# ripi - [Todo Backlog Draft](#todo-backlog-draft) # Todo Backlog Draft - crates.io and github/ripissue: add owners - [ ] make a professional README - link to crates.io - basic usage (simple, just as `bug`) - increment usage with minimal single workflow (with branches) - more: mgmt repo and sprints - directories tree - full team workflow - release workflow - tag workflow: how it works with annotated tags... - [ ] automatic identify issue from branch - if in branch `I-my_issue_id`, command `ripi issue commit` auto identifies id - [ ] implement tests (unit + integration) - [ ] `ripi list`: increment print layout for cmd list: show issues properties to stdout (status, tags, etc...) - automate CHANGELOG? - [A Beginner’s Guide to Git — What is a Changelog and How to Generate it](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-beginners-guide-to-git-what-is-a-changelog-and-how-to-generate-it/)