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Chat-like HMI for embedded Rust applications and PLCs RFlow is a part of [RoboPLC](https://www.roboplc.com) project. ## The idea Many of embedded applications and PLC programs do not have any human-machine interface and not supposed to have one by design. However, sometimes it is very useful to have a simple way to interact with the application, e.g. for debugging purposes or having a basic emergency interface in production. RFlow provides the most possible lightweight way to have a chat-like interface between the application (server) and its clients, which does not affect the application real-time run-flow and consumes minimal system resources. The [RFlow protocol](https://github.com/roboplc/rflow/blob/main/protocol.md) is fully text-based and can be used with no special client. ## Clients * [RFlow Chat](https://crates.io/crates/rflow-chat) - a dedicated RFlow chat client (terminal). * Custom clients, built with the crate `Client` API. * Any terminal TCP client, e.g. `telnet`, `nc`. ## A very basic example ```rust,no_run use std::{thread, time::Duration}; use rtsc::time::interval; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let data_channel = rflow::take_data_channel()?; thread::spawn(move || { rflow::serve("").expect("failed to start server"); }); thread::spawn(move || { for _ in interval(Duration::from_secs(5)) { rflow::send("ping".to_string()); } }); for data in data_channel { println!("Received data: {}", data); rflow::send(format!("command accepted: {}", data)); let command = data.trim(); if command == "quit" { break; } } Ok(()) } ```