function(err, stat) { if (err) return console.error('Unable to get infile stats', err.message); console.log(`moving \n\t${infile}`); console.log(`to \n\t${outfile}`); var inFileSize = stat.size; bar = new prog('Progress [:bar] :percent :current :total', { total: inFileSize, complete: '‡', incomplete: ' ' }); var dd = cp.spawn('dd', [`if=${infile}`, `of=${outfile}`, `bs=${bytesize || '1m'}`]); var interval = setInterval(function() { if (bar.complete) { clearInterval(interval) console.log('Finishing up'); } else { dd.kill('SIGINFO'); } }, 100); dd.addListener('exit', function(code, sig) { if (code == 0) { bar.tick( - bar.curr); console.log('Complete'); process.exit(); } else { console.log(`Exit with code ${code}: ${sig}`); process.exit(); } }); // TODO: Add color formatting dd.stderr.on('data', function(data) { console.log('dd.stderr.on("data", ' + data); if (typeof data != 'string') data = data.toString('utf8'); var status = parse(data); var update; if (status) { update = status - currentBytes; currentBytes = status; if (!bar.complete) bar.tick(update); } }); }); } function parse(text) { var lines = text.split('\n') var line = lines[2] if (!line) { line = lines[0] } var words = line.split(' ') return Number.parseInt(words[0]) } var ifile; var ofile; var bs; if (process.argv[2]) { ifile = process.argv[2] } else { console.error('no ifile'); process.exit(); } if (process.argv[3]) { ofile = process.argv[3] } else { console.error('no ofile'); process.exit(); } if (process.argv[4]) { bs = process.argv[4] } dd(ifile, ofile, bs); //FIXME nothing used after this var gen = function*() { yield 'one'; yield 'two'; yield 'three'; } let generator = gen(); let current =; while (!current.done) { console.log('current value:', current.value); current =; } var {a, b, c} = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};