#!r6rs ;; NOTE: All tests of complex numbers have been commented out, ;; since many complex primitives are(were?) missing from Ikarus. (import (rnrs) (rnrs r5rs) (rename (only (rnrs) write) (write pretty-print)) (srfi :27 random-bits) (srfi :42 eager-comprehensions) (srfi :67 compare-procedures)) ; Copyright (c) 2005 Sebastian Egner and Jens Axel S{\o}gaard. ; ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ; ``Software''), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ; the following conditions: ; ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE ; LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION ; OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION ; WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ; ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Compare procedures SRFI (confidence tests) ; Sebastian.Egner@philips.com, Jensaxel@soegaard.net, 2005 ; ; history of this file: ; SE, 14-Oct-2004: first version ; .. ; SE, 28-Feb-2005: adapted to make it one-source PLT,S48,Chicken ; JS, 01-Mar-2005: first version ; SE, 18-Apr-2005: added (). ; 2. Paste this into the REPL: ; ,open srfi-16 srfi-23 srfi-27 srfi-42 pp ; (define pretty-write p) ; ,load compare.scm examples.scm ; Running the examples in the Chicken Scheme Interpreter ; ====================================================== ; ; 1. Fetch and install the srfi-42 egg from the Chicken homepage ; 2. Uncomment the following lines: ; (require-extension srfi-23) ; (define random-integer random) ; (require-extension srfi-42) ; (define pretty-write display) ; (define complex? pm-complex?) ; (define number? pm-number?) ; (define make-rectangular pm-make-rectangular) ; (define real-part pm-real-part) ; (define imag-part pm-imag-part) ; (define apply (make-apply 126)) ; Grrr... ; (load "compare.scm") ; 3. Invoke csi with: ; csi -syntax examples.scm ; ; Note: Chicken doesn't have complex numbers and has a ; severe limit on the number of arguments for apply. ; ============================================================================= ; Test engine ; =========== ; ; We use an extended version of the the checker of SRFI-42 (with ; Felix' reduction on codesize) for running a batch of tests for ; the various procedures of 'compare.scm'. Moreover, we use the ; comprehensions of SRFI-42 to generate examples systematically. (define my-equal? equal?) (define my-pretty-write pretty-write) (define my-check-correct 0) (define my-check-wrong 0) (define (my-check-reset) (set! my-check-correct 0) (set! my-check-wrong 0)) ; (my-check expr => desired-result) ; evaluates expr and compares the value with desired-result. (define-syntax my-check (syntax-rules (=>) ((my-check expr => desired-result) (my-check-proc 'expr (lambda () expr) desired-result)))) (define (my-check-proc expr thunk desired-result) (newline) (my-pretty-write expr) (display " => ") (let ((actual-result (thunk))) (write actual-result) (if (my-equal? actual-result desired-result) (begin (display " ; correct") (set! my-check-correct (+ my-check-correct 1)) ) (begin (display " ; *** wrong ***, desired result:") (newline) (display " => ") (write desired-result) (set! my-check-wrong (+ my-check-wrong 1)))) (newline))) ; (my-check-ec * ) ; runs (every?-ec * ), counting the times ; is evaluated as a correct example, and stopping at the first ; counter example for which provides the argument. (define-syntax my-check-ec (syntax-rules (nested) ((my-check-ec (nested q1 ...) q etc1 etc2 etc ...) (my-check-ec (nested q1 ... q) etc1 etc2 etc ...)) ((my-check-ec q1 q2 etc1 etc2 etc ...) (my-check-ec (nested q1 q2) etc1 etc2 etc ...)) ((my-check-ec ok? expr) (my-check-ec (nested) ok? expr)) ((my-check-ec (nested q ...) ok? expr) (my-check-ec-proc '(every?-ec q ... ok?) (lambda () (first-ec 'ok (nested q ...) (:let ok ok?) (begin (if ok (set! my-check-correct (+ my-check-correct 1)) (set! my-check-wrong (+ my-check-wrong 1)))) (if (not ok)) (list expr))) 'expr)) ((my-check-ec q ok? expr) (my-check-ec (nested q) ok? expr)))) (define (my-check-ec-proc expr thunk arg-counter-example) (let ((my-check-correct-save my-check-correct)) (newline) (my-pretty-write expr) (display " => ") (let ((result (thunk))) (if (eqv? result 'ok) (begin (display "#t ; correct (") (write (- my-check-correct my-check-correct-save)) (display " examples)") (newline)) (begin (display "#f ; *** wrong *** (after ") (write (- my-check-correct my-check-correct-save)) (display " correct examples).") (newline) (display " ; Argument of the first counter example:") (newline) (display " ; ") (write arg-counter-example) (display " = ") (write (car result))))))) (define (my-check-summary) (begin (newline) (newline) (display "*** correct examples: ") (display my-check-correct) (newline) (display "*** wrong examples: ") (display