# Retryable Retryable is a simple macro to let your rust function automatically retries after a certain amount of time. The main objective of this macro is to be non-intrusive: your code should not worry about retrying a fallible function. ## Disclaimer Retryable is currently high unstable and experimental, use it at your own risk. ## Usage/Examples ```rust #[retryable(max_attempts = 5, sleep_seconds = 2)] pub async fn fallible_function( param: String, ) -> Result { // Fallible code } ``` ## Known bugs Retryable currently has some limitations/bugs and it can't be used by or with: - async_trait functions - function that use the `move` keyword in function body If you encounter additional bugs feel free to fill an issue. ## Contributing Contributions are always welcome! If you find a bug or want to add a feature, please feel free to open a PR. ## License [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)