# Collection of official RGB schemata ![Build](https://github.com/RGB-WG/rgb-schemata/workflows/Build/badge.svg) ![Tests](https://github.com/RGB-WG/rgb-schemata/workflows/Tests/badge.svg) ![Lints](https://github.com/RGB-WG/rgb-schemata/workflows/Lints/badge.svg) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/rgb-schemata)](https://crates.io/crates/rgb-schemata) [![Docs](https://docs.rs/rgb-schemata/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/rgb-schemata) [![Apache-2 licensed](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/rgb-schemata)](./LICENSE) This repository provides rust source code and compiled versions of RGB contract schemata recommended for the use by contract developers. RGB is confidential & scalable client-validated smart contracts for Bitcoin & Lightning. To learn more about RGB please check [RGB blueprint][Blueprint] and [RGB FAQ][FAQ] websites. The development of the project is supported and managed by [LNP/BP Standards Association][Association]. ## Catalog This repository provides the following RGB schemata: * __Non-inflatable assets (NIA)__, implementing RGB20 interface. This is the simplest form of a fungible asset/token, which doesn't provide such features as secondary issue, ability to change asset name and parameters, ability to burn or replace the asset. * __Unique digital asset (UDA)__, implementing RGB21 interface. This is the simplest form of an NFT, which has one issuance of a single non-fungible and non-fractionable token with a representative attached media file and a preview. * __Collectible fungible assets (CFA)__, implementing RGB25 interface. This is the simplest form of collectible fungible assets ## Library The library can be integrated into other rust projects via `Cargo.toml` `[dependecies]` section: ```toml rgb-schemata = "0.10.0" ``` ### MSRV Minimum supported rust compiler version (MSRV): 1.66, rust 2021 edition. ## License See [LICENCE](LICENSE) file. [LNPBPs]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/LNPBPs [Association]: https://lnp-bp.org [Blueprint]: https://rgb.network [FAQ]: https://rgbfaq.com [Foundation]: https://github.com/LNP-BP/client_side_validation [BP]: https://github.com/BP-WG/bp-core [RGB Std]: https://github.com/RGB-WG/rgb-std [RGB Node]: https://github.com/RGB-WG/rgb-node [Max]: https://github.com/dr-orlovsky [Todd]: https://petertodd.org/ [Zucco]: https://giacomozucco.com/