use rgy::cpu::Cpu; use rgy::device::IoHandler; use rgy::inst::mnem; use rgy::mmu::{MemRead, MemWrite, Mmu}; use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::fmt; use std::string::ToString; use std::sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, }; use signal_hook; use rustyline::error::ReadlineError; use rustyline::Editor; use structopt::StructOpt; use lazy_static::lazy_static; const HISTORY_FILE: &'static str = ".gy.txt"; #[derive(Debug)] struct CmdError(String); impl fmt::Display for CmdError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.0) } } impl CmdError { fn new(s: T) -> CmdError { CmdError(s.to_string()) } } impl From for CmdError { fn from(e: std::io::Error) -> CmdError { CmdError(e.to_string()) } } impl From for CmdError { fn from(e: std::num::ParseIntError) -> CmdError { CmdError(e.to_string()) } } type CmdResult = std::result::Result; pub struct Debugger { breaks: HashSet, rd_watches: HashSet, wr_watches: HashSet, prompt: bool, stepping: bool, cpu_state: Cpu, signal: Signal, exec_path: VecDeque, } impl Debugger { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { breaks: HashSet::new(), rd_watches: HashSet::new(), wr_watches: HashSet::new(), prompt: false, stepping: false, cpu_state: Cpu::new(), signal: Signal::new(), exec_path: VecDeque::new(), } } fn add_exec_path(&mut self, pc: u16) { if let Some(p) = self.exec_path.back() { if pc == *p { return; } } self.exec_path.push_back(pc); } fn check_break(&self, pc: u16, _mmu: &Mmu) -> bool { if self.prompt { false } else if self.stepping { true } else { self.breaks.contains(&pc) } } fn do_break(&mut self, msg: &str, mmu: &Mmu) { let (code, _) = self.cpu_state.fetch(mmu); println!( "{} at {:04x}: {:04x}: {}", msg, self.cpu_state.get_pc(), code, mnem(code) ); self.prompt(mmu) } fn prompt(&mut self, mmu: &Mmu) { self.prompt = true; let mut rl = Editor::<()>::new(); if rl.load_history(HISTORY_FILE).is_err() { println!("No previous history"); } let abort = loop { let readline = rl.readline(">> "); match readline { Ok(line) => { rl.add_history_entry(line.as_str()); match exec_cmd(self, mmu, &line) { Ok(end) => { if end { break false; } else { continue; } } Err(e) => { println!("{}", e); continue; } } } Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => { println!("Abort"); break true; } Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => { println!("Resume"); break false; } Err(err) => { println!("Error: {:?}", err); break true; } } }; let _ = rl.save_history(HISTORY_FILE); if abort { std::process::exit(1); } self.prompt = false; } } impl rgy::debug::Debugger for Debugger { fn init(&mut self, mmu: &Mmu) { println!("Entering debug shell..."); self.prompt(mmu) } fn take_cpu_snapshot(&mut self, cpu: Cpu) { self.cpu_state = cpu; } fn on_decode(&mut self, mmu: &Mmu) { let pc = self.cpu_state.get_pc(); self.add_exec_path(pc); if self.check_break(pc, mmu) { self.do_break("Break", mmu); } } fn check_signal(&mut self) { if self.signal.signaled() { println!("Signaled."); self.stepping = true; } } } impl IoHandler for Debugger { fn on_read(&mut self, mmu: &Mmu, addr: u16) -> MemRead { if self.rd_watches.contains(&addr) { self.do_break(&format!("Reading {:04x}", addr), mmu); } MemRead::PassThrough } fn on_write(&mut self, mmu: &Mmu, addr: u16, value: u8) -> MemWrite { if self.wr_watches.contains(&addr) { self.do_break(&format!("Writing {:02x} to {:04x}", value, addr), mmu); } MemWrite::PassThrough } } fn exec_cmd(inner: &mut Debugger, mmu: &Mmu, line: &str) -> CmdResult { let cmd = match line.split_whitespace().next() { Some(cmd) => cmd, None => return Ok(false), }; match find_cmd(cmd) { Some(cmd) => (cmd.handler)(inner, mmu, line), None => Err(CmdError::new(format!