// Copyright © 2024 RustLogs (RLG). All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT //! Tests for the configuration module of RustLogs (RLG). //! //! This module contains comprehensive tests for the `Config` struct and related //! functionality, including parsing, validation, environment variable handling, //! and various configuration operations. #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use rlg::{ config::{ Config, ConfigError, LogRotation, LoggingDestination, }, log_level::LogLevel, }; use serde::Deserialize; use std::{ collections::HashMap, env, num::NonZeroU64, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr, }; use tempfile::tempdir; use tokio::{fs, io::AsyncWriteExt}; /// Tests parsing different variants of the LogLevel enum from strings. #[test] fn test_log_level_from_str_basic() { assert_eq!(LogLevel::from_str("INFO").unwrap(), LogLevel::INFO); assert_eq!( LogLevel::from_str("debug").unwrap(), LogLevel::DEBUG ); assert_eq!(LogLevel::from_str("NONE").unwrap(), LogLevel::NONE); assert_eq!(LogLevel::from_str("warn").unwrap(), LogLevel::WARN); assert_eq!( LogLevel::from_str("ERROR").unwrap(), LogLevel::ERROR ); assert!(LogLevel::from_str("INVALID").is_err()); } /// Tests displaying the log file path from the Config struct. #[test] fn test_config_log_file_path_display() { let config = Config { version: "1.0".to_string(), profile: "test".to_string(), log_file_path: PathBuf::from("RLG.log"), log_level: LogLevel::INFO, log_rotation: None, log_format: "%level - %message".to_string(), logging_destinations: vec![], env_vars: HashMap::new(), }; assert_eq!( config.log_file_path.display().to_string(), "RLG.log", "Log file path should be 'RLG.log'" ); assert!( config.log_file_path.is_relative(), "The log file path should be a relative path" ); assert_eq!( config.log_file_path.to_str().unwrap(), "RLG.log", "The string representation of the path should be 'RLG.log'" ); } /// Tests loading configuration with invalid values for LOG_LEVEL and LOG_ROTATION. #[tokio::test] async fn test_config_load_with_invalid_values() { let temp_dir = tempdir().expect("Failed to create temp directory"); let log_file_path = temp_dir.path().join("RLG.log"); let mut log_file = fs::File::create(&log_file_path) .await .expect("Failed to create log file"); log_file .write_all(b"This is a test log file") .await .expect("Failed to write to log file"); let config_content = r#" version = "1.0" log_file_path = "RLG.log" log_format = "%level - %message" "#; let config_file_path = temp_dir.path().join("config.toml"); fs::write(&config_file_path, config_content) .await .expect("Failed to write config file"); env::set_var("LOG_LEVEL", "INVALID_LOG_LEVEL"); env::set_var("LOG_ROTATION", "INVALID_LOG_ROTATION"); let config_result = Config::load_async(Some(&config_file_path)).await; assert!(config_result.is_ok(), "Config load should not fail"); let log_level_env = env::var("LOG_LEVEL").expect("LOG_LEVEL not set"); let log_rotation_env = env::var("LOG_ROTATION").expect("LOG_ROTATION not set"); assert!( log_level_env.parse::().is_err(), "Expected LOG_LEVEL to be invalid" ); assert!( log_rotation_env.parse::().is_err(), "Expected LOG_ROTATION to be invalid" ); env::remove_var("LOG_LEVEL"); env::remove_var("LOG_ROTATION"); fs::remove_file(log_file_path) .await .expect("Failed to remove log file"); } /// Tests the cloning and copying capabilities of the LogRotation enum. #[test] fn test_log_rotation_clone_and_copy() { let size = NonZeroU64::new(1024 * 1024) .expect("Failed to create NonZeroU64 instance"); let rotation1 = LogRotation::Size(size); let rotation2 = rotation1; assert_eq!(rotation1, rotation2); } /// Tests the ConfigError enum variants. #[test] fn test_config_error() { let env_var_error = ConfigError::EnvVarParseError( envy::Error::MissingValue("Test error"), ); assert!( format!("{}", env_var_error) .contains("Environment variable parse error"), "Unexpected error message for EnvVarParseError: {}", env_var_error ); } /// Tests the LoggingDestination enum variants. #[test] fn test_logging_destination() { let file_dest = LoggingDestination::File(PathBuf::from("test.log")); let stdout_dest = LoggingDestination::Stdout; let network_dest = LoggingDestination::Network("".to_string()); assert!(matches!(file_dest, LoggingDestination::File(_))); assert!(matches!(stdout_dest, LoggingDestination::Stdout)); assert!(matches!(network_dest, LoggingDestination::Network(_))); } /// Comprehensive test for parsing various log levels, including invalid inputs. #[test] fn test_log_level_from_str_comprehensive() { let test_cases = [ ("ALL", Ok(LogLevel::ALL)), ("DEBUG", Ok(LogLevel::DEBUG)), ("INFO", Ok(LogLevel::INFO)), ("WARN", Ok(LogLevel::WARN)), ("ERROR", Ok(LogLevel::ERROR)), ("FATAL", Ok(LogLevel::FATAL)), ("TRACE", Ok(LogLevel::TRACE)), ("VERBOSE", Ok(LogLevel::VERBOSE)), ("NONE", Ok(LogLevel::NONE)), ("DISABLED", Ok(LogLevel::DISABLED)), ("CRITICAL", Ok(LogLevel::CRITICAL)), ("invalid", Err(())), ]; for (input, expected) in test_cases.iter() { let result = LogLevel::from_str(input); match (result, expected) { (Ok(level), Ok(expected_level)) => assert_eq!