# ⭐️ Regex filters
| Filter | Description |
| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| `=E` | Match of a regular expression `E`. |
| `s:X:Y` | Replace first match of a regular expression `X` with `Y`.
`Y` can reference capture groups from `X` using `$0`, `$1`, `$2`, ...
Any other character than `:` can be also used as a delimiter. |
| `s:X` | Remove first match of a regular expression `X`.
Equivalent to `s:X:`. |
| `S:X:Y`
`S:X` | Same as `s` but replaces/removes all matches. |
| `@:X1:Y1:...:Xn:Yn:D` | Regular expression switch.
Output `Yi` for first `Xi` that matches input.
Output `D` when there is no match.
`Yi` can reference capture groups from `Xi` using `$0`, `$1`, `$2`, ...
Any other character than `:` can be also used as a delimiter.
| `$0`, `$1`, `$2`, ... | Capture group of a global regular expression. |
| Input | Pattern | Output |
| --------- | --------------------| ------- |
| `12_34` | `{=\d+}` | `12` |
| `12_34` | `{s:\d+:x}` | `x_34` |
| `12_34` | `{S:\d+:x}` | `x_x` |
| `12_34` | `{s:(\d)(\d):$2$1}` | `21_34` |
| `12_34` | `{S:(\d)(\d):$2$1}` | `21_43` |
| *(any)* | `{@:def}` | `def` |
| `ab` | `{@:^[a-z]+$:lower:^[A-Z]+$:upper:mixed}` | `lower` |
| `AB` | `{@:^[a-z]+$:lower:^[A-Z]+$:upper:mixed}` | `upper` |
| `Ab` | `{@:^[a-z]+$:lower:^[A-Z]+$:upper:mixed}` | `mixed` |
| `a=b` | `{@/(.+)=(.*)/key: $1, value: $2/invalid}` | `key: a, value: b` |
| `ab` | `{@/(.+)=(.*)/key: $1, value: $2/invalid}` | `invalid` |
- Use `-e, --regex` or `-E, --regex-filename` option to define a global regular expression.
- Option `-e, --regex` matches regex against each input value.
- Option `-E, --regex-filename` matches regex against *filename component* of each input value.
echo 'a/b.c' | rew -e '([a-z])' '{$1}' # Will print 'a'
echo 'a/b.c' | rew -E '([a-z])' '{$1}' # Will print 'b'