("Command not found: {}", line))), } } fn find_cmd(s: &str) -> Option<&'static CmdInfo> { for cmd in COMMANDS.iter() { if == s || cmd.short == Some(s) { return Some(cmd); } } None } struct CmdInfo { name: &'static str, short: Option<&'static str>, desc: &'static str, handler: Box CmdResult + Send + Sync + 'static>, } trait CmdHandler: StructOpt + Sized { fn handle(&self, inner: &mut Debugger, mmu: &Mmu) -> CmdResult; fn parse(inner: &mut Debugger, mmu: &Mmu, s: &str) -> CmdResult { let s = s.split_whitespace(); match Self::from_iter_safe(s) { Ok(p) => p.handle(inner, mmu), Err(e) => Err(CmdError::new(e)), } } } macro_rules! cc { ($vec: ident, $name: expr, $short: expr, $desc: expr, $handler: tt) => { $vec.push(CmdInfo { name: $name, desc: $desc, short: $short, handler: Box::new(|inner, mmu, line| $handler::parse(inner, mmu, line)), }); }; } lazy_static! { static ref COMMANDS: Vec = { let mut m = Vec::new(); cc!(m, "break", Some("b"), "Manage break points.", CmdBreak); cc!(m, "watch", Some("w"), "Manage memory watches.", CmdWatch); cc!( m, "help", Some("h"), "Show the list of commands available.", CmdHelp ); cc!(m, "quit", None, "Quit this emulator.", CmdQuit); cc!(m, "cont", Some("c"), "Continue execution.", CmdContinue); cc!(m, "step", Some("n"), "Step execution.", CmdStep); cc!(m, "dump", Some("d"), "Dump information.", CmdDump); m }; } fn parse_addr(s: &str) -> CmdResult { u16::from_str_radix(s, 16).map_err(|e| CmdError::new(e)) } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "break", about = "Manage break points.")] enum CmdBreak { /// Add a break point #[structopt(name = "add")] Add { /// Address in hex #[structopt(name = "addr", parse(try_from_str = "parse_addr"))] addr: u16, }, /// Remove a break point #[structopt(name = "remove")] Remove { /// Address in hex #[structopt(name = "addr", parse(try_from_str = "parse_addr"))] addr: u16, }, /// List break points #[structopt(name = "list")] List, } impl CmdHandler for CmdBreak { fn handle(&self, inner: &mut Debugger, _mmu: &Mmu) -> CmdResult { match self { CmdBreak::Add { addr } => { if inner.breaks.insert(*addr) { println!("Set break point at {:04x}", addr); } else { println!("Break point already set at {:04x}", addr); } } CmdBreak::Remove { addr } => { if inner.breaks.remove(&addr) { println!("Remove break point at {:04x}", addr); } else { println!("Break point isn't set at {:04x}", addr); } } CmdBreak::List => { println!("Break points: "); for addr in inner.breaks.iter() { println!("* {:04x}", addr); } } } Ok(false) } } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "help", about = "Show the list of available commands.")] struct CmdHelp {} impl CmdHandler for CmdHelp { fn handle(&self, _inner: &mut Debugger, _mmu: &Mmu) -> CmdResult { println!("List of available commands:"); for cmd in COMMANDS.iter() { println!( "{:>8}: {} {}",, cmd.desc, if let Some(short) = cmd.short { format!("(short: {})", short) } else { "".into() } ); } Ok(false) } } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "quit", about = "Quit this emulator.")] struct CmdQuit {} impl CmdHandler for CmdQuit { fn handle(&self, _inner: &mut Debugger, _mmu: &Mmu) -> CmdResult { println!("Quit."); std::process::exit(1) } } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "cont", about = "Continue execution.")] struct CmdContinue {} impl CmdHandler for CmdContinue { fn handle(&self, inner: &mut Debugger, _mmu: &Mmu) -> CmdResult { println!("Continue."); inner.stepping = false; Ok(true) } } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "step", about = "Step execution.")] struct CmdStep {} impl CmdHandler for CmdStep { fn handle(&self, inner: &mut Debugger, _mmu: &Mmu) -> CmdResult { println!("Step."); inner.stepping = true; Ok(true) } } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "dump", about = "Dump information.")] enum CmdDump { /// Dump cpu state #[structopt(name = "cpu")] Cpu, /// Dump stack #[structopt(name = "stack")] Stack { /// The size of stack to dump #[structopt(name = "size", default_value = "10")] size: u16, }, /// Dump memory #[structopt(name = "mem")] Mem { /// The start of the memory region to dump #[structopt(name = "from", parse(try_from_str = "parse_addr"))] from: u16, /// The end of the memory region to dump (inclusive) #[structopt(name = "to", parse(try_from_str = "parse_addr"))] to: u16, }, /// Execution path #[structopt(name = "path")] Path { /// The number of step to dump #[structopt(name = "size", default_value = "10")] size: usize, }, } impl CmdHandler for CmdDump { fn handle(&self, inner: &mut Debugger, mmu: &Mmu) -> CmdResult { match self { CmdDump::Cpu => { println!