// syntax = "proto3"; // package casper.v1; // import "ServiceError.proto"; // import "ProposeServiceCommon.proto"; // // If you are building for other languages "scalapb.proto" // // can be manually obtained here: // // https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scalapb/ScalaPB/master/protobuf/scalapb/scalapb.proto // // make a scalapb directory in this file's location and place it inside // import "scalapb/scalapb.proto"; // option (scalapb.options) = { // package_name: "coop.rchain.casper.protocol.propose.v1" // flat_package: true // single_file: true // preserve_unknown_fields: false // }; // service ProposeService { // rpc propose(PrintUnmatchedSendsQuery) returns (ProposeResponse) {} // } // message ProposeResponse { // oneof message { // ServiceError error = 1; // string result = 2; // } // }