use ress::prelude::StringLit::Single; use ress::prelude::*; use ress::tokens::InnerString; #[test] fn vue_number_error() { let js = "refElm = isUndef(newCh[newEndIdx + 1]) ? null : newCh[newEndIdx + 1].elm;"; for item in Scanner::new(js) { println!("{:?}", item); } } #[test] fn moment_regex_error() { let js = r"function removeFormattingTokens(input) { if (input.match(/\[[\s\S]/)) { return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, ''); } return input.replace(/\\/g, ''); }"; for item in Scanner::new(js) { println!("{:?}", item); } } #[test] fn number_member() { compare( "20..toString()", &[ Token::Number("20.".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::Period), Token::Ident("toString".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenParen), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseParen), ], ); } #[test] fn if_then_regex() { compare( "if (1) /a/", &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::If("If")), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenParen), Token::Number("1".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseParen), Token::RegEx(RegEx { body: "a", flags: None, }), ], ); } #[test] fn line_terminator_in_string_literal() { let js = "'
'"; for _ in Scanner::new(js) { // just testing for panics on the byte index // for now //TODO: Allow this character in string literals // as per spec under feature "json superset" } } #[test] fn lots_of_arcs() { let mut top = "".to_string(); let mut bottom = "[".to_string(); let ascii_start = 97; for i in 0..26 { let id = std::char::from_u32(ascii_start + i).unwrap(); let obj = format!("{{{}:{}}}", id, i); top.push_str(&format!("({})", obj)); if i != 25 { top.push_str(", "); } bottom.push_str(&format!("{},", obj)); } bottom.push(']'); let js = format!("{}\n\n{}", top, bottom); let s = Scanner::new(&js); for item in s { println!("{:?}", item.unwrap()); } } #[test] fn div_over_regex() { let js = "if (true) { ({} / function(){return 1}); } "; for tok in panicking_scanner(js) { eprintln!("{:?}", tok) } } #[test] fn regex_over_div() { let js = "{}/\\d/g;;"; compare( js, &[ Token::Punct(Punct::OpenBrace), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseBrace), Token::RegEx(RegEx::from_parts("\\d", Some("g"))), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), ], ); } #[test] // #[ignore = "regex needs fixing, this is a valid regex"] fn regex_over_div3() { let js = "function name(){}/\\d/g;;"; compare( js, &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::Function("function")), Token::Ident("name".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenParen), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseParen), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenBrace), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseBrace), Token::RegEx(RegEx::from_parts("\\d", Some("g"))), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), ], ); } #[test] #[ignore = "regex needs fixing, this is a valid regex"] fn regex_over_div4() { pretty_env_logger::formatted_builder() .is_test(true) .try_init() .ok(); let js = "'use strict';function name(){}/\\d/g;;"; compare( js, &[ Token::String(StringLit::single("use strict", false)), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), Token::Keyword(Keyword::Function("function")), Token::Ident("name".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenParen), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseParen), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenBrace), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseBrace), Token::RegEx(RegEx::from_parts("\\d", Some("g"))), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), ], ); } #[test] fn html_comment_close() { let js = " --> stuff is in a comment --> also a comment /*multi-comment*/--> with trailer /*---*/ let a; /*first comment*/ /*second comment*/--> with trailer"; compare( js, &[ Token::Comment(Comment { kind: ress::tokens::CommentKind::Html, content: "", tail_content: Some(" stuff is in a comment"), }), Token::Comment(Comment { kind: ress::tokens::CommentKind::Html, content: "", tail_content: Some(" also a comment"), }), Token::Comment(Comment { kind: ress::tokens::CommentKind::Multi, content: "multi-comment", tail_content: Some(" with trailer"), }), Token::Comment(Comment { kind: ress::tokens::CommentKind::Multi, content: "---", tail_content: None, }), Token::Keyword(Keyword::Let("let")), Token::Ident("a".