my-check-wrong) (newline) (newline))) ; ============================================================================= ; Abstractions etc. ; ================= (define ci integer-compare) ; very frequently used ; (result-ok? actual desired) ; tests if actual and desired specify the same ordering. (define (result-ok? actual desired) (eqv? actual desired)) ; (my-check-compare compare increasing-elements) ; evaluates (compare x y) for x, y in increasing-elements ; and checks the result against -1, 0, or 1 depending on ; the position of x and y in the list increasing-elements. (define-syntax my-check-compare (syntax-rules () ((my-check-compare compare increasing-elements) (my-check-ec (:list x (index ix) increasing-elements) (:list y (index iy) increasing-elements) (result-ok? (compare x y) (ci ix iy)) (list x y))))) ; sorted lists (define my-booleans '(#f #t)) (define my-chars '(#\a #\b #\c)) (define my-chars-ci '(#\a #\B #\c #\D)) (define my-strings '("" "a" "aa" "ab" "b" "ba" "bb")) (define my-strings-ci '("" "a" "aA" "Ab" "B" "bA" "BB")) (define my-symbols '(a aa ab b ba bb)) (define my-reals (append-ec (:range xn -6 7) (:let x (/ xn 3)) (list x (+ x (exact->inexact (/ 1 100)))))) (define my-rationals (list-ec (:list x my-reals) (and (exact? x) (rational? x)) x)) (define my-integers (list-ec (:list x my-reals) (if (and (exact? x) (integer? x))) x)) #;(define my-complexes (list-ec (:list re-x my-reals) (if (inexact? re-x)) (:list im-x my-reals) (if (inexact? im-x)) (make-rectangular re-x im-x))) (define my-lists '(() (1) (1 1) (1 2) (2) (2 1) (2 2))) (define my-vector-as-lists (map list->vector my-lists)) (define my-list-as-vectors '(() (1) (2) (1 1) (1 2) (2 1) (2 2))) (define my-vectors (map list->vector my-list-as-vectors)) (define my-null-or-pairs '(() (1) (1 1) (1 2) (1 . 1) (1 . 2) (2) (2 1) (2 2) (2 . 1) (2 . 2))) (define my-objects (append my-null-or-pairs my-booleans my-chars my-strings my-symbols my-integers my-vectors)) ; ============================================================================= ; The checks ; ========== (define (check:if3) ; basic functionality (my-check (if3 -1 'n 'z 'p) => 'n) (my-check (if3 0 'n 'z 'p) => 'z) (my-check (if3 1 'n 'z 'p) => 'p) ; check arguments are evaluated only once (my-check (let ((x -1)) (if3 (let ((x0 x)) (set! x (+ x 1)) x0) 'n 'z 'p)) => 'n) (my-check (let ((x -1) (y 0)) (if3 (let ((x0 x)) (set! x (+ x 1)) x0) (begin (set! y (+ y 1)) y) (begin (set! y (+ y 10)) y) (begin (set! y (+ y 100)) y))) => 1) (my-check (let ((x 0) (y 0)) (if3 (let ((x0 x)) (set! x (+ x 1)) x0) (begin (set! y (+ y 1)) y) (begin (set! y (+ y 10)) y) (begin (set! y (+ y 100)) y))) => 10) (my-check (let ((x 1) (y 0)) (if3 (let ((x0 x)) (set! x (+ x 1)) x0) (begin (set! y (+ y 1)) y) (begin (set! y (+ y 10)) y) (begin (set! y (+ y 100)) y))) => 100) ) ; check:if3 (define-syntax my-check-if2 (syntax-rules () ((my-check-if2 if-rel? rel) (begin ; check result (my-check (if-rel? -1 'yes 'no) => (if (rel -1 0) 'yes 'no)) (my-check (if-rel? 0 'yes 'no) => (if (rel 0 0) 'yes 'no)) (my-check (if-rel? 1 'yes 'no) => (if (rel 1 0) 'yes 'no)) ; check result of 'laterally challenged if' (my-check (let ((x #f)) (if-rel? -1 (set! x #t)) x) => (rel -1 0)) (my-check (let ((x #f)) (if-rel? 0 (set! x #t)) x) => (rel 0 0)) (my-check (let ((x #f)) (if-rel? 1 (set! x #t)) x) => (rel 1 0)) ; check that is evaluated exactly once (my-check (let ((n 0)) (if-rel? (begin (set! n (+ n 1)) -1) #t #f) n) => 1) (my-check (let ((n 0)) (if-rel? (begin (set! n (+ n 1)) 0) #t #f) n) => 1) (my-check (let ((n 0)) (if-rel? (begin (set! n (+ n 1)) 1) #t #f) n) => 1) (my-check (let ((n 0)) (if-rel? (begin (set! n (+ n 1)) -1) #t) n) => 1) (my-check (let ((n 0)) (if-rel? (begin (set! n (+ n 1)) 0) #t) n) => 1) (my-check (let ((n 0)) (if-rel? (begin (set! n (+ n 1)) 1) #t) n) => 1) )))) (define (check:ifs) (my-check-if2 if=? =) (my-check-if2 if? >) (my-check-if2 if<=? <=) (my-check-if2 if>=? >=) (my-check-if2 if-not=? (lambda (x y) (not (= x y)))) ) ; check:if2 ; (rel 0 0)) (my-check (rel? ci 0 1) => (rel 0 1)) (my-check (rel? ci 1 0) => (rel 1 0)) ; using default-compare (my-check (rel? 0 0) => (rel 0 0)) (my-check (rel? 0 1) => (rel 0 1)) (my-check (rel? 1 0) => (rel 1 0)) ; as a combinator (my-check ((rel? ci) 0 0) => (rel 0 0)) (my-check ((rel? ci) 0 1) => (rel 0 1)) (my-check ((rel? ci) 1 0) => (rel 1 0)) ; using default-compare as a combinator (my-check ((rel?) 0 0) => (rel 0 0)) (my-check ((rel?) 0 1) => (rel 0 1)) (my-check ((rel?) 1 0) => (rel 1 0)) )))) (define (list->set xs) ; xs a list of integers (if (null? xs) '() (let ((max-xs (let max-without-apply ((m 1) (xs xs)) (if (null? xs) m (max-without-apply (max m (car xs)) (cdr xs)))))) (let ((in-xs? (make-vector (+ max-xs 1) #f))) (do-ec (:list x xs) (vector-set! in-xs? x #t)) (list-ec (:vector in? (index x) in-xs?) (if