FROM rust:1.56.1-bullseye MAINTAINER Kraktus # Based on RUN mkdir rs_retroboard WORKDIR ./rs_retroboard RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y # Install flamegraph RUN apt install -y linux-perf RUN cargo install flamegraph # Build dependencies COPY ./Cargo.toml ./Cargo.toml RUN mkdir src && echo "fn main() {}" > src/ RUN cargo fetch RUN cargo build RUN rm -rf src # Based on # Dependencies are now cached, copy the actual source code and do another full # build. The touch on all the .rs files is needed, otherwise cargo assumes the # source code didn't change thanks to mtime weirdness. COPY src src/ COPY RUN find src -name "*.rs" -exec touch {} \; ENV CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_DEBUG=true RUN cargo build --release ENTRYPOINT ["cargo"] CMD ["flamegraph"] # docker build --force-rm -t rs-retroboard-image . # # docker build --force-rm -t rs-retroboard-image . && docker rm rs-retroboard-cont && docker run --cap-add SYS_ADMIN -it --init --name rs-retroboard-cont rs-retroboard-image && docker cp rs-retroboard-cont:/rs_retroboard/flamegraph.svg flamegraph.svg && open -a safari flamegraph.svg