# `rm-backup` A minimal command line tool to backup any files you `rm`. ## Installation Use `cargo install rm-backup`, or `binstall` if you have it. ## Usage Intended usage is to run `rm-backup` before actual `rm` with equal arguments. For example, here is a working example for `fish`: ```fish function rm; rm-backup $argv; if not contains -- "--get" $argv command rm $argv end end # run `funcsave rm` to persist ``` `rm-backup` will backup all specified files (and folders if `--recursive`/`-r`/`-R` is specified) to `~/.cache/rm-backup/`. After that you can read logs located in the same folder to determine under which name the folder you're looking for was saved. You can also use `cat $(rm-backup --get)` to quickly read latest log. ## Contributing Huh?