mod runtime { #[allow(unused_imports)] // used by macro use rigz_runtime::runtime::{eval, eval_print_vm}; use rigz_ast::{VMError, Value}; macro_rules! run_expected { ($($name:ident($input:literal = $expected:expr))*) => { $( #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let v = eval(input); assert_eq!(v, Ok($expected), "VM eval failed {input}"); } )* }; } #[allow(unused_macros)] macro_rules! run_debug_vm { ($($name:ident($input:literal = $expected:expr))*) => { $( #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let v = eval_print_vm(input); assert_eq!(v, Ok($expected), "VM eval failed {input}"); } )* }; } macro_rules! run_error { ($($name:ident($input:literal = $expected:expr))*) => { $( #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let v = eval(input); assert_eq!(v, Err($expected.into()), "Failed to parse input {}", input) } )* }; } macro_rules! run_invalid { ($($name:ident($input:literal))*) => { $( #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let v = eval(input); assert!(v.is_err(), "Successfully parsed invalid input: {}", input) } )* }; } mod invalid { use super::*; run_invalid! { // last statement must be an expression assign("a = 3 * 2") var_once_in_fn_def("fn foo(var foo, var bar) = none") } run_error! { // todo better error message here, ideally this fails during validation import_required("1.to_json" = VMError::UnsupportedOperation("Cannot read to_json for 1".to_string())) /* function definitions claim registers for args & outputs, using get_register is very risky, VM.last is the best options VM.first will be altered if an imported module has a default implementation */ vm_register_invalid("import VM; VM.get_register 42" = VMError::EmptyRegister("R42 is empty".to_string())) raise_error("raise 'something went wrong'" = VMError::RuntimeError("something went wrong".into())) assert("assert_eq 1, 2" = VMError::RuntimeError("Assertion Failed\n\t\tLeft: 1\n\t\tRight: 2".to_string())) stack_overflow(r#"fn foo foo end foo "# = VMError::RuntimeError("Stack overflow: exceeded 1024".into())) } } mod valid { use rigz_ast::IndexMap; use super::*; run_expected! { raw_value("'Hello World'" = Value::String("Hello World".to_string())) addition("2 + 2" = Value::Number(4.into())) complex_expression_ignore_precedence("1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5" = Value::Number(1.into())) ignore_precedence("2 + 1 * 3" = Value::Number(9.into())) paren_precedence("2 + (1 * 3)" = Value::Number(5.into())) assign("a = 3 * 2; a" = Value::Number(6.into())) assign_add("a = 1 + 2; a + 2" = Value::Number(5.into())) mutable_add("mut a = 4; a += 2; a" = Value::Number(6.into())) to_s("1.to_s" = Value::String("1".to_string())) unary_not("!1" = Value::Bool(false)) unary_neg("-2.5" = Value::Number((-2.5).into())) vm_last_register("import VM; a = 1; VM.last" = Value::Number(1.into())) // VM.first will not be 27 if an imported module has a default implementation vm_first_register("import VM; a = 27; VM.first" = Value::Number(27.into())) binary_expr_function_call(r#" fn foo(number: Number) -> Number number * 2 end a = 3 1.to_s + foo a "# = 7.into()) call_function_multiple_times(r#" fn foo(number: Number) -> Number number * 2 end a = 1 foo (foo (foo a)) "# = 8.into()) call_extension_function_mutable(r#" fn mut -> mut Self self *= 3 self end mut b = 2 b "# = 6.into()) call_extension_function_multiple_times_inline(r#" fn mut -> mut Self self *= 3 self end mut a = 2 (( a "# = 54.into()) call_extension_function_multiple_times(r#" fn mut Number.bah -> mut Self self *= 3 self end mut f = 4.2 f.bah f.bah f.bah f "# = 113.4.into()) instance_get(r#" m = {a = {b = {c = 1}}} m.a.b.c "# = 1.into()) binary_expr_instance_call(r#" 11.4 + 1.2.ceil "# = 13.4.into()) create_list(r#" [1, 2, 3, 4] "# = Value::List(vec![1.into(), 2.into(), 3.into(), 4.into()])) create_dynamic_list(r#" [{d = 1}] "# = Value::List(vec![Value::Map(IndexMap::from([("d".into(), 1.into())]))])) call_extension_function_multiple_times_inline_no_parens(r#" fn mut -> mut Self self += "h" self end mut a = "" a == "hhh" "# = true.into()) call_module_extension_function_in_extension_scope(r#" fn -> Self "h" + self.to_s end "i".foo "# = "hi".into()) lte("6 <= 1" = false.into()) gte("6 >= 1" = true.into()) if_true(r#"if 0 == none 14 end"# = 14.into()) if_false(r#"if 1 == "abc" 14 end"# = Value::None.into()) to_json("import JSON; {a=5}.to_json" = r#"{"a":5}"#.into()) json_parse("import JSON; JSON.parse '5'" = 5.into()) // memoization lifecycle // fib_recursive_dynamic_programming(r#" // @memo // fn fib(n: Number) -> Number // if n <= 1 // n // else // a = (fib n - 1) // b = (fib n - 2) // a + b // end // end // fib 6 // fib 6 // "# = 8.into()) if_else_true(r#"if 0 == "" 42 else 37 end"# = 42.into()) if_else_false(r#"if !true 42 else 1 + 2 end"# = 3.into()) factorial(r#" fn factorial(n: Number) if n == 0 1 else n * factorial n - 1 end end factorial 4 "#=24.into()) var_args_module(r#" let a = [] a.with 1, 2, 3 "# = Value::List(vec![1.into(), 2.into(), 3.into()])) var_args_module_str(r#" let a = "" a.with 1, 2, 3 "# = "123".into()) // todo variable should not be necessary for fib calls fib_recursive(r#" fn fib(n: Number) -> Number if n <= 1 n else b = n - 2 (fib n - 1) + fib b end end fib 6 "# = 8.into()) self_fib_recursive(r#" fn Number.fib -> Number if self <= 1 self else b = (self - 2) (self - 1).fib + b.fib end end 6.fib "# = 8.into()) } } }