0.3.3 ----- - Decreased `Readline` object size by heap allocating more state - Fixed potential memory leak caused by undo lists - Bumped minimum supported Rust version to `1.38` 0.3.2 ----- - Introduced `static` feature for linking to `libreadline` statically - Added GitHub Actions workflow for publishing the crate 0.3.1 ----- - Re-run build script on changes to `CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS` env var - Switched to using GitHub Actions as CI provider - Updated example to use `termion` `2.0` 0.3.0 ----- - Bumped minimum required Rust version to `1.36.0` - Replaced deprecated `std::mem::uninitialized` with usage of `std::mem::MaybeUninit` - Added code coverage collection and reporting to CI pipeline - Downgraded `deny` crate-level lints to `warn` 0.2.1 ----- - Adjusted `peek` method to no longer require a mutable object 0.2.0 ----- - Renamed `inspect` method to `peek` - Adjusted `feed` to accept a `[u8]` instead of a `c_int` - Properly support multi-byte inputs - Added `links` manifest key to `Cargo.toml` 0.1.4 ----- - Fixed use-after-free bug in `user-configuration` test - Enabled CI pipeline comprising building, testing, and linting of the project - Added badges indicating pipeline status, current `crates.io` published version of the crate, current `docs.rs` published version of the documentation, and minimum version of `rustc` required 0.1.3 ----- - Added example illustrating basic usage of `Readline` objects in a terminal application - Adjusted program to use Rust Edition 2018 - Removed `#![deny(warnings)]` attribute and demoted lints prone to future changes from `deny` to `warn` 0.1.2 ----- - Fixed wrong lifetime being used for `&CStr` parameter in function passed to `Readline::inspect` method - Added categories to Cargo.toml 0.1.1 ----- - Fixed bug causing user configuration to be only active for the first `Readline` context created - Made sure to release initially `libreadline` allocated buffers to prevent one-time memory leak - Implemented `Default` trait for `Readline` struct 0.1.0 ----- - Initial release