(import (rnrs) (mosh test) (shorten) (mosh file) (template)) (define temp-file "template-temp") (define (test-equal-template expected template vars) (when (file-exists? temp-file) (delete-file temp-file)) (with-output-to-file temp-file (^() (eval-template template vars))) (test-equal expected (file->string temp-file)) (delete-file temp-file)) (define big "<% (define (for-each-with-index proc lst) (let ([len (length lst)]) (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)) ; start with 1 (lst lst (cdr lst))) ((null? lst)) (proc i (car lst))))) %> SameAge - 同い年のための掲示板
<%include _header.html %> <%include _footer.html %>


<% (cond [user %> /\">自分の同い年掲示板に書き込む <% ][else %> 書き込みするには\">ログインが必要です <% ]) %>
<% (for-each (lambda (aetas) %> <% (for-each-with-index (lambda (i bbs) %> <% ) (cdr aetas)) %> <% ) aetas*) %>

/\"><%= (h (car aetas)) %>/4 - <%= (number->string (+ 1 (string->number (car aetas)))) %>/3 生まれの掲示板

<%= (number->string i) %>. /<%= (ref bbs id) %>/\"><%= (ref bbs title) %> (<%= (ref bbs count) %>) <% (when (ref bbs friend_wrote?) %>お友達が書き込みしています<% ) %>
<% (for-each (lambda (user) %> \">/picture?type=small\"> <% ) user*) %>
" ) (define big2 "<% (define (for-each-with-index proc lst) (let ([len (length lst)]) (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)) ; start with 1 (lst lst (cdr lst))) ((null? lst)) (proc i (car lst))))) %> <%include _header.html %>3" ) (test-equal-template "hige" "<%= a %>" '((a . "hige"))) (test-equal-template "hige" "<% (display a) %>" '((a . "hige"))) (test-equal-template "" "" '((a . "hige"))) (test-equal-template "hoge" "<%= a %>" '((a . "hoge"))) (test-equal-template "\nhoge" "\n<%= a %>" '((a . "hoge"))) (test-equal-template "
  • hige
  • hage
  • " "<% (for-each (lambda (x) %>
  • <%= x %>
  • <% ) b) %>" '((b . '("hige" "hage")))) (test-equal-template "" "" '()) (test-equal-template "\n3" "<%\n (define a 3)%>\n3" '()) (test-equal-template "34" "<% (display 3) %><% (display 4) %>" '()) (test-equal-template "3%4" "<% (display 3) %>%<% (display 4) %>" '()) (test-equal-template "34" "<%= a %><%= b %>" '((a . "3") (b . "4"))) (test-equal-template "3%4" "<%= a %>%<%= b %>" '((a . "3") (b . "4"))) (test-equal-template "3%4" "<%=unsafe a %>%<%=unsafe b %>" '((a . "3") (b . "4"))) (test-equal-template "%4" "<%# hoge %>%<%=unsafe b %>" '((a . "3") (b . "4"))) (test-equal 3 (ref '((a . 3)) a)) (test-equal-template "" "<% \n %>" '()) ;; (test-equal-template "" big '((a . "3") (b . "4"))) ;; (test-equal-template "" big2 '((a . "3") (b . "4"))) ;; todo: works on only nmosh ;(test-equal-template "#t" "<%= (hashtable? a) %>" `((a . ,(make-eq-hashtable)))) (test-results)