;;; ;;; This is a test suite written in the notation of ;;; SRFI-64, A Scheme API for test suites ;;; #!r6rs (import (except (rnrs base) error) (rnrs lists) (srfi :64 testing)) (define (error msg) (assertion-violation "(srfi :64 testing) test program" msg)) (test-begin "SRFI 64 - Meta-Test Suite") ;;; ;;; Ironically, in order to set up the meta-test environment, ;;; we have to invoke one of the most sophisticated features: ;;; custom test runners ;;; ;;; The `prop-runner' invokes `thunk' in the context of a new ;;; test runner, and returns the indicated properties of the ;;; last-executed test result. (define (prop-runner props thunk) (let ((r (test-runner-null)) (plist '())) ;; (test-runner-on-test-end! r (lambda (runner) (set! plist (test-result-alist runner)))) ;; (test-with-runner r (thunk)) ;; reorder the properties so they are in the order ;; given by `props'. Note that any property listed in `props' ;; that is not in the property alist will occur as #f (map (lambda (k) (assq k plist)) props))) ;;; `on-test-runner' creates a null test runner and then ;;; arranged for `visit' to be called with the runner ;;; whenever a test is run. The results of the calls to ;;; `visit' are returned in a list (define (on-test-runner thunk visit) (let ((r (test-runner-null)) (results '())) ;; (test-runner-on-test-end! r (lambda (runner) (set! results (cons (visit r) results)))) ;; (test-with-runner r (thunk)) (reverse results))) ;;; ;;; The `triv-runner' invokes `thunk' ;;; and returns a list of 6 lists, the first 5 of which ;;; are a list of the names of the tests that, respectively, ;;; PASS, FAIL, XFAIL, XPASS, and SKIP. ;;; The last item is a list of counts. ;;; (define (triv-runner thunk) (let ((r (test-runner-null)) (accum-pass '()) (accum-fail '()) (accum-xfail '()) (accum-xpass '()) (accum-skip '())) ;; (test-runner-on-bad-count! r (lambda (runner count expected-count) (error (string-append "bad count " (number->string count) " but expected " (number->string expected-count))))) (test-runner-on-bad-end-name! r (lambda (runner begin end) (error (string-append "bad end grojup name " end " but expected " begin)))) (test-runner-on-test-end! r (lambda (runner) (let ((n (test-runner-test-name runner))) (case (test-result-kind runner) ((pass) (set! accum-pass (cons n accum-pass))) ((fail) (set! accum-fail (cons n accum-fail))) ((xpass) (set! accum-xpass (cons n accum-xpass))) ((xfail) (set! accum-xfail (cons n accum-xfail))) ((skip) (set! accum-skip (cons n accum-skip))))))) ;; (test-with-runner r (thunk)) (list (reverse accum-pass) ; passed as expected (reverse accum-fail) ; failed, but was expected to pass (reverse accum-xfail) ; failed as expected (reverse accum-xpass) ; passed, but was expected to fail (reverse accum-skip) ; was not executed (list (test-runner-pass-count r) (test-runner-fail-count r) (test-runner-xfail-count r) (test-runner-xpass-count r) (test-runner-skip-count r))))) (define (path-revealing-runner thunk) (let ((r (test-runner-null)) (seq '())) ;; (test-runner-on-test-end! r (lambda (runner) (set! seq (cons (list (test-runner-group-path runner) (test-runner-test-name runner)) seq)))) (test-with-runner r (thunk)) (reverse seq))) ;;; ;;; Now we can start testing compliance with SRFI-64 ;;; (test-begin "1. Simple test-cases") (test-begin "1.1. test-assert") (define (t) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "a" #t) (test-assert "b" #f)))) (test-equal "1.1.1. Very simple" '(("a") ("b") () () () (1 1 0 0 0)) (t)) (test-equal "1.1.2. A test with no name" '(("a") ("") () () () (1 1 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "a" #t) (test-assert #f)))) (test-equal "1.1.3. Tests can have the same name" '(("a" "a") () () () () (2 0 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "a" #t) (test-assert "a" #t)))) (define (choke) (vector-ref '#(1 2) 3)) (test-equal "1.1.4. One way to FAIL is to throw an error" '(() ("a") () () () (0 1 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "a" (choke))))) (test-end);1.1 (test-begin "1.2. test-eqv") (define (mean x y) (/ (+ x y) 2.0)) (test-equal "1.2.1. Simple numerical equivalence" '(("c") ("a" "b") () () () (1 2 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-eqv "a" (mean 3 5) 4) (test-eqv "b" (mean 3 5) 4.5) (test-eqv "c" (mean 3 5) 4.0)))) (test-end);1.2 (test-end "1. Simple test-cases") ;;; ;;; ;;; (test-begin "2. Tests for catching errors") (test-begin "2.1. test-error") (test-equal "2.1.1. Baseline test; PASS with no optional args" '(("") () () () () (1 0 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () ;; PASS (test-error (vector-ref '#(1 2) 9))))) (test-equal "2.1.2. Baseline test; FAIL with no optional args" '(() ("") () () () (0 1 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () ;; FAIL: the expr does not raise an error and `test-error' is ;; claiming that it will, so this test should FAIL (test-error (vector-ref '#(1 2) 0))))) (test-equal "2.1.3. PASS with a test name and error type" '(("a") () () () () (1 0 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () ;; PASS (test-error "a" #t (vector-ref '#(1 2) 9))))) (test-end "2.1. test-error") (test-end "2. Tests for catching errors") ;;; ;;; ;;; (test-begin "3. Test groups and paths") (test-equal "3.1. test-begin with unspecific test-end" '(("b") () () () () (1 0 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-assert "b" #t) (test-end)))) (test-equal "3.2. test-begin with name-matching test-end" '(("b") () () () () (1 0 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-assert "b" #t) (test-end "a")))) ;;; since the error raised by `test-end' on a mismatch is not a test ;;; error, we actually expect the triv-runner itself to fail (test-error "3.3. test-begin with mismatched test-end" #t (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-assert "b" #t) (test-end "x")))) (test-equal "3.4. test-begin with name and count" '(("b" "c") () () () () (2 0 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a" 2) (test-assert "b" #t) (test-assert "c" #t) (test-end "a")))) ;; similarly here, a mismatched count is a lexical error ;; and not a test failure... (test-error "3.5. test-begin with mismatched count" #t (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a" 99) (test-assert "b" #t) (test-end "a")))) (test-equal "3.6. introspecting on the group path" '((() "w") (("a" "b") "x") (("a" "b") "y") (("a") "z")) ;; ;; `path-revealing-runner' is designed to return a list ;; of the tests executed, in order. Each entry is a list ;; (GROUP-PATH TEST-NAME), and each GROUP-PATH is a list ;; of test groups starting from the topmost ;; (path-revealing-runner (lambda () (test-assert "w" #t) (test-begin "a") (test-begin "b") (test-assert "x" #t) (test-assert "y" #t) (test-end) (test-assert "z" #t)))) (test-end "3. Test groups and paths") ;;; ;;; ;;; (test-begin "4. Handling set-up and cleanup") (test-equal "4.1. Normal exit path" '(in 1 2 out) (let ((ex '())) (define (do s) (set! ex (cons s ex))) ;; (triv-runner (lambda () (test-group-with-cleanup "foo" (do 'in) (do 1) (do 2) (do 'out)))) (reverse ex))) (test-equal "4.2. Exception exit path" '(in 1 out) (let ((ex '())) (define (do s) (set! ex (cons s ex))) ;; ;; the outer runner is to run the `test-error' in, to ;; catch the exception raised in the inner runner, ;; since we don't want