{% import "icons.html" as icons %} {% import "card.html" as card %} {% extends "layout.html" %} {% block content %}
{% call card.root() %} {% call card.header() %} {% call card.title() %} Failed to join {{ team.name }} {{ icons.delete_x(class="text-destructive inline-block h-full align-text-top ml-1") }} {% endcall %} {% call card.description() %} You are unable to join the team because you are not in all of the team's divisions. {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call card.content() %} {% for division in divisions %} {% endfor %}
Division Name You Team
{{ division.name }}
{{ icons.info(class="h-4 ml-2") }}

Go to your account and join the divisions you are missing.

Tip: Hover over the {{ icons.info(class="h-4 mx-1") }} icon to learn how to join that division.

{% endcall %} {% endcall %}
{% endblock %}