syntax = "proto3"; package routing; // If you are building for other languages "scalapb.proto" // can be manually obtained here: // // make a scalapb directory in this file's location and place it inside import "scalapb/scalapb.proto"; option (scalapb.options) = { package_name: "coop.rchain.comm.protocol.routing" flat_package: true preserve_unknown_fields: false }; message Node { bytes id = 1; bytes host = 2; uint32 tcp_port = 3; uint32 udp_port = 4; } message Header { Node sender = 1; string networkId = 2; } message Heartbeat { } message HeartbeatResponse { } message ProtocolHandshake { bytes nonce = 1; } message ProtocolHandshakeResponse { bytes nonce = 1; } message Packet { string typeId = 1; bytes content = 2; } message Disconnect { } message Protocol { Header header = 1; oneof message { Heartbeat heartbeat = 2; ProtocolHandshake protocol_handshake = 3; ProtocolHandshakeResponse protocol_handshake_response = 4; Packet packet = 5; Disconnect disconnect = 6; } } service TransportLayer { rpc Send (TLRequest) returns (TLResponse) {} rpc Stream (stream Chunk) returns (TLResponse) {} } message TLRequest { Protocol protocol = 1; } message InternalServerError { bytes error = 1; } message Ack { Header header = 1; } message TLResponse { oneof payload { Ack ack = 1; InternalServerError internalServerError = 2; } } message ChunkHeader { Node sender = 1; string typeId = 2; bool compressed = 3; int32 contentLength = 4; string networkId = 5; } message ChunkData { bytes contentData = 1; } message Chunk { oneof content { ChunkHeader header = 1; ChunkData data = 2; } }