# Reveal Interactively reveal lines from a file or `stdin`, one line at a time. ![An animation of reveal on the command line](https://eddieantonio.ca/i/reveal-seq.gif) # Usage You can reveal lines from a file: $ reveal example.txt ![An animation of reveal being used to display a file](https://eddieantonio.ca/i/reveal-file.gif) Or you can reveal lines from standard input: cmd | reveal ![An animation of reveal being used to reveal cowsay](https://eddieantonio.ca/i/reveal-cowsay.gif) # Motivating example Imagine you're holding a raffle at a meetup. You're going to give away 3 prizes. All of the attendees have been assigned a number, from 1 to 30. ```bash seq 30 | ... ``` Now shuffle the members (requires GNU [`shuf`][shuf]): ```bash seq 30 | shuf | ... ``` Select only the first 3: ```bash seq 30 | shuf | head -3 | ... ``` And now add suspense by using `reveal`! ```bash seq 30 | shuf | head -3 | reveal ``` ![An animation of reveal being used to 3 random numbers](https://eddieantonio.ca/i/reveal-shuf.gif) [shuf]: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/shuf-invocation.html # Copying Copyright © 2024 Eddie Antonio Santos. See `LICENSE` for details.