#![warn(clippy::pedantic)] // This is the canonical "Hello World" example for RLTK. // It's like example 01, but we implement a sparse second terminal using a nicer VGA font // for the FPS and frame time portions. This illustrates how you can combine multiple fonts // on a single layered console. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // We're utilizing functionality from RLTK, so we need to tell it to use the crate. rltk::add_wasm_support!(); extern crate rltk; // We're using Rltk (the main context) and GameState (a trait defining what our callback // looks like), so we need to use that, too.` use rltk::prelude::*; // This is the structure that will store our game state, typically a state machine pointing to // other structures. This demo is realy simple, so we'll just put the minimum to make it work // in here. struct State { y: i32, going_down: bool, sprite: MultiTileSprite, nyancat: MultiTileSprite, } // We have to implement the "trait" GameState for our state object. This gives it a callback // point for the main loop. impl GameState for State { // This is called every time the screen refreshes (a "tick") by RLTK's main loop. Since GUIs // require that you process events every turn - rather than just sequentially like a good old text // console, you have to run your game as something of a state machine. This will be fleshed out in // later tutorials. For now, it just shows you the frame rate and says "Hello World". fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut Rltk) { let mut draw_batch = DrawBatch::new(); let col1 = RGB::named(rltk::CYAN); let col2 = RGB::named(rltk::YELLOW); let percent: f32 = self.y as f32 / 50.0; let fg = col1.lerp(col2, percent); // The first console created (8x8) is always console 0. This makes it the recipient // of draw calls sent to ctx. You can also do ctx.consoles[0] - but that's more typing. draw_batch.target(0); draw_batch.cls(); draw_batch.print_color( Point::new(1, self.y), "Hello RLTK World", ColorPair::new(fg, RGB::named(rltk::BLACK)), ); self.nyancat .add_to_batch(&mut draw_batch, Point::new(20, self.y)); // Lets make the hello bounce up and down if self.going_down { self.y += 1; if self.y > 48 { self.going_down = false; } } else { self.y -= 1; if self.y < 2 { self.going_down = true; } } // We'll also show the frame rate, since we generally care about keeping that high. // We want to show this in VGA 8x16 font, so we'll set to console 1 - the one we added. // Again, this could be ctx.consoles[1] - but the short-hand is easier. draw_batch.target(1); draw_batch.cls(); draw_batch.draw_double_box( Rect::with_size(39, 0, 20, 7), ColorPair::new(RGB::named(rltk::WHITE), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK)), ); draw_batch.print_color( Point::new(40, 1), &format!("FPS: {}", ctx.fps), ColorPair::new(RGB::named(rltk::YELLOW), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK)), ); draw_batch.print_color( Point::new(40, 2), &format!("Frame Time: {} ms", ctx.frame_time_ms), ColorPair::new(RGB::named(rltk::CYAN), RGB::named(rltk::BLACK)), ); self.sprite.add_to_batch(&mut draw_batch, Point::new(40, 3)); draw_batch.submit(0).expect("Batch error"); render_draw_buffer(ctx).expect("Render error"); } } rltk::embedded_resource!(NYAN_CAT, "../resources/nyan.xp"); // Every program needs a main() function! fn main() -> RltkError { rltk::link_resource!(NYAN_CAT, "../resources/nyan.xp"); // We're using the RLTK "builder" system to define what we want. We start with a simple // 80x50 background layer. let context = RltkBuilder::simple80x50() // Then we register the 8x16 VGA font. This is embedded automatically, so you can just use it. .with_font("vga8x16.png", 8, 16) // Next we want a "sparse" (no background) console, of half the height since its an 8x16 font. .with_sparse_console_no_bg(80, 25, "vga8x16.png") // And a window title .with_title("RLTK Example 18 - Text Sprites") // And call the build function to actually obtain the context. .build()?; // Now we create an empty state object. let gs = State { y: 1, going_down: true, sprite: MultiTileSprite::from_string_colored( " ▲ ◄☼► ▼ ", 3, 3, &[ RGBA::from_f32(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), RGBA::from_f32(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), RGBA::from_f32(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), RGBA::from_f32(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), RGBA::from_f32(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), RGBA::from_f32(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), RGBA::from_f32(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), RGBA::from_f32(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), RGBA::from_f32(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), ], &vec![RGBA::from_f32(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); 9], ), nyancat: MultiTileSprite::from_xp(&XpFile::from_resource("../resources/nyan.xp").unwrap()), }; // Call into RLTK to run the main loop. This handles rendering, and calls back into State's tick // function every cycle. rltk::main_loop(context, gs) }