{% extends "layout.html" %} {% import "card.html" as card %} {% import "icons.html" as icons %} {% block content %}

{{ team.name }}

Manage and view your team. View public profile.

{% call card.root() %} {% call card.header() %} {% call card.title() %} Members {% endcall %} {% call card.description() %} Invite and view members on your team {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call card.content() %} {% with x=team_invite_url %} {% endwith %}

Invite Link

Send this invite link to your team members

{% include "team-token.html" %} {% if user.is_team_owner %} {% endif %}
{% with x=team, y=max_players, z=lang %} {% endwith %} {% include "team-members.html" %} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call card.root() %} {% call card.header() %} {% call card.title() %} Standing {% endcall %} {% call card.description() %} Your team's standing in the competition {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call card.content() %} {% with x=divisions, y=standings %} {% endwith %} {% include "standing-table.html" %} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call card.root() %} {% call card.header() %} {% call card.title() %} Divisions {% endcall %} {% call card.description() %} Join your team to eligible divisions {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call card.content() %} {% with a=divisions, b=user, c=num_joined_divisions, d=team %} {% endwith %} {% include "team-divisions.html" %} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% if user.is_team_owner %} {% call card.root() %} {% call card.header() %} {% call card.title() %} Settings {% endcall %} {% call card.description() %} Change settings about your team (owner only) {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call card.content() %}

Change name

Must be between 3 and 30 characters. May only be changed every 30 minutes.

{% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% endif %}
{% call card.root() %} {% call card.header() %} {% call card.title() %} Solves {% endcall %} {% call card.description() %} Challenges your team has solved {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call card.content() %} {% with x=lang %} {% endwith %} {% if team.solves | length > 0 %}
    {% for challenge_id, solve in team.solves | dictsort(by="value", reverse=true) %} {% with challenge=challenges[challenge_id], solver=team.users[solve.user_id], category=categories[challenge.category_id] %}
  1. {{ category.name }} / {{ challenge.name }} / {{ challenge.division_points[0].points }} points / {% with diff=timediff(solve.solved_at, now) %} {{ t("time-difference", years=diff.years, days=diff.days, hours=diff.hours, minutes=diff.minutes, seconds=diff.seconds) }} {%- endwith -%}
    {{ solver.name }}
  2. {% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{% else %}

Your team has not solved any challenges yet!

{% endif %} {% endcall %} {% endcall %}
{% endblock %}