in?) x))))) (define-syntax arguments-used ; set of arguments (integer, >=0) used in compare (syntax-rules () ((arguments-used (rel1/rel2 compare arg ...)) (let ((used '())) (rel1/rel2 (lambda (x y) (set! used (cons x (cons y used))) (compare x y)) arg ...) (list->set used))))) (define-syntax my-check-chain3 (syntax-rules () ((my-check-chain3 rel1/rel2? rel1 rel2) (begin ; all chains of length 3 (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 0 0 0) => (and (rel1 0 0) (rel2 0 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 0 0 1) => (and (rel1 0 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 0 1 0) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 1 0 0) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 1 1 0) => (and (rel1 1 1) (rel2 1 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 1 0 1) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 0 1 1) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 0 1 2) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 2))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 0 2 1) => (and (rel1 0 2) (rel2 2 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 1 2 0) => (and (rel1 1 2) (rel2 2 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 1 0 2) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 2))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 2 0 1) => (and (rel1 2 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? ci 2 1 0) => (and (rel1 2 1) (rel2 1 0))) ; using default-compare (my-check (rel1/rel2? 0 0 0) => (and (rel1 0 0) (rel2 0 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 0 0 1) => (and (rel1 0 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 0 1 0) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 1 0 0) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 1 1 0) => (and (rel1 1 1) (rel2 1 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 1 0 1) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 0 1 1) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 0 1 2) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 2))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 0 2 1) => (and (rel1 0 2) (rel2 2 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 1 2 0) => (and (rel1 1 2) (rel2 2 0))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 1 0 2) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 2))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 2 0 1) => (and (rel1 2 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check (rel1/rel2? 2 1 0) => (and (rel1 2 1) (rel2 1 0))) ; as a combinator (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 0 0 0) => (and (rel1 0 0) (rel2 0 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 0 0 1) => (and (rel1 0 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 0 1 0) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 1 0 0) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 1 1 0) => (and (rel1 1 1) (rel2 1 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 1 0 1) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 0 1 1) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 0 1 2) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 2))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 0 2 1) => (and (rel1 0 2) (rel2 2 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 1 2 0) => (and (rel1 1 2) (rel2 2 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 1 0 2) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 2))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 2 0 1) => (and (rel1 2 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2? ci) 2 1 0) => (and (rel1 2 1) (rel2 1 0))) ; as a combinator using default-compare (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 0 0 0) => (and (rel1 0 0) (rel2 0 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 0 0 1) => (and (rel1 0 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 0 1 0) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 1 0 0) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 1 1 0) => (and (rel1 1 1) (rel2 1 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 1 0 1) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 0 1 1) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 0 1 2) => (and (rel1 0 1) (rel2 1 2))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 0 2 1) => (and (rel1 0 2) (rel2 2 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 1 2 0) => (and (rel1 1 2) (rel2 2 0))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 1 0 2) => (and (rel1 1 0) (rel2 0 2))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 2 0 1) => (and (rel1 2 0) (rel2 0 1))) (my-check ((rel1/rel2?) 