//! A demonstration of embedding a winit window in an existing X11 application. use std::error::Error; #[cfg(x11_platform)] fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { use rio_winit_fork::application::ApplicationHandler; use rio_winit_fork::event::WindowEvent; use rio_winit_fork::event_loop::{ActiveEventLoop, EventLoop}; use rio_winit_fork::platform::x11::WindowAttributesExtX11; use rio_winit_fork::window::{Window, WindowId}; #[path = "util/fill.rs"] mod fill; pub struct XEmbedDemo { parent_window_id: u32, window: Option, } impl ApplicationHandler for XEmbedDemo { fn resumed(&mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { let window_attributes = Window::default_attributes() .with_title("An embedded window!") .with_inner_size(rio_winit_fork::dpi::LogicalSize::new(128.0, 128.0)) .with_embed_parent_window(self.parent_window_id); self.window = Some(event_loop.create_window(window_attributes).unwrap()); } fn window_event( &mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop, _window_id: WindowId, event: WindowEvent, ) { let window = self.window.as_ref().unwrap(); match event { WindowEvent::CloseRequested => event_loop.exit(), WindowEvent::RedrawRequested => { window.pre_present_notify(); fill::fill_window(window); }, _ => (), } } fn about_to_wait(&mut self, _event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { self.window.as_ref().unwrap().request_redraw(); } } // First argument should be a 32-bit X11 window ID. let parent_window_id = std::env::args() .nth(1) .ok_or("Expected a 32-bit X11 window ID as the first argument.")? .parse::()?; tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let event_loop = EventLoop::new()?; let mut app = XEmbedDemo { parent_window_id, window: None }; event_loop.run_app(&mut app).map_err(Into::into) } #[cfg(not(x11_platform))] fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { println!("This example is only supported on X11 platforms."); Ok(()) }