Merge ===== This tool allows Merging a secondary RINEX into a primary RINEX (`--fp`). The results is the combination of both, where epochs and data were correctly associated. When merging: * both RINEX must be the same kind * primary header section is always prefered * if secondary header section comes with additionnal attributes, they naturally get combined. `-m [RINEX]` or `--merge [RINEX]` is used to trigger this operation ```bash rinex-cli \ --fp test_resources/OBS/V3/zegv0010.21o \ -m test_resources/OBS/V2/delf0010.21o ``` This generates a new file, named "merged.rnx". Like in other file generation scenarios, one can control the file to be generated, with `--output [RINEX]` [RINEX] does not have to follow naming conventions ```bash rinex-cli \ --fp test_resources/NAV/V3/AMEL00NLD_R_20210010000_01D_MN.rnx \ -m test_resources/NAV/V3/BRDC00GOP_R_20210010000_01D_MN.rnx.gz \ -o merged_nav.rnx ``` Refer to the file production paragraph, to learn how to fully operate this mode.