;; re-packaged into R6RS library ;; http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/eggs/packrat.html (library (packrat) (export packrat-parser parse-result? parse-result-successful? parse-result-semantic-value parse-result-next parse-result-error parse-results? parse-results-position parse-results-base parse-results-next parse-error? parse-error-position parse-error-expected parse-error-messages make-parse-position parse-position? parse-position-file parse-position-line parse-position-column top-parse-position update-parse-position parse-position->string ;;empty-results ;;make-results make-error-expected make-error-message make-result make-expected-result make-message-result prepend-base prepend-semantic-value base-generator->results results->result parse-position>? parse-error-empty? merge-parse-errors merge-result-errors parse-results-token-kind parse-results-token-value packrat-check-base packrat-check packrat-or packrat-unless ) (import (rnrs) (only (rnrs r5rs) quotient) (only (srfi :1) lset-union) ) ;; Packrat Parser Library ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Tony Garnock-Jones ;; Copyright (c) 2005 LShift Ltd. ;; ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, ;; modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies ;; of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;; ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ;; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ;; BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ;; ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN ;; CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ;; SOFTWARE. ;; Requires: SRFI-1, SRFI-9, SRFI-6. See the documentation for more ;; details. ;MOSH: converted R6RS records (define-record-type (parse-result make-parse-result parse-result?) (fields (immutable successful? parse-result-successful?) (immutable semantic-value parse-result-semantic-value) (immutable next parse-result-next) ;; #f, if eof or error; otherwise a parse-results (immutable error parse-result-error)) ;; ^^ #f if none, but usually a parse-error structure ;(make-parse-result successful? semantic-value next error) ;;MOSH: default ) (define-record-type (parse-results make-parse-results parse-results?) ;(make-parse-results position base next map) ;parse-results? (fields (immutable position parse-results-position) ;; a parse-position or #f if unknown (immutable base parse-results-base) ;; a value, #f indicating 'none' or 'eof' (mutable next parse-results-next* set-parse-results-next!) ;; ^^ a parse-results, or a nullary function delivering same, or #f for nothing next (eof) (mutable map parse-results-map set-parse-results-map!) ;; ^^ an alist mapping a nonterminal to a parse-result )) (define-record-type (parse-error make-parse-error parse-error?) ;(make-parse-error position expected messages) ;parse-error? (fields (immutable position parse-error-position) ;; a parse-position or #f if unknown (immutable expected parse-error-expected) ;; set of things (lset) (immutable messages parse-error-messages) ;; list of strings )) (define-record-type (parse-position make-parse-position parse-position?) ;(make-parse-position file line column) ;parse-position? (fields (immutable file parse-position-file) (immutable line parse-position-line) (immutable column parse-position-column))) (define (top-parse-position filename) (make-parse-position filename 1 0)) (define (update-parse-position pos ch) (if (not pos) #f (let ((file (parse-position-file pos)) (line (parse-position-line pos)) (column (parse-position-column pos))) (case ch ((#\return) (make-parse-position file line 0)) ((#\newline) (make-parse-position file (+ line 1) 0)) ((#\tab) (make-parse-position file line (* (quotient (+ column 8) 8) 8))) (else (make-parse-position file line (+ column 1))))))) (define (parse-position->string pos) (if (not pos) "" (string-append (parse-position-file pos) ":" (number->string (parse-position-line pos)) ":" (number->string (parse-position-column pos))))) (define (empty-results pos) (make-parse-results pos #f #f '())) (define (make-results pos base next-generator) (make-parse-results pos base next-generator '())) (define (make-error-expected pos str) (make-parse-error pos (list str) '())) (define (make-error-message pos msg) (make-parse-error pos '() (list msg))) (define (make-result semantic-value next) (make-parse-result #t semantic-value next #f)) (define (make-expected-result pos str) (make-parse-result #f #f #f (make-error-expected pos str))) (define (make-message-result pos msg) (make-parse-result #f #f #f (make-error-message pos msg))) (define (prepend-base pos base next) (make-parse-results pos base next '())) (define (prepend-semantic-value pos key result next) (make-parse-results pos #f #f (list (cons key (make-result result next))))) (define (base-generator->results generator) ;; Note: applies first next-generator, to get first result (define (results-generator) (let-values (((pos base) (generator))) (if (not base) (empty-results pos) (make-results pos base results-generator)))) (results-generator)) (define (parse-results-next results) (let ((next (parse-results-next* results))) (if (procedure? next) (let ((next-value (next))) (set-parse-results-next! results next-value) next-value) next))) (define (results->result results key fn) (let ((results-map (parse-results-map results))) (cond ((assv key results-map) => cdr) (else (let ((result (fn))) (set-parse-results-map! results (cons (cons key result) results-map)) result))))) (define (parse-position>? a b) (cond ((not a) #f) ((not b) #t) (else (let ((la (parse-position-line a)) (lb (parse-position-line b))) (or (> la lb) (and (= la lb) (> (parse-position-column a) (parse-position-column b)))))))) (define (parse-error-empty? e) (and (null? (parse-error-expected e)) (null? (parse-error-messages e)))) (define (merge-parse-errors e1 e2) (cond ((not e1) e2) ((not e2) e1) (else (let ((p1 (parse-error-position e1)) (p2 (parse-error-position e2))) (cond ((or (parse-position>? p1 p2) (parse-error-empty? e2)) e1) ((or (parse-position>? p2 p1) (parse-error-empty? e1)) e2) (else (make-parse-error p1 (lset-union equal? (parse-error-expected e1) (parse-error-expected e2)) (append (parse-error-messages e1) (parse-error-messages e2))))))))) (define (merge-result-errors result errs) (make-parse-result (parse-result-successful? result) (parse-result-semantic-value result) (parse-result-next result) (merge-parse-errors (parse-result-error result) errs))) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define (parse-results-token-kind results) (let ((base (parse-results-base results))) (and base (car base)))) (define (parse-results-token-value results) (let ((base (parse-results-base results))) (and base (cdr base)))) (define (packrat-check-base token-kind k) (lambda (results) (let ((base (parse-results-base results))) (if (eqv? (and base (car base)) token-kind) ((k (and base (cdr base))) (parse-results-next results)) (make-expected-result (parse-results-position results) (if (not token-kind) "end-of-file" token-kind)))))) (define (packrat-check parser k) (lambda (results) (let ((result (parser results))) (if (parse-result-successful? result) (merge-result-errors ((k (parse-result-semantic-value result)) (parse-result-next result)) (parse-result-error result)) result)))) (define (packrat-or p1 p2) (lambda (results) (let ((result (p1 results))) (if (parse-result-successful? result) result (merge-result-errors (p2 results) (parse-result-error result)))))) (define (packrat-unless explanation p1 p2) (lambda (results) (let ((result (p1 results))) (if (parse-result-successful? result) (make-message-result (parse-results-position results) explanation) (p2 results))))) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;MOSH: ;(define (object->external-representation o) ; (let ((s (open-output-string))) ; (write o s) ; (get-output-string s))) (define-syntax packrat-parser (syntax-rules (<- quote ! @ /) ((_ start (nonterminal (alternative body0 body ...) ...) ...) (let () (define nonterminal (lambda (results) (results->result results 'nonterminal (lambda () ((packrat-parser #f "alts" nonterminal ((begin body0 body ...) alternative) ...) results))))) ... start)) ((_ #f "alts" nt (body alternative)) (packrat-parser #f "alt" nt body alternative)) ((_ #f "alts" nt (body alternative) rest0 rest ...) (packrat-or (packrat-parser #f "alt" nt body alternative) (packrat-parser #f "alts" nt rest0 rest ...))) ((_ #f "alt" nt body ()) (lambda (results) (make-result body results))) ((_ #f "alt" nt body ((! fails ...) rest ...)) (packrat-unless (string-append "Nonterminal " (symbol->string 'nt) " expected to fail " (object->external-representation '(fails ...))) (packrat-parser #f "alt" nt #t (fails ...)) (packrat-parser #f "alt" nt body (rest ...)))) ((_ #f "alt" nt body ((/ alternative ...) rest ...)) (packrat-check (packrat-parser #f "alts" nt (#t alternative) ...) (lambda (result) (packrat-parser #f "alt" nt body (rest ...))))) ((_ #f "alt" nt body (var <- 'val rest ...)) (packrat-check-base 'val (lambda (var) (packrat-parser #f "alt" nt body (rest ...))))) ((_ #f "alt" nt body (var <- @ rest ...)) (lambda (results) (let ((var (parse-results-position results))) ((packrat-parser #f "alt" nt body (rest ...)) results)))) ((_ #f "alt" nt body (var <- val rest ...)) (packrat-check val (lambda (var) (packrat-parser #f "alt" nt body (rest ...))))) ((_ #f "alt" nt body ('val rest ...)) (packrat-check-base 'val (lambda (dummy) (packrat-parser #f "alt" nt body (rest ...))))) ((_ #f "alt" nt body (val rest ...)) (packrat-check val (lambda (dummy) (packrat-parser #f "alt" nt body (rest ...))))))) '(define (x) (sc-expand '(packrat-parser expr (expr ((a <- mulexp '+ b <- mulexp) (+ a b)) ((a <- mulexp) a)) (mulexp ((a <- simple '* b <- simple) (* a b)) ((a <- simple) a)) (simple ((a <- 'num) a) (('oparen a <- expr 'cparen) a))))) )