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), Token::Comment(Comment { kind: ress::tokens::CommentKind::Multi, content: "first comment", tail_content: None, }), Token::Comment(Comment { kind: ress::tokens::CommentKind::Multi, content: "second comment", tail_content: Some(" with trailer"), }), ], ); } #[test] fn decrement_greater_than() { compare( "for (var x = 0; x --> 0;);", &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::For("for")), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenParen), Token::Keyword(Keyword::Var("var")), Token::Ident("x".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::Equal), Token::Number("0".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), Token::Ident("x".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::DoubleDash), Token::Punct(Punct::GreaterThan), Token::Number("0".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseParen), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), ], ) } #[test] fn decrement_greater_than_inline_multi() { compare( "for (var x = 0; x /**/--> 0;);", &[ Token::Keyword(Keyword::For("for")), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenParen), Token::Keyword(Keyword::Var("var")), Token::Ident("x".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::Equal), Token::Number("0".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), Token::Ident("x".into()), Token::Comment(Comment::new_multi_line("")), Token::Punct(Punct::DoubleDash), Token::Punct(Punct::GreaterThan), Token::Number("0".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseParen), Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), ], ) } #[test] #[should_panic = "unterminated multi-line comment"] fn star_only_regex() { run_failure("/*/"); } #[test] fn leading_space_regex() { let js = r"/ \{[\s\S]*$/"; compare( js, &[Token::RegEx(RegEx { body: r" \{[\s\S]*$", flags: None, })], ) } #[test] #[should_panic] fn var_escaped_cr() { let js = r"var\u000Dx;"; run_failure(js); } #[test] fn long_comment() { pretty_env_logger::formatted_builder() .is_test(true) .try_init() .ok(); let inner = "\n* \n*\n"; let js = format!("/*{}*/", inner); compare( &js, &[Token::Comment(Comment { kind: ress::tokens::CommentKind::Multi, content: inner, tail_content: None, })], ) } #[test] fn regex_column() { compare_with_position( "'abc'.match(/abc/);", &[ (Token::String(StringLit::single("abc", false)), 1, 1), (Token::Punct(Punct::Period), 1, 6), (Token::Ident("match".into()), 1, 7), (Token::Punct(Punct::OpenParen), 1, 12), (Token::RegEx(RegEx::from_parts("abc", None)), 1, 13), (Token::Punct(Punct::CloseParen), 1, 18), (Token::Punct(Punct::SemiColon), 1, 19), ], ); } #[test] fn regex_spaces() { let scanner = Scanner::new("var = / a /"); let mut last_end = 0; for (i, item) in scanner.enumerate() { let item = item.unwrap(); if item.token.is_eof() { break; } assert_eq!( 1, item.location.start.column - last_end, "{} for {:?}", i, item ); last_end = item.location.end.column; } } #[test] fn nullish_coalescing_assignment() { let js = r"a??=b"; compare( js, &[ Token::Ident(Ident::from("a")), Token::Punct(Punct::DoubleQuestionMarkEqual), Token::Ident(Ident::from("b")), Token::EoF, ], ) } #[test] fn logical_or_assignment() { let js = r"a||=b"; compare( js, &[ Token::Ident(Ident::from("a")), Token::Punct(Punct::DoublePipeEqual), Token::Ident(Ident::from("b")), Token::EoF, ], ) } #[test] fn logical_and_assignment() { let js = r"a&&=b"; compare( js, &[ Token::Ident(Ident::from("a")), Token::Punct(Punct::DoubleAmpersandEqual), Token::Ident(Ident::from("b")), Token::EoF, ], ) } #[test] fn nullish_coalescing() { let js = r#"a??b"#; compare( js, &[ Token::Ident(Ident::from("a")), Token::Punct(Punct::DoubleQuestionMark), Token::Ident(Ident::from("b")), Token::EoF, ], ) } #[test] fn optional_chaining1() { let js = r#"a?.b"#; compare( js, &[ Token::Ident(Ident::from("a")), Token::Punct(Punct::QuestionMarkDot), Token::Ident(Ident::from("b")), Token::EoF, ], ) } #[test] fn optional_chaining2() { let js = r#"a?.