( level, *expected_level, "Failed for input: {}", input ), (Err(_), Err(())) => {} // Test passed for invalid input _ => panic!("Unexpected result for input: {}", input), } } // Test case insensitivity assert!(matches!( LogLevel::from_str("info"), Ok(LogLevel::INFO) )); assert!(matches!( LogLevel::from_str("ErRoR"), Ok(LogLevel::ERROR) )); } /// Tests the Config::validate method with valid and invalid configurations. #[test] fn test_config_validate() { let temp_dir = env::temp_dir(); let log_file_path = temp_dir.join("test_validate_RLG.log"); std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .truncate(true) .open(&log_file_path) .unwrap(); let mut config = Config { log_file_path, ..Default::default() }; assert!( config.validate().is_ok(), "Validation should pass with valid config" ); config.log_file_path = PathBuf::new(); assert!( config.validate().is_err(), "Validation should fail with empty log file path" ); } /// Tests the Config::expand_env_vars method. #[test] fn test_config_expand_env_vars() { env::set_var("RLG_LOG_PATH", "/tmp/env_test_RLG.log"); let mut config = Config::default(); config.env_vars.insert( "RLG_LOG_PATH".to_string(), "${RLG_LOG_PATH}".to_string(), ); let expanded_config = config.expand_env_vars(); assert_eq!( expanded_config.env_vars.get("RLG_LOG_PATH").unwrap(), "/tmp/env_test_RLG.log" ); env::remove_var("RLG_LOG_PATH"); } /// Tests the Config::hot_reload_async method. #[tokio::test] async fn test_hot_reload_async() { use parking_lot::RwLock; use std::sync::Arc; let temp_dir = env::temp_dir(); let config_file_path = temp_dir.join("test_hot_reload_RLG.toml"); let config_content = r#" version = "1.0" profile = "default" "#; fs::write(&config_file_path, config_content).await.unwrap(); let config = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Config::default())); let result = Config::hot_reload_async( config_file_path.to_str().unwrap(), config.clone(), ) .await; assert!(result.is_ok(), "Hot reload setup should succeed"); fs::remove_file(config_file_path) .await .expect("Failed to remove test config file"); } /// Tests the Config::diff method. #[test] fn test_config_diff() { let config1 = Config::default(); let config2 = Config { profile: "test_profile".to_string(), ..Default::default() }; let differences = Config::diff(&config1, &config2); assert_eq!( differences.get("profile").unwrap(), "default -> test_profile" ); } /// Tests the Config::merge method. #[test] fn test_config_merge() { let config1 = Config::default(); let config2 = Config { profile: "test_profile".to_string(), log_format: "%level - %message".to_string(), ..Default::default() }; let merged_config = config1.merge(&config2); assert_eq!(merged_config.profile, "test_profile"); assert_eq!(merged_config.log_format, "%level - %message"); } /// Tests the ConfigError enum variants thoroughly. #[test] fn test_config_error_enum() { #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct EnvConfig { required_field: String, } let env_var_error = ConfigError::EnvVarParseError( envy::from_env::().unwrap_err(), ); let config_parse_error = ConfigError::ConfigParseError( config::ConfigError::Message("test error".to_string()), ); let invalid_file_path_error = ConfigError::InvalidFilePath("invalid path".to_string()); let env_var_error_message = format!("{}", env_var_error); println!("Env var error message: {}", env_var_error_message); assert!( env_var_error_message.contains("field") || env_var_error_message.contains("parse"), "Env var error should contain 'field' or 'parse' but was: {}", env_var_error_message ); assert_eq!( format!("{}", config_parse_error), "Configuration parsing error: test error" ); assert_eq!( format!("{}", invalid_file_path_error), "Invalid file path: invalid path" ); } // Additional tests for Config methods /// Tests the Config::get method. #[test] fn test_config_get() { let config = Config { version: "1.0".to_string(), profile: "test".to_string(), log_file_path: PathBuf::from("test.log"), log_level: LogLevel::INFO, log_rotation: Some(LogRotation::Size( NonZeroU64::new(1024).unwrap(), )), log_format: "%level - %message".to_string(), logging_destinations: vec![LoggingDestination::File( PathBuf::from("test.log"), )], env_vars: HashMap::new(), }; assert_eq!( config.get::("version"), Some("1.0".to_string()) ); assert_eq!( config.get::("profile"), Some("test".to_string()) ); assert_eq!( config.get::("log_level"), Some(LogLevel::INFO) ); assert_eq!(config.get::("non_existent"), None); } /// Tests the Config::set method. #[test] fn test_config_set() { let mut config = Config::default(); assert!(config.set("version", "2.0").is_ok()); assert_eq!(config.version, "2.0"); assert!(config.set("log_level", LogLevel::DEBUG).is_ok()); assert_eq!(config.log_level, LogLevel::DEBUG); assert!(config.set("non_existent", "value").is_err()); } /// Tests the Config::save_to_file method. #[test] fn test_config_save_to_file() { let temp_dir = tempdir().expect("Failed to create temp directory"); let config_path = temp_dir.path().join("test_config.json"); let config = Config::default(); assert!(config.save_to_file(&config_path).is_ok()); assert!( config_path.exists(), "Config file should have been created" ); } }