# RetroBoy Chip-8 A Chip-8 emulator

chip8_sdl2_tetris chip8_web_pong

## Build Install [Just](https://github.com/casey/just?tab=readme-ov-file#installation). ### Build with SDL2 ```shell # run default rom: Tetris just chip8 # custom rom just chip8 "assets/roms/chip8/games/Pong (1 player).ch8" ``` ### Build with WebAssembly ```shell cargo install wasm-pack # build wasm and run just chip8-web ``` If you meet `failed to download binaryen-version_xxx-xxx` error, you can follow this [issue](https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack/issues/864#issuecomment-1878525823) to fix it. ## Todo - [ ] Add sound ## References - [aquova/chip8-book](https://github.com/aquova/chip8-book)