use rigz_ast::*; macro_rules! test_parse { ($($name:ident $input:literal = $expected:expr,)*) => { $( #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let v = parse(input); assert_eq!(v, Ok($expected), "Failed to parse input: {}", input) } )* }; } macro_rules! test_parse_equivalent { ($( $($name:ident $input:literal)* = $expected:expr; )*) => { $( $( #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let v = parse(input); assert_eq!(v, Ok($expected), "Failed to parse input: {}", input) } )* )* }; } macro_rules! test_parse_valid { ($($name:ident $input:literal,)*) => { $( #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let v = parse(input); assert_eq!(v.is_ok(), true, "Parse Failed {:?} - {}", v.unwrap_err(), input); } )* }; } macro_rules! test_parse_invalid { ($($name:ident $input:literal,)*) => { $( #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let v = parse(input); assert_eq!(v.is_err(), true, "Successfully parsed invalid input {}", input); } )* }; } mod invalid { use super::*; test_parse_invalid!( invalid_bin_exp "1 +", invalid_function "fn hello {}", let_reserved "let = 1", mut_reserved "mut = 1", end_reserved "end = 1", unless_reserved "unless = 1", if_reserved "if = 1", else_reserved "else = 1", fn_reserved "fn = 1", fn_call_with_parens "foo(1, 2, 3)", ); } mod valid { use super::*; test_parse_valid!( do_one_line "do = 1 + 2", valid_bin_exp "1 + 2", valid_function "fn hello = none", valid_function_dollar_sign "fn $ = none", outer_paren_func "(foo 1, 2, 3)", //todo named_args_in_func "foo a: 1, b: 2, c: 3", let_works "let a = 1", mut_works "mut a = 1", // todo map_key_equals_values "a = {1, '2', true, none}", inline_unless_works "a = b unless c", instance_methods "a.b.c.d 1, 2, 3", error_def r#" fn error(template: String, var args) -> None log :error, template, args end "#, function_def r#" fn say(message: String) -> None puts message end"#, // todo unless_works r#" unless c c = 42 end "#, list_string r#" let s: [String] = ["1", "a"] "#, map_string r#" let m: {String} = { a = "1", b = "a"} "#, // if_else_root_return r#" // if c // return c * 42 // else // c = 24 // end // c * 37 // "#, ); } test_parse_equivalent! { define_function_typed_oneish_line r#" fn hello -> String = "hi there" hello"# define_function_typed r#" fn hello -> String "hi there" end hello"# = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Statement(Statement::FunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition { name: "hello", type_definition: FunctionSignature { arguments: vec![], positional: true, return_type: FunctionType::new(RigzType::String), self_type: None, var_args_start: None }, body: Scope { elements: vec![ Element::Expression(Expression::Value(Value::String("hi there".to_string()))) ], }, lifecycle: None })), Element::Expression(Expression::Identifier("hello")) ] }; define_function r#" fn hello "hi there" end hello"# define_function_oneishline r#" fn hello = "hi there" hello"# define_function_oneline r#" fn hello = "hi there" hello"# = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Statement(Statement::FunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition { name: "hello", type_definition: FunctionSignature { arguments: vec![], positional: true, return_type: FunctionType::new(RigzType::default()), self_type: None, var_args_start: None }, body: Scope { elements: vec![ Element::Expression(Expression::Value(Value::String("hi there".to_string()))) ], }, lifecycle: None })), Element::Expression(Expression::Identifier("hello")) ] }; } test_parse! { symbols "foo :hello" = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Expression(Expression::FunctionCall("foo", vec![Expression::Symbol("hello")])) ] }, traits r#"trait Hello fn foo fn mut fn say(message: String) -> None puts message end end"# = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Statement(Statement::Trait(TraitDefinition { name: "Hello", functions: vec![ FunctionDeclaration::Declaration { name: "foo", type_definition: FunctionSignature { arguments: vec![], return_type: FunctionType::new(RigzType::default()), self_type: None, positional: true, var_args_start: None }, }, FunctionDeclaration::Declaration { name: "bar", type_definition: FunctionSignature { arguments: vec![], return_type: FunctionType::mutable(RigzType::This), self_type: Some(FunctionType::mutable(RigzType::String)), positional: true, var_args_start: None }, }, FunctionDeclaration::Definition(FunctionDefinition { name: "say", type_definition: FunctionSignature { arguments: vec![ FunctionArgument { name: "message", default: None, function_type: FunctionType::new(RigzType::String), var_arg: false } ], return_type: FunctionType::new(RigzType::None), self_type: None, positional: true, var_args_start: None }, body: Scope { elements: vec![ Element::Expression(Expression::FunctionCall("puts", vec!["message".into()])) ] }, lifecycle: None }), ], })) ] }, basic "1 + 2" = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Expression( Expression::BinExp( Box::new(Expression::Value(Value::Number(1.into()))), BinaryOperation::Add, Box::new(Expression::Value(Value::Number(2.into()))) ) ) ] }, complex "1 + 2 * 3" = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Expression( Expression::BinExp( Box::new(Expression::binary( Expression::Value(Value::Number(1.into())), BinaryOperation::Add, Expression::Value(Value::Number(2.into())) )), BinaryOperation::Mul, Box::new(Expression::Value(Value::Number(3.into()))) ) ) ] }, complex_parens "1 + (2 * 3)" = Program { elements: vec![ Expression::binary( Expression::Value(Value::Number(1.into())), BinaryOperation::Add, Expression::binary( Expression::Value(Value::Number(2.into())), BinaryOperation::Mul, Expression::Value(Value::Number(3.into())) ) ).into(), ] }, list "[1, '2', {a = 3}]" = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Expression( Expression::List( vec![ Expression::Value(Value::Number(1.into())), Expression::Value(Value::String("2".to_string())), Expression::Map(vec![(Expression::Identifier("a"), Expression::Value(Value::Number(3.into())))]), ] ) ) ] }, assign "a = 7 - 0" = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Statement(Statement::Assignment { lhs: Assign::Identifier("a", false), expression: Expression::BinExp( Box::new(Expression::Value(Value::Number(7.into()))), BinaryOperation::Sub, Box::new(Expression::Value(Value::Number(0.into()))) ), }) ] }, define_function_args r#" fn add(a, b, c) a + b + c end add 1, 2, 3"# = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Statement(Statement::FunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition { name: "add", type_definition: FunctionSignature { positional: true, arguments: vec![ FunctionArgument { name: "a", default: None, function_type: RigzType::Any.into(), var_arg: false }, FunctionArgument { name: "b", default: None, function_type: RigzType::Any.into(), var_arg: false }, FunctionArgument { name: "c", default: None, function_type: RigzType::Any.into(), var_arg: false }, ], return_type: FunctionType::new(RigzType::default()), self_type: None, var_args_start: None }, body: Scope { elements: vec![ Expression::binary( Expression::binary("a".into(), BinaryOperation::Add, "b".into()), BinaryOperation::Add, "c".into() ).into(), ], }, lifecycle: None })), Element::Expression(Expression::FunctionCall("add", vec![Expression::Value(Value::Number(1.into())), Expression::Value(Value::Number(2.into())), Expression::Value(Value::Number(3.into()))])) ] }, multi_complex_parens "1 + (2 * (2 - 4)) / 4" = Program { elements: vec![ Element::Expression( Expression::BinExp( Box::new(Expression::BinExp( Box::new(Expression::Value(Value::Number(1.into()))), BinaryOperation::Add, Box::new(Expression::BinExp( Box::new(Expression::Value(Value::Number(2.into()))), BinaryOperation::Mul, Box::new(Expression::BinExp( Box::new(Expression::Value(Value::Number(2.into()))), BinaryOperation::Sub, Box::new(Expression::Value(Value::Number(4.into())))) )) ) ) ), BinaryOperation::Div, Box::new( Expression::Value(Value::Number(4.into())) ) ) ) ] }, union_type "a: String | Number | Bool = false" = Program { elements: vec![ Statement::Assignment { lhs: Assign::TypedIdentifier("a", false, RigzType::Union(vec![RigzType::String, RigzType::Number, RigzType::Bool])), expression: Expression::Value(false.into()), }.into() ], }, composite_type r#" type Foo = { foo: Number } type Bar = { bar: Number } a: Foo & Bar = { foo = 1, bar = 7} "# = Program { elements: vec![ Statement::TypeDefinition("Foo", RigzType::Custom(CustomType { name: "Foo".to_string(), fields: vec![ ("foo".into(), RigzType::Number) ], })).into(), Statement::TypeDefinition("Bar", RigzType::Custom(CustomType { name: "Bar".to_string(), fields: vec![ ("bar".into(), RigzType::Number) ], })).into(), Statement::Assignment { lhs: Assign::TypedIdentifier("a", false, RigzType::Composite(vec![RigzType::Custom(CustomType { name: "Foo".to_string(), fields: vec![], }), RigzType::Custom(CustomType { name: "Bar".to_string(), fields: vec![], })])), expression: Expression::Map(vec![ (Expression::Identifier("foo"), Expression::Value(1.into())), (Expression::Identifier("bar"), Expression::Value(7.into())), ]) }.into() ], }, union_composite_type_parens r#" type Message = { message: String } type Id = { id: Number } type Result = String | (Message & Id) mut s: Result = "" "# = Program { elements: vec![ Statement::TypeDefinition("Message", RigzType::Custom(CustomType { name: "Message".to_string(), fields: vec![ ("message".into(), RigzType::String) ], })).into(), Statement::TypeDefinition("Id", RigzType::Custom(CustomType { name: "Id".to_string(), fields: vec![ ("id".into(), RigzType::Number) ], })).into(), Statement::TypeDefinition("Result", RigzType::Union(vec![ RigzType::String, RigzType::Composite(vec![RigzType::Custom(CustomType { name: "Message".to_string(), fields: vec![], }), RigzType::Custom(CustomType { name: "Id".to_string(), fields: vec![], })]) ])).into(), Statement::Assignment { lhs: Assign::TypedIdentifier("s", true, RigzType::Custom(CustomType { name: "Result".to_string(), fields: vec![], })), expression: Expression::Value("".into()) }.into() ], }, // todo support later // define_function_named_args r#" // fn add{a, b, c} // a + b + c // end // v = {a = 1, b = 2, c = 3} // add v"# = Program { // elements: vec![ // Element::Statement(Statement::FunctionDefinition { // name: "add", // type_definition: FunctionDefinition { // positional: false, // arguments: vec![ // FunctionArgument { // name: Some("a"), // default: None, // rigz_type: RigzType::Any, // }, // FunctionArgument { // name: Some("b"), // default: None, // rigz_type: RigzType::Any, // }, // FunctionArgument { // name: Some("c"), // default: None, // rigz_type: RigzType::Any, // }, // ], // return_type: RigzType::Any // }, // elements: vec![ // Element::Expression(Expression::BinExp( // Box::new(Expression::Identifier("a")), // BinaryOperation::Add, // Box::new(Expression::BinExp( // Box::new(Expression::Identifier("b")), // BinaryOperation::Add, // Box::new(Expression::Identifier("c"))) // ))) ], // }), // Element::Statement(Statement::Assignment { // name: "v", // mutable: false, // expression: Expression::Map(vec![(Expression::Identifier("a"), Expression::Value(Value::Number(1.into()))), (Expression::Identifier("b"), Expression::Value(Value::Number(2.into()))), (Expression::Identifier("c"), Expression::Value(Value::Number(3.into())))]), // }), // Element::Expression(Expression::FunctionCall("add", vec![Expression::Identifier("v")])) // ] // }, } // mod debug { // use super::*; // // test_parse! {} // }