# RimRs A 3rd party mod manager for RimWorld based on RimPy. Made because (1) RimPy is closed source and (2) RimPy is pretty slow. Under heavy development, wouldn't recommend. # Usage Just launch the binary `rimrs.exe`. I recommend you run it a command prompt because most errors are logged there. # Installation ## Prebuilt binaries See the [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/Breadinator/rimrs/releases). ## From source ``` cargo install rimrs ``` or ``` git install --git https://github.com/Breadinator/rimrs.git ``` or ``` git clone https://github.com/Breadinator/rimrs.git cd rimrs cargo install --path . ``` After using [`cargo install`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/commands/cargo-install.html), it'll probably be in `$HOME/.cargo/bin/rimrs.exe`. # Roadmap Not sure if this is the actual order, but this is what I intend on doing. - [x] 0.1.0: Basic mod ordering - [ ] 0.2.0: Basic mod sorting - [ ] 0.3.0: Settings independent of RimPy (but still use RimPy config if none detected?) - [ ] 1.0.0: Windows release ## Other planned features Features that I plan on adding but don't remotely know when. - [ ] Sorting based on Fluffy's Mod Manager files - [ ] Sorting based on RimPy's community rules - [ ] Linux support