()"#; compare( js, &[ Token::Ident(Ident::from("a")), Token::Punct(Punct::QuestionMarkDot), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenParen), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseParen), Token::EoF, ], ) } #[test] fn optional_chaining3() { let js = r#"a?.['b']"#; compare( js, &[ Token::Ident(Ident::from("a")), Token::Punct(Punct::QuestionMarkDot), Token::Punct(Punct::OpenBracket), Token::String(Single(InnerString { content: "b", contains_octal_escape: false, })), Token::Punct(Punct::CloseBracket), Token::EoF, ], ) } #[test] fn optional_chaining4() { let js = r#"a==b?.123:.321"#; compare( js, &[ Token::Ident(Ident::from("a")), Token::Punct(Punct::DoubleEqual), Token::Ident(Ident::from("b")), Token::Punct(Punct::QuestionMark), Token::Number(Number::from(".123")), Token::Punct(Punct::Colon), Token::Number(Number::from(".321")), Token::EoF, ], ) } #[test] fn regex_out_of_order() { pretty_env_logger::formatted_builder() .is_test(true) .try_init() .ok(); let regex = r#"((?:[^BEGHLMOSWYZabcdhmswyz']+)|(?:'(?:[^']|'')*')|(?:G{1,5}|y{1,4}|Y{1,4}|M{1,5}|L{1,5}|w{1,2}|W{1}|d{1,2}|E{1,6}|c{1,6}|a{1,5}|b{1,5}|B{1,5}|h{1,2}|H{1,2}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|S{1,3}|z{1,4}|Z{1,5}|O{1,4}))([\s\S]*)"#; let js = format!("var DATE_FORMATS_SPLIT = /{}/", ®ex); compare_with_position( js.as_str(), &[ (Token::Keyword(Keyword::Var("var")), 1, 1), (Token::Ident("DATE_FORMATS_SPLIT".into()), 1, 5), (Token::Punct(Punct::Equal), 1, 24), (Token::RegEx(RegEx::from_parts(regex, None)), 1, 26), ], ); } #[test] fn regex_pattern() { pretty_env_logger::formatted_builder() .is_test(true) .try_init() .ok(); let re = r#" \{[\s\S]*$"#; let js = format!("/{re}/"); let mut scanner = Scanner::new(&js); let Item { location, token: Token::RegEx(re2), .. } = else { panic!("Expected regex"); }; assert_eq!(location.start.line, 1); assert_eq!(location.end.line, 1); assert_eq!(location.start.column, 1); assert_eq!(re2.body, re); assert_eq!(location.end.column, re.len() + 3); } #[test] fn regex_over_a0() { let js = r#"val = / /"#; compare( js, &[ Token::Ident("val".into()), Token::Punct(Punct::Equal), Token::RegEx(RegEx { body: "\u{a0}", flags: None, }), ], ) } #[test] fn regex_over_a0_manual() { use ress::ManualScanner; let js = r#"val = / /"#; let mut scanner = ManualScanner::new(js); assert_eq!( scanner.next_token().unwrap().unwrap().token, Token::Ident("val".into()) ); assert_eq!( scanner.next_token().unwrap().unwrap().token, Token::Punct(Punct::Equal) ); assert_eq!( scanner.next_token().unwrap().unwrap().token, Token::Punct(Punct::ForwardSlash) ); assert_eq!( scanner.next_regex(1).unwrap().unwrap().token, Token::RegEx(RegEx { body: "\u{a0}", flags: None }) ); } #[test] fn regex_all_whitespaces() { let re: String = [ '\t', '\u{000b}', '\u{000c}', ' ', '\u{feff}', '\u{2000}', '\u{2001}', '\u{2002}', '\u{2003}', '\u{2004}', '\u{2005}', '\u{2006}', '\u{2007}', '\u{2008}', '\u{2009}', '\u{200a}', '\u{202f}', '\u{205f}', '\u{3000}', ] .iter() .collect(); run_failure(&format!("var = /{re}/")); } #[track_caller] fn compare(js: &str, expectation: &[Token<&str>]) { for (i, (par, ex)) in panicking_scanner(js).zip(expectation.iter()).enumerate() { assert_eq!((i, &par), (i, ex)); } } fn compare_with_position(js: &str, expectation: &[(Token<&str>, usize, usize)]) { let scanner = Scanner::new(js); let mut i = 0; let mut expectation = expectation.iter(); for r in scanner { let r = r.unwrap(); if r.is_eof() { return; } i += 1; let ex = expectation .next() .ok_or_else(|| { panic!("expectations too short for {:?}", r); }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!((i, &r.token), (i, &ex.0), "{:?} vs {:?}", r, ex.0); assert_eq!( (i, r.location.start.line), (i, ex.1), "{:?} vs {:?}", r, ex.0 ); assert_eq!( (i, r.location.start.column), (i, ex.2), "{:?} vs {:?}", r, ex.0 ); } } fn run_failure(js: &str) { for _ in panicking_scanner(js) {} } fn panicking_scanner(js: &str) -> impl Iterator> { Scanner::new(js).map(|r| r.unwrap().token) }