# RisingLight Governance This document defines governance policies of the RisingLight project. ## Maintainers RisingLight maintainers demonstrate a strong commitment to the project. The RisingLight maintainers are responsible for: * Decide the overall direction of the RisingLight project. * Moderate the RisingLight community. Currently, the RisingLight maintainers are: * @MingjiHan99 * @pleiadesian * @skyzh * @st1page * @wangrunji0408 * @xxchan Membership of the maintainers is by invitation only and must be approved by a consensus of the maintainers. ## Members RisingLight members are a group of developers who are actively working on the RisingLight project. RisingLight members are granted write access to all of the RisingLight project's repositories. All RisingLight members can be found on [GitHub](https://github.com/orgs/risinglightdb/people) and the vote history on [GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/risinglightdb/risinglight/discussions/categories/member). Membership of the members is by invitation only and must be approved by a consensus of the maintainers and the members. RisingLight members can propose vote for new members on [GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/risinglightdb/risinglight/discussions/categories/member). A vote is considered accepted when all of the conditions meet: * At least 2 votes from RisingLight members or maintainers. * At least 24 hours after the proposal. * No vetos within the vote process.