# `rlr`: a pixel screen ruler ![./rlr.png](./rlr.png) Rust + GTK interactive pixel screen ruler with protractor mode. ## demo
![./demo.gif](./demo.gif) ![./demo_move.gif](./demo_move.gif)
## use - Quit with `q` or `Ctrl-Q`. - Click to drag. - Press `r` to rotate 90 degrees. Press `r` to flip (mirror) the marks without rotation. - Press `p` to toggle protractor mode. - Press `f` or `` to toggle freezing the measurements. - Press `Control_L` and drag the angle base side to rotate it in protractor mode. - Press `Control_L` continuously to disable precision (measurements will snap to nearest integer). - Press `+` to increase size. - Press `-` to decrease size. - Press `Up`, `Down`, `Left`, `Right` to move window position by 10 pixels. Also hold down `Control_L` to move by 1 pixel. ## build ```shell cargo build --release ``` ## packaging To help packagers in OSes that support the XDG Desktop standards, a `.desktop` app launcher filer, an application icon and a symbolic application icon are included. - `rlr.desktop` should be installed in any of the following: `/usr/share/applications/`, `/usr/local/share/applications/` or `$HOME/.local/share/applications/`. - `rlr.svg` should be installed in `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/rlr.svg`. - `rlr.symbolic.svg` should be installed in `/usr/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps/rlr.svg`. The files have been contributed by .