## Things to do: - test the inference in detail - add more tests - Potential insertion in V/J alignment: find a good way to deal with this [remove the sequence from the inference if the insertion overlap with the delv range] - test the restricted V gene option for generation. - clean up gen event / static event if possible. - add some checks so that people don't mix up the V and J files - allow to fix number of cores used (```rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(4).build_global().unwrap();``` -> make a function set_nb_threads(nb)) - extract_subsequence should pad with "BLANK" rather than with "N". - righor-py, better "load_model" function - problem in the CDR3 generation ## Before version change checklist: - is righor-py using the cargo package or the local version ? - did you change the version number everywhere ?