2 1 0) => (and (rel1 2 1) (rel2 1 0))) ; test if all arguments are type checked (my-check (arguments-used (rel1/rel2? ci 0 1 2)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (rel1/rel2? ci 0 2 1)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (rel1/rel2? ci 1 2 0)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (rel1/rel2? ci 1 0 2)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (rel1/rel2? ci 2 0 1)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (rel1/rel2? ci 2 1 0)) => '(0 1 2)) )))) (define-syntax my-check-chain (syntax-rules () ((my-check-chain chain-rel? rel) (begin ; the chain of length 0 (my-check (chain-rel? ci) => #t) ; a chain of length 1 (my-check (chain-rel? ci 0) => #t) ; all chains of length 2 (my-check (chain-rel? ci 0 0) => (rel 0 0)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 0 1) => (rel 0 1)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 1 0) => (rel 1 0)) ; all chains of length 3 (my-check (chain-rel? ci 0 0 0) => (rel 0 0 0)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 0 0 1) => (rel 0 0 1)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 0 1 0) => (rel 0 1 0)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 1 0 0) => (rel 1 0 0)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 1 1 0) => (rel 1 1 0)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 1 0 1) => (rel 1 0 1)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 0 1 1) => (rel 0 1 1)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 0 1 2) => (rel 0 1 2)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 0 2 1) => (rel 0 2 1)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 1 2 0) => (rel 1 2 0)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 1 0 2) => (rel 1 0 2)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 2 0 1) => (rel 2 0 1)) (my-check (chain-rel? ci 2 1 0) => (rel 2 1 0)) ; check if all arguments are used (my-check (arguments-used (chain-rel? ci 0)) => '(0)) (my-check (arguments-used (chain-rel? ci 0 1)) => '(0 1)) (my-check (arguments-used (chain-rel? ci 1 0)) => '(0 1)) (my-check (arguments-used (chain-rel? ci 0 1 2)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (chain-rel? ci 0 2 1)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (chain-rel? ci 1 2 0)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (chain-rel? ci 1 0 2)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (chain-rel? ci 2 0 1)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (chain-rel? ci 2 1 0)) => '(0 1 2)) )))) (define (check:predicates-from-compare) (my-check-chain2 =? =) (my-check-chain2 ? >) (my-check-chain2 <=? <=) (my-check-chain2 >=? >=) (my-check-chain2 not=? (lambda (x y) (not (= x y)))) (my-check-chain3 />? > >) (my-check-chain3 >/>=? > >=) (my-check-chain3 >=/>? >= >) (my-check-chain3 >=/>=? >= >=) (my-check-chain chain=? =) (my-check-chain chain? >) (my-check-chain chain<=? <=) (my-check-chain chain>=? >=) ) ; check:predicates-from-compare ; pairwise-not=? (define pairwise-not=?:long-sequences (let () (define (extremal-pivot-sequence r) ; The extremal pivot sequence of order r is a ; permutation of {0..2^(r+1)-2} such that the ; middle element is minimal, and this property ; holds recursively for each binary subdivision. ; This sequence exposes a naive implementation of ; pairwise-not=? chosing the middle element as pivot. (if (zero? r) '(0) (let* ((s (extremal-pivot-sequence (- r 1))) (ns (length s))) (append (list-ec (:list x s) (+ x 1)) '(0) (list-ec (:list x s) (+ x ns 1)))))) (list (list-ec (: i 4096) i) (list-ec (: i 4097 0 -1) i) (list-ec (: i 4099) (modulo (* 1003 i) 4099)) (extremal-pivot-sequence 11)))) (define pairwise-not=?:short-sequences (let () (define (combinations/repeats n l) ; return list of all sublists of l of size n, ; the order of the elements occur in the sublists ; of the output is the same as in the input (let ((len (length l))) (cond ((= n 0) '()) ((= n 1) (map list l)) ((= len 1) (do ((r '() (cons (car l) r)) (i n (- i 1))) ((= i 0) (list r)))) (else (append (combinations/repeats n (cdr l)) (map (lambda (c) (cons (car l) c)) (combinations/repeats (- n 1) l))))))) (define (permutations l) ; return a list of all permutations of l (let ((len (length l))) (cond ((= len 0) '(())) ((= len 1) (list l)) (else (apply append (map (lambda (p) (insert-every-where (car l) p)) (permutations (cdr l)))))))) (define (insert-every-where x xs) (let loop ((result '()) (before '()) (after xs)) (let ((new (append before (cons x after)))) (cond ((null? after) (cons new result)) (else (loop (cons new result) (append before (list (car after))) (cdr after))))))) (define (sequences n max) (apply append (map permutations (combinations/repeats n (list-ec (: i max) i))))) (append-ec (: n 5) (sequences n 5)))) (define (colliding-compare x y) (ci (modulo x 3) (modulo y 3))) (define (naive-pairwise-not=? compare . xs) (let ((xs (list->vector xs))) (every?