# rifle
--- Rifle is a blocktime estimator for Starknet written in Rust. Made by learning purpose. This project is inspired by ([snipe](https://github.com/0xcacti/snipe)). ## Features ### Convert blocknumber to time. This feature relies on the `starknet_getBlockWithTxHashes` endpoint. Get timestamp from blocknumber through this endpoint. If you want to return in unix format, add `-f unix` command. ### Convert time to blocknumber. This feature is using binary search algorithm to search for the nearest blocknumber with given target timestamp. ### Select network want to query. You can use options to choose. `-n mainnet` will allow you to query from Starkent mainnet, `-n goerli` will allow you to query from Starkent goerli, `-n goerli2` will allow you to query from Starkent goerli2. ## Usage ``` Usage: rifle [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] Commands: --to-time Convert blocknumber to time. [aliases: btt] --to-block Convert time to blocknumber. [aliases: ttb] help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: -n, --network Network: [mainnet/goerli/goerli2] -f, --format The format to use time -h, --help Print help ``` ### `--to-block` ``` Convert time to blocknumber. Usage: rifle --to-block