("{}", inner.cpu_state); } CmdDump::Stack { size } => { let sp = inner.cpu_state.get_sp(); for i in 0..*size { let (p, of) = sp.overflowing_add(i * 2); if of { break; } println!("{}: {:04x} [{:04x}]", i + 1, p, mmu.get16(p)); } } CmdDump::Mem { from, to } => { print!(" "); for i in 0..16 { if i % 2 == 0 { print!("{:02x}", i) } else { print!("{:02x} ", i) } } println!(); let pad = from % 16; if pad != 0 { print!("{:04x}: ", from - pad); for i in 0..pad { if i % 2 == 0 { print!(" "); } else { print!(" "); } } } for i in *from..=*to { if i % 16 == 0 { print!("{:04x}: ", i); } let b = mmu.get8(i); if i % 2 == 0 { print!("{:02x}", b); } else { print!("{:02x} ", b); } if i % 16 == 15 { println!() } } if to % 16 != 15 { println!() } } CmdDump::Path { size } => { for (i, pc) in inner.exec_path.iter().rev().take(*size).enumerate() { let mut cpu = inner.cpu_state.clone(); cpu.set_pc(*pc); let (code, _) = cpu.fetch(mmu); println!("-{}: {:04x}: {}", i, pc, mnem(code)); } } } Ok(false) } } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "watch", about = "Manage watch points.")] enum CmdWatch { /// Add a watch point #[structopt(name = "add")] Add { /// Address in hex #[structopt(name = "addr", parse(try_from_str = "parse_addr"))] addr: u16, /// Add watch only for read access #[structopt(long = "readonly", short = "r")] readonly: bool, /// Add watch only for write access #[structopt(long = "writeonly", short = "w")] writeonly: bool, }, /// Remove a watch point #[structopt(name = "remove")] Remove { /// Address in hex #[structopt(name = "addr", parse(try_from_str = "parse_addr"))] addr: u16, /// Remove watch only for read access #[structopt(long = "readonly", short = "r")] readonly: bool, /// Remove watch only for write access #[structopt(long = "writeonly", short = "w")] writeonly: bool, }, /// List watch points #[structopt(name = "list")] List, } impl CmdHandler for CmdWatch { fn handle(&self, inner: &mut Debugger, _mmu: &Mmu) -> CmdResult { match self { CmdWatch::Add { addr, readonly, writeonly, } => { if *readonly && *writeonly { println!("Nothing set because both readonly and writeonly are set"); return Ok(false); } if !writeonly { if inner.rd_watches.insert(*addr) { println!("Set read watch at {:04x}", addr); } else { println!("Read watch already set at {:04x}", addr); } } if !readonly { if inner.wr_watches.insert(*addr) { println!("Set write watch at {:04x}", addr); } else { println!("Write watch already set at {:04x}", addr); } } } CmdWatch::Remove { addr, readonly, writeonly, } => { if *readonly && *writeonly { println!("Nothing unset because both readonly and writeonly are set"); return Ok(false); } if !writeonly { if inner.rd_watches.remove(&addr) { println!("Remove read watch at {:04x}", addr); } else { println!("Read watch is already unset at {:04x}", addr); } } if !readonly { if inner.wr_watches.remove(&addr) { println!("Remove writeonly watch at {:04x}", addr); } else { println!("Write watch is already unset at {:04x}", addr); } } } CmdWatch::List => { println!("Watch points: "); for addr in inner.rd_watches.union(&inner.wr_watches) { let wr = if inner.wr_watches.contains(addr) { 'w' } else { '_' }; let rd = if inner.rd_watches.contains(addr) { 'r' } else { '_' }; println!("* {:04x} ({}{})", addr, rd, wr); } } } Ok(false) } } struct Signal { sig: Arc, } impl Signal { fn new() -> Signal { let sig = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); signal_hook::flag::register(signal_hook::SIGINT, sig.clone()) .expect("Couldn't hook signal"); Signal { sig } } fn signaled(&self) -> bool { self.sig.swap(false, Ordering::Relaxed) } }