-ec (:range i (- (vector-length xs) 1)) (:let xs-i (vector-ref xs i)) (:range j (+ i 1) (vector-length xs)) (:let xs-j (vector-ref xs j)) (not=? compare xs-i xs-j)))) (define (check:pairwise-not=?) ; 0-ary, 1-ary (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci) => #t) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 0) => #t) ; 2-ary (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 0 0) => #f) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 0 1) => #t) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 1 0) => #t) ; 3-ary (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 0 0 0) => #f) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 0 0 1) => #f) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 0 1 0) => #f) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 1 0 0) => #f) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 1 1 0) => #f) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 1 0 1) => #f) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 0 1 1) => #f) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 0 1 2) => #t) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 0 2 1) => #t) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 1 2 0) => #t) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 1 0 2) => #t) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 2 0 1) => #t) (my-check (pairwise-not=? ci 2 1 0) => #t) ; n-ary, n large: [0..n-1], [n,n-1..1], 5^[0..96] mod 97 (my-check (apply pairwise-not=? ci (list-ec (: i 10) i)) => #t) (my-check (apply pairwise-not=? ci (list-ec (: i 100) i)) => #t) (my-check (apply pairwise-not=? ci (list-ec (: i 1000) i)) => #t) (my-check (apply pairwise-not=? ci (list-ec (: i 10 0 -1) i)) => #t) (my-check (apply pairwise-not=? ci (list-ec (: i 100 0 -1) i)) => #t) (my-check (apply pairwise-not=? ci (list-ec (: i 1000 0 -1) i)) => #t) (my-check (apply pairwise-not=? ci (list-ec (: i 97) (modulo (* 5 i) 97))) => #t) ; bury another copy of 72 = 5^50 mod 97 in 5^[0..96] mod 97 (my-check (apply pairwise-not=? ci (append (list-ec (: i 0 23) (modulo (* 5 i) 97)) '(72) (list-ec (: i 23 97) (modulo (* 5 i) 97)))) => #f) (my-check (apply pairwise-not=? ci (append (list-ec (: i 0 75) (modulo (* 5 i) 97)) '(72) (list-ec (: i 75 97) (modulo (* 5 i) 97)))) => #f) ; check if all arguments are used (my-check (arguments-used (pairwise-not=? ci 0)) => '(0)) (my-check (arguments-used (pairwise-not=? ci 0 1)) => '(0 1)) (my-check (arguments-used (pairwise-not=? ci 1 0)) => '(0 1)) (my-check (arguments-used (pairwise-not=? ci 0 2 1)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (pairwise-not=? ci 1 2 0)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (pairwise-not=? ci 1 0 2)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (pairwise-not=? ci 2 0 1)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (pairwise-not=? ci 2 1 0)) => '(0 1 2)) (my-check (arguments-used (pairwise-not=? ci 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3)) => '(0 1 2 3)) ; Guess if the implementation is O(n log n): ; The test is run for 2^e pairwise unequal inputs, e >= 1, ; and the number of calls to the compare procedure is counted. ; all pairs: A = Binomial[2^e, 2] = 2^(2 e - 1) * (1 - 2^-e). ; divide and conquer: D = e 2^e. ; Since an implementation can be randomized, the actual count may ; be a random number. We put a threshold at 100 e 2^e and choose ; e such that A/D >= 150, i.e. e >= 12. ; The test is applied to several inputs that are known to cause ; trouble in simplistic sorting algorithms: (0..2^e-1), (2^e+1,2^e..1), ; a pseudo-random permutation, and a sequence with an extremal pivot ; at the center of each subsequence. (my-check-ec (:list input pairwise-not=?:long-sequences) (let ((compares 0)) (apply pairwise-not=? (lambda (x y) (set! compares (+ compares 1)) (ci x y)) input) ; (display compares) (newline) (< compares (* 100 12 4096))) (length input)) ; check many short sequences (my-check-ec (:list input pairwise-not=?:short-sequences) (eq? (apply pairwise-not=? colliding-compare input) (apply naive-pairwise-not=? colliding-compare input)) input) ; check if the arguments are used for short sequences (my-check-ec (:list input pairwise-not=?:short-sequences) (let ((args '())) (apply pairwise-not=? (lambda (x y) (set! args (cons x (cons y args))) (colliding-compare x y)) input) (equal? (list->set args) (list->set input))) input) ) ; check:pairwise-not=? ; min/max (define min/max:sequences (append pairwise-not=?:short-sequences pairwise-not=?:long-sequences)) (define (check:min/max) ; all lists of length 1,2,3 (my-check (min-compare ci 0) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 0 0) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 0 1) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 1 0) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 0 0 0) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 0 0 1) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 0 1 0) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 1 0 0) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 1 1 0) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 1 0 1) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 0 1 1) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 0 1 2) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 0 2 1) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 1 2 0) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 1 0 2) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 2 0 1) => 0) (my-check (min-compare ci 2 1 0) => 0) (my-check (max-compare ci 0) => 0) (my-check (max-compare ci 0 0) => 0) (my-check (max-compare ci 0 1) => 1) (my-check (max-compare ci 1 0) => 1) (my-check (max-compare ci 0 0 0) => 0) (my-check (max-compare ci 0 0 1) => 1) (my-check (max-compare ci 0 1 0) => 1) (my-check (max-compare ci 1 0 0) => 1) (my-check (max-compare ci 1 1 0) => 1) (my-check (max-compare ci 1 0 1) => 1) (my-check (max-compare ci 0 1 1) => 1) (my-check (max-compare ci 0 1 2) => 2) (my-check (max-compare ci 0 2 1) => 2) (my-check (max-compare ci 1 2 0) => 2) (my-check (max-compare ci 1 0 2) => 2) (my-check (max-compare ci 2 0 1) => 2) (my-check (max-compare ci 2 1 0) => 2) ; check that the first minimal value is returned (my-check (min-compare (pair-compare-car ci) '(0 1) '(0 2) '(0 3)) => '(0 1)) (my-check (max-compare (pair-compare-car ci) '(0 1) '(0 2) '(0 3)) => '(0 1)) ; check for many inputs (my-check-ec (:list input min/max:sequences) (= (apply min-compare ci input) (apply min (apply max input) input)) input) (my-check-ec (:list input min/max:sequences) (= (apply max-compare ci input) (apply max (apply min input) input)) input) ; Note the stupid extra argument in the apply for ; the standard min/max makes sure the elements are ; identical when apply truncates the arglist. ) ; check:min/max ; kth-largest (define kth-largest:sequences pairwise-not=?:short-sequences) (define (naive-kth-largest compare k . xs) (let ((vec (list->vector xs))) ; bubble sort: simple, stable, O(|xs|^2) (do-ec (:range n (- (vector-length vec) 1)) (:range i 0 (- (- (vector-length vec) 1) n)) (if>? (compare (vector-ref vec i) (vector-ref vec (+ i 1))) (let ((vec-i (vector-ref vec i))) (vector-set! vec i (vector-ref vec (+ i 1))) (vector-set! vec (+ i 1) vec-i)))) (vector-ref vec (modulo k (vector-length vec))))) (define (check:kth-largest) ; check extensively against naive-kth-largest (my-check-ec (:list input kth-largest:sequences) (: k (- -2 (length input)) (+ (length input) 2)) (= (apply naive-kth-largest colliding-compare k input) (apply kth-largest colliding-compare k input)) (list input k)) ) ;check:kth-largest ; compare-by< etc. procedures (define (check:compare-from-predicates) (my-check-compare (compare-by< <) my-integers) (my-check-compare (compare-by> >) my-integers) (my-check-compare (compare-by<= <=) my-integers) (my-check-compare (compare-by>= >=) my-integers) (my-check-compare (compare-by=/< = <) my-integers) (my-check-compare (compare-by=/> = >) my-integers) ; with explicit arguments (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (compare-by< < x y)) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (compare-by> > x y)) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (compare-by<= <= x y)) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (compare-by>= >= x y)) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (compare-by=/< = < x y)) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (compare-by=/> = > x y)) my-integers) ) ; check:compare-from-predicates (define (check:atomic) (my-check-compare boolean-compare my-booleans) (my-check-compare char-compare my-chars) (my-check-compare char-compare-ci my-chars-ci) (my-check-compare string-compare my-strings) (my-check-compare string-compare-ci my-strings-ci) (my-check-compare symbol-compare my-symbols) (my-check-compare integer-compare my-integers) (my-check-compare rational-compare my-rationals) (my-check-compare real-compare my-reals) #;(my-check-compare complex-compare my-complexes) #;(my-check-compare number-compare my-complexes) ) ; check:atomic (define (check:refine-select-cond) ; refine-compare (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (refine-compare)) '(#f)) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (refine-compare (integer-compare x y))) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (refine-compare (integer-compare (car x) (car y)) (symbol-compare (cdr x) (cdr y)))) '((1 . a) (1 . b) (2 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a) (3 . c))) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (refine-compare (integer-compare (car x) (car y)) (symbol-compare (cadr x) (cadr y)) (string-compare (caddr x) (caddr y)))) '((1 a "a") (1 