use std::{ collections::HashMap, borrow::{Borrow, Cow}, }; use maplit::hashmap; use ritz::{ html, HtmlTag, HtmlSelfClosingTag, HtmlContent, Fragment, }; fn compare<'a, 'b, A, B>(a: A, b: B) where A: Borrow>, B: Borrow>, { let a = a.borrow(); let b = b.borrow(); if a != b { panic!("HtmlContent not the same!\nLeft: {:#?}\n{}\n\nRight: {:#?}\n{}", a, a, b, b); } } #[test] fn just_string() { let tag = html!("hi"); compare(tag, HtmlContent::from("hi")); } #[test] fn composing_via_function() { fn my_component(value: &str) -> HtmlContent { html!( { value } ) } // We want this to be a string to make sure the inferred lifetime for // my_component is NOT 'static. let cool_value = "hello".to_owned(); let tag = html!(
{ my_component(&cool_value) }
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: hashmap! { Cow::Borrowed("class") => Cow::Borrowed("hello"), }, children: vec![ "hello".into(), ], }) ], })) } #[test] fn empty() { let tag = html!(
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: Vec::new(), })); } #[test] fn empty_comment() { let tag = html!(
/* Hello, world! */
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: Vec::new(), })); } #[test] fn self_closing() { let tag = html!(
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::SelfClosingTag(HtmlSelfClosingTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: HashMap::new(), })); } #[test] fn empty_fragment() { let fragment = html!(<> ); compare(fragment, HtmlContent::Fragment(Fragment { children: Vec::new(), })); } #[test] fn empty_with_attributes() { let tag = html!(
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: hashmap! { Cow::Borrowed("foo") => Cow::Borrowed("bar"), Cow::Borrowed("baz") => Cow::Borrowed("qux"), }, children: Vec::new(), })); } #[test] fn empty_with_block_attribute() { let tag = html!(
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: hashmap! { Cow::Borrowed("foo") => Cow::Borrowed("10"), }, children: Vec::new(), })); } #[test] fn self_closing_with_attribute() { let tag = html!(
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::SelfClosingTag(HtmlSelfClosingTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: hashmap! { Cow::Borrowed("foo") => Cow::Borrowed("hello"), }, })); } #[test] fn literal_string() { let tag = html!( "Hello, world!" ); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ "Hello, world!".into(), ], })); } #[test] fn literal_string_fragment() { let fragment = html!( <> "Hello!" ); compare(fragment, HtmlContent::Fragment(Fragment { children: vec![ "Hello!".into(), ], })); } #[test] fn literal_multiple_string_fragment() { let fragment = html!( <> "Hello, " "world!" ); compare(fragment, HtmlContent::Fragment(Fragment { children: vec![ "Hello, ".into(), "world!".into(), ], })); } #[test] fn literal_block() { let tag = html!( { (5 + 5).to_string() } ); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ "10".into(), ], })); } #[test] fn literal_block_fragment() { let tag = html!( { Fragment::new(["hello", "world"].iter()) } ); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ "hello".into(), "world".into(), ], })); } // // // #[test] // fn literal_block_iterator() { // let tag = html!( // // { ["hello", "world"].iter() } // // ); // compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { // name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), // attributes: HashMap::new(), // children: vec![ // "hello".into(), // "world".into(), // ], // })); // } // // // #[test] // fn literal_block_into_iterator() { // let tag = html!( // // { ["hello", "world"] } // // ); // compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { // name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), // attributes: HashMap::new(), // children: vec![ // "hello".into(), // "world".into(), // ], // })); // } #[test] fn literal_block_content_fragments() { fn render_age(age: &u32) -> HtmlContent { html!( { age.to_string() } ) } let tag = html!(
{ Fragment::new([32, 2, 114].iter().map(render_age)) }
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ "32".into(), ], }), HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ "2".into(), ], }), HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ "114".into(), ], }), ], })); } #[test] fn nested_tags() { let tag = html!(
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: Vec::new(), }), ], })); } #[test] fn adjacent_tags() { let tag = html!(
); compare(&tag, &HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: Vec::new(), }), HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: Vec::new(), }), ], })); } #[test] fn nested_tags_self_closing() { let tag = html!(
); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("div"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ HtmlContent::SelfClosingTag(HtmlSelfClosingTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), }), ], })); } #[test] fn borrow_content_nonstatic() { let foo = "hello".to_string(); let tag = html!( { foo.as_str() } ); compare(tag, HtmlContent::Tag(HtmlTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: HashMap::new(), children: vec![ "hello".into(), ], })) } #[test] fn borrow_attribute_nonstatic() { let foo = "world".to_string(); let tag = html!( ); compare(tag, HtmlContent::SelfClosingTag(HtmlSelfClosingTag { name: Cow::Borrowed("span"), attributes: hashmap! { Cow::Borrowed("hello") => Cow::Borrowed("world"), }, })); }