b "a") (1 b "b") (2 b "c") (2 c "a") (3 a "b") (3 c "b"))) ; select-compare (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (select-compare x y)) '(#f)) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (select-compare x y (integer? (ci x y)))) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (select-compare x y (pair? (integer-compare (car x) (car y)) (symbol-compare (cdr x) (cdr y))))) '((1 . a) (1 . b) (2 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a) (3 . c))) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (select-compare x y (else (integer-compare x y)))) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (select-compare x y (else (integer-compare (car x) (car y)) (symbol-compare (cdr x) (cdr y))))) '((1 . a) (1 . b) (2 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a) (3 . c))) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (select-compare x y (symbol? (symbol-compare x y)) (string? (string-compare x y)))) '(a b c "a" "b" "c" 1)) ; implicit (else 0) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (select-compare x y (symbol? (symbol-compare x y)) (else (string-compare x y)))) '(a b c "a" "b" "c")) ; test if arguments are only evaluated once (my-check (let ((nx 0) (ny 0) (nt 0)) (select-compare (begin (set! nx (+ nx 1)) 1) (begin (set! ny (+ ny 1)) 2) ((lambda (z) (set! nt (+ nt 1)) #f) 0) ((lambda (z) (set! nt (+ nt 10)) #f) 0) ((lambda (z) (set! nt (+ nt 100)) #f) 0) (else 0)) (list nx ny nt)) => '(1 1 222)) ; cond-compare (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (cond-compare)) '(#f)) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (cond-compare (((integer? x) (integer? y)) (integer-compare x y)))) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (cond-compare (((pair? x) (pair? y)) (integer-compare (car x) (car y)) (symbol-compare (cdr x) (cdr y))))) '((1 . a) (1 . b) (2 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a) (3 . c))) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (cond-compare (else (integer-compare x y)))) my-integers) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (cond-compare (else (integer-compare (car x) (car y)) (symbol-compare (cdr x) (cdr y))))) '((1 . a) (1 . b) (2 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a) (3 . c))) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (cond-compare (((symbol? x) (symbol? y)) (symbol-compare x y)) (((string? x) (string? y)) (string-compare x y)))) '(a b c "a" "b" "c" 1)) ; implicit (else 0) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (cond-compare (((symbol? x) (symbol? y)) (symbol-compare x y)) (else (string-compare x y)))) '(a b c "a" "b" "c")) ) ; check:refine-select-cond ; We define our own list/vector data structure ; as '(my-list x[1] .. x[n]), n >= 0, in order ; to make sure the default ops don't work on it. (define (my-list-checked obj) (if (and (list? obj) (eqv? (car obj) 'my-list)) obj (error "expected my-list but received" obj))) (define (list->my-list list) (cons 'my-list list)) (define (my-empty? x) (null? (cdr (my-list-checked x)))) (define (my-head x) (cadr (my-list-checked x))) (define (my-tail x) (cons 'my-list (cddr (my-list-checked x)))) (define (my-size x) (- (length (my-list-checked x)) 1)) (define (my-ref x i) (list-ref (my-list-checked x) (+ i 1))) (define (check:data-structures) (my-check-compare (pair-compare-car ci) '((1 . b) (2 . a) (3 . c))) (my-check-compare (pair-compare-cdr ci) '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))) ; pair-compare (my-check-compare pair-compare my-null-or-pairs) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (pair-compare ci x y)) my-null-or-pairs) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (pair-compare ci symbol-compare x y)) '((1 . a) (1 . b) (2 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a))) ; list-compare (my-check-compare list-compare my-lists) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (list-compare ci x y)) my-lists) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (list-compare x y my-empty? my-head my-tail)) (map list->my-list my-lists)) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (list-compare ci x y my-empty? my-head my-tail)) (map list->my-list my-lists)) ; list-compare-as-vector (my-check-compare list-compare-as-vector my-list-as-vectors) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (list-compare-as-vector ci x y)) my-list-as-vectors) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (list-compare-as-vector x y my-empty? my-head my-tail)) (map list->my-list my-list-as-vectors)) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (list-compare-as-vector ci x y my-empty? my-head my-tail)) (map list->my-list my-list-as-vectors)) ; vector-compare (my-check-compare vector-compare my-vectors) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (vector-compare ci x y)) my-vectors) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (vector-compare x y my-size my-ref)) (map list->my-list my-list-as-vectors)) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (vector-compare ci x y my-size my-ref)) (map list->my-list my-list-as-vectors)) ; vector-compare-as-list (my-check-compare vector-compare-as-list my-vector-as-lists) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (vector-compare-as-list ci x y)) my-vector-as-lists) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (vector-compare-as-list x y my-size my-ref)) (map list->my-list my-lists)) (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (vector-compare-as-list ci x y my-size my-ref)) (map list->my-list my-lists)) ) ; check:data-structures (define (check:default-compare) (my-check-compare default-compare my-objects) ; check if default-compare refines pair-compare (my-check-ec (:list x (index ix) my-objects) (:list y (index iy) my-objects) (:let c-coarse (pair-compare x y)) (:let c-fine (default-compare x y)) (or (eqv? c-coarse 0) (eqv? c-fine c-coarse)) (list x y)) ; check if default-compare passes on debug-compare (my-check-compare (debug-compare default-compare) my-objects) ) ; check:default-compare (define (sort-by-less xs pred) ; trivial quicksort (if (or (null? xs) (null? (cdr xs))) xs (append (sort-by-less (list-ec (:list x (cdr xs)) (if (pred x (car xs))) x) pred) (list (car xs)) (sort-by-less (list-ec (:list x (cdr xs)) (if (not (pred x (car xs)))) x) pred)))) (define (check:more-examples) ; define recursive order on tree type (nodes are dotted pairs) (my-check-compare (letrec ((c (lambda (x y) (cond-compare (((null? x) (null? y)) 0) (else (pair-compare c c x y)))))) c) (list '() (list '()) (list '() '()) (list (list '()))) ;'(() (() . ()) (() . (() . ())) ((() . ()) . ())) ; Chicken can't parse this ? ) ; redefine default-compare using select-compare (my-check-compare (letrec ((c (lambda (x y) (select-compare x y (null? 0) (pair? (pair-compare c c x y)) (boolean? (boolean-compare x y)) (char? (char-compare x y)) (string? (string-compare x y)) (symbol? (symbol-compare x y)) (number? (number-compare x y)) (vector? (vector-compare c x y)) (else (error "unrecognized type in c" x y)))))) c) my-objects) ; redefine default-compare using cond-compare (my-check-compare (letrec ((c (lambda (x y) (cond-compare (((null? x) (null? y)) 0) (((pair? x) (pair? y)) (pair-compare c c x y)) (((boolean? x) (boolean? y)) (boolean-compare x y)) (((char? x) (char? y)) (char-compare x y)) (((string? x) (string? y)) (string-compare x y)) (((symbol? x) (symbol? y)) (symbol-compare x y)) (((number? x) (number? y)) (number-compare x y)) (((vector? x) (vector? y)) (vector-compare c x y)) (else (error "unrecognized type in c" x y)))))) c) my-objects) ; compare strings with character order reversed (my-check-compare (lambda (x y) (vector-compare-as-list (lambda (x y) (char-compare y x)) x y string-length string-ref)) '("" "b" "bb" "ba" "a" "ab" "aa")) ; examples from SRFI text for ? "laugh" "LOUD") => #t) (my-check ( #t) (my-check (sort-by-less '(1 a "b") ( '("b" a 1)) (my-check (sort-by-less '(1 a "b") (>?)) => '(1 a "b")) ) ; check:more-examples ; Real life examples ; ================== ; (update/insert compare x s) ; inserts x into list s, or updates an equivalent element by x. ; It is assumed that s is sorted with respect to compare, ; i.e. (apply chain<=? compare s). The result is a list with x ; replacing the first element s[i] for which (=? compare s[i] x), ; or with x inserted in the proper place. ; The algorithm uses linear insertion from the front. (define (insert/update compare x s) ; insert x into list s, or update (if (null? s) (list x) (if3 (compare x (car s)) (cons x s) (cons x (cdr s)) (cons (car s) (insert/update compare x (cdr s)))))) ; (index-in-vector compare vec x) ; an index i such that (=? compare vec[i] x), or #f if there is none. ; It is assumed that s is sorted with respect to compare, ; i.e. (apply chain<=? compare (vector->list s)). If there are ; several elements equivalent to x then it is unspecified which ; these is chosen. ; The algorithm uses binary search. (define (index-in-vector compare vec x) (let binary-search ((lo -1) (hi (vector-length vec))) ; invariant: vec[lo] < x < vec[hi] (if (=? (- hi lo) 1) #f (let ((mi (quotient (+ lo hi) 2))) (if3 (compare x (vector-ref vec mi)) (binary-search lo mi) mi (binary-search mi hi)))))) ; Run the checks ; ============== (my-check-reset) ; comment in/out as needed (check:atomic) (check:if3) (check:ifs) (check:predicates-from-compare) (check:pairwise-not=?) (check:min/max) ; (check:kth-largest) (check:compare-from-predicates) (check:refine-select-cond) (check:data-structures) (check:default-compare) (check:more-examples) (my-check-summary) ; all examples (99486) correct?