to depend on any other ;; exception-catching support ;; (triv-runner (lambda () (test-error (triv-runner (lambda () (test-group-with-cleanup "foo" (do 'in) (test-assert #t) (do 1) (test-assert #t) (choke) (test-assert #t) (do 2) (test-assert #t) (do 'out))))))) (reverse ex))) (test-end "4. Handling set-up and cleanup") ;;; ;;; ;;; (test-begin "5. Test specifiers") (test-begin "5.1. test-match-named") (test-equal "5.1.1. match test names" '(("y") () () () ("x") (1 0 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-skip (test-match-name "x")) (test-assert "x" #t) (test-assert "y" #t)))) (test-equal "5.1.2. but not group names" '(("z") () () () () (1 0 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-skip (test-match-name "x")) (test-begin "x") (test-assert "z" #t) (test-end)))) (test-end) (test-begin "5.2. test-match-nth") ;; See also: [6.4. Short-circuit evaluation] (test-equal "5.2.1. skip the nth one after" '(("v" "w" "y" "z") () () () ("x") (4 0 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "v" #t) (test-skip (test-match-nth 2)) (test-assert "w" #t) ; 1 (test-assert "x" #t) ; 2 SKIP (test-assert "y" #t) ; 3 (test-assert "z" #t)))) ; 4 (test-equal "5.2.2. skip m, starting at n" '(("v" "w" "z") () () () ("x" "y") (3 0 0 0 2)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "v" #t) (test-skip (test-match-nth 2 2)) (test-assert "w" #t) ; 1 (test-assert "x" #t) ; 2 SKIP (test-assert "y" #t) ; 3 SKIP (test-assert "z" #t)))) ; 4 (test-end) (test-begin "5.3. test-match-any") (test-equal "5.3.1. basic disjunction" '(("v" "w" "z") () () () ("x" "y") (3 0 0 0 2)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "v" #t) (test-skip (test-match-any (test-match-nth 3) (test-match-name "x"))) (test-assert "w" #t) ; 1 (test-assert "x" #t) ; 2 SKIP(NAME) (test-assert "y" #t) ; 3 SKIP(COUNT) (test-assert "z" #t)))) ; 4 (test-equal "5.3.2. disjunction is commutative" '(("v" "w" "z") () () () ("x" "y") (3 0 0 0 2)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "v" #t) (test-skip (test-match-any (test-match-name "x") (test-match-nth 3))) (test-assert "w" #t) ; 1 (test-assert "x" #t) ; 2 SKIP(NAME) (test-assert "y" #t) ; 3 SKIP(COUNT) (test-assert "z" #t)))) ; 4 (test-end) (test-begin "5.4. test-match-all") (test-equal "5.4.1. basic conjunction" '(("v" "w" "y" "z") () () () ("x") (4 0 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "v" #t) (test-skip (test-match-all (test-match-nth 2 2) (test-match-name "x"))) (test-assert "w" #t) ; 1 (test-assert "x" #t) ; 2 SKIP(NAME) & SKIP(COUNT) (test-assert "y" #t) ; 3 SKIP(COUNT) (test-assert "z" #t)))) ; 4 (test-equal "5.4.2. conjunction is commutative" '(("v" "w" "y" "z") () () () ("x") (4 0 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "v" #t) (test-skip (test-match-all (test-match-name "x") (test-match-nth 2 2))) (test-assert "w" #t) ; 1 (test-assert "x" #t) ; 2 SKIP(NAME) & SKIP(COUNT) (test-assert "y" #t) ; 3 SKIP(COUNT) (test-assert "z" #t)))) ; 4 (test-end) (test-end "5. Test specifiers") ;;; ;;; ;;; (test-begin "6. Skipping selected tests") (test-equal "6.1. Skip by specifier - match-name" '(("x") () () () ("y") (1 0 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-skip (test-match-name "y")) (test-assert "x" #t) ; PASS (test-assert "y" #f) ; SKIP (test-end)))) (test-equal "6.2. Shorthand specifiers" '(("x") () () () ("y") (1 0 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-skip "y") (test-assert "x" #t) ; PASS (test-assert "y" #f) ; SKIP (test-end)))) (test-begin "6.3. Specifier Stack") (test-equal "6.3.1. Clearing the Specifier Stack" '(("x" "x") ("y") () () ("y") (2 1 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-skip "y") (test-assert "x" #t) ; PASS (test-assert "y" #f) ; SKIP (test-end) (test-begin "b") (test-assert "x" #t) ; PASS (test-assert "y" #f) ; FAIL (test-end)))) (test-equal "6.3.2. Inheriting the Specifier Stack" '(("x" "x") () () () ("y" "y") (2 0 0 0 2)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-skip "y") (test-begin "a") (test-assert "x" #t) ; PASS (test-assert "y" #f) ; SKIP (test-end) (test-begin "b") (test-assert "x" #t) ; PASS (test-assert "y" #f) ; SKIP (test-end)))) (test-end);6.3 (test-begin "6.4. Short-circuit evaluation") (test-equal "6.4.1. In test-match-all" '(("x") ("y" "x" "z") () () ("y") (1 3 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-skip (test-match-all "y" (test-match-nth 2))) ;; let's label the substructure forms so we can ;; see which one `test-match-nth' is going to skip ;; ; # "y" 2 result (test-assert "x" #t) ; 1 - #f #f PASS (test-assert "y" #f) ; 2 - #t #t SKIP (test-assert "y" #f) ; 3 - #t #f FAIL (test-assert "x" #f) ; 4 - #f #f FAIL (test-assert "z" #f) ; 5 - #f #f FAIL (test-end)))) (test-equal "6.4.2. In separate skip-list entries" '(("x") ("x" "z") () () ("y" "y") (1 2 0 0 2)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-skip "y") (test-skip (test-match-nth 2)) ;; let's label the substructure forms so we can ;; see which one `test-match-nth' is going to skip ;; ; # "y" 2 result (test-assert "x" #t) ; 1 - #f #f PASS (test-assert "y" #f) ; 2 - #t #t SKIP (test-assert "y" #f) ; 3 - #t #f SKIP (test-assert "x" #f) ; 4 - #f #f FAIL (test-assert "z" #f) ; 5 - #f #f FAIL (test-end)))) (test-begin "6.4.3. Skipping test suites") (test-equal " Introduced using 'test-begin'" '(("x") () () () () (1 0 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-skip "b") (test-begin "b") ; not skipped (test-assert "x" #t) (test-end "b") (test-end "a")))) (test-expect-fail 1) ;; ??? (test-equal " Introduced using 'test-group'" '(() () () () () (0 0 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-skip "b") (test-group "b" ; skipped (test-assert "x" #t)) (test-end "a")))) (test-equal " Non-skipped 'test-group'" '(("x") () () () () (1 0 0 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-skip "c") (test-group "b" (test-assert "x" #t)) (test-end "a")))) (test-end) ; 6.4.3 (test-end);6.4 (test-end "6. Skipping selected tests") ;;; ;;; ;;; (test-begin "7. Expected failures") (test-equal "7.1. Simple example" '(() ("x") ("z") () () (0 1 1 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "x" #f) (test-expect-fail "z") (test-assert "z" #f)))) (test-equal "7.2. Expected exception" '(() ("x") ("z") () () (0 1 1 0 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "x" #f) (test-expect-fail "z") (test-assert "z" (choke))))) (test-equal "7.3. Unexpectedly PASS" '(() () ("y") ("x") () (0 0 1 1 0)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-expect-fail "x") (test-expect-fail "y") (test-assert "x" #t) (test-assert "y" #f)))) (test-end "7. Expected failures") ;;; ;;; ;;; (test-begin "8. Test-runner") ;;; ;;; Because we want this test suite to be accurate even ;;; when the underlying implementation chooses to use, e.g., ;;; a global variable to implement what could be thread variables ;;; or SRFI-39 parameter objects, we really need to save and restore ;;; their state ourselves ;;; (define (with-factory-saved thunk) (let* ((saved (test-runner-factory)) (result (thunk))) (test-runner-factory saved) result)) (test-begin "8.1. test-runner-current") (test-assert "8.1.1. automatically restored" (let ((a 0) (b 1) (c 2)) ; (triv-runner (lambda () (set! a (test-runner-current)) ;; (triv-runner (lambda () (set! b (test-runner-current)))) ;; (set! c (test-runner-current)))) ;; (and (eq? a c) (not (eq? a b))))) (test-end) (test-begin "8.2. test-runner-simple") (test-assert "8.2.1. default on-test hook" (eq? (test-runner-on-test-end (test-runner-simple)) test-on-test-end-simple)) (test-assert "8.2.2. default on-final hook" (eq? (test-runner-on-final (test-runner-simple)) test-on-final-simple)) (test-end) (test-begin "8.3. test-runner-factory") (test-assert "8.3.1. default factory" (eq? (test-runner-factory) test-runner-simple)) (test-assert "8.3.2. settable factory" (with-factory-saved (lambda () (test-runner-factory test-runner-null) ;; we have no way, without bringing in other SRFIs, ;; to make sure the following doesn't print anything, ;; but it shouldn't: (test-with-runner (test-runner-create) (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-assert #t) ; pass (test-assert #f) ; fail (test-assert (vector-ref '#(3) 10)) ; fail with error (test-end "a"))) (eq? (test-runner-factory) test-runner-null)))) (test-end) ;;; This got tested about as well as it could in 8.3.2 (test-begin "8.4. test-runner-create") (test-end) ;;; This got tested about as well as it could in 8.3.2 (test-begin "8.5. test-runner-factory") (test-end) (test-begin "8.6. test-apply") (test-equal "8.6.1. Simple (form 1) test-apply" '(("w" "p" "v") () () () ("x") (3 0 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-assert "w" #t) (test-apply (test-match-name "p") (lambda () (test-begin "p") (test-assert "x" #t) (test-end) (test-begin "z") (test-assert "p" #t) ; only this one should execute in here (test-end))) (test-assert "v" #t)))) (test-equal "8.6.2. Simple (form 2) test-apply" '(("w" "p" "v") () () () ("x") (3 0 0 0 1)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-assert "w" #t) (test-apply (test-runner-current) (test-match-name "p") (lambda () (test-begin "p") (test-assert "x" #t) (test-end) (test-begin "z") (test-assert "p" #t) ; only this one should execute in here (test-end))) (test-assert "v" #t)))) (test-expect-fail 1) ;; depends on all test-match-nth being called. (test-equal "8.6.3. test-apply with skips" '(("w" "q" "v") () () () ("x" "p" "x") (3 0 0 0 3)) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-assert "w" #t) (test-skip (test-match-nth 2)) (test-skip (test-match-nth 4)) (test-apply (test-runner-current) (test-match-name "p") (test-match-name "q") (lambda () ; only execute if SKIP=no and APPLY=yes (test-assert "x" #t) ; # 1 SKIP=no APPLY=no (test-assert "p" #t) ; # 2 SKIP=yes APPLY=yes (test-assert "q" #t) ; # 3 SKIP=no APPLY=yes (test-assert "x" #f) ; # 4 SKIP=yes APPLY=no 0)) (test-assert "v" #t)))) ;;; Unfortunately, since there is no way to UNBIND the current test runner, ;;; there is no way to test the behavior of `test-apply' in the absence ;;; of a current runner within our little meta-test framework. ;;; ;;; To test the behavior manually, you should be able to invoke: ;;; ;;; (test-apply "a" (lambda () (test-assert "a" #t))) ;;; ;;; from the top level (with SRFI 64 available) and it should create a ;;; new, default (simple) test runner. (test-end) ;;; This entire suite depends heavily on 'test-with-runner'. If it didn't ;;; work, this suite would probably go down in flames (test-begin "8.7. test-with-runner") (test-end) ;;; Again, this suite depends heavily on many of the test-runner ;;; components. We'll just test those that aren't being exercised ;;; by the meta-test framework (test-begin "8.8. test-runner components") (define (auxtrack-runner thunk) (let ((r (test-runner-null))) (test-runner-aux-value! r '()) (test-runner-on-test-end! r (lambda (r) (test-runner-aux-value! r (cons (test-runner-test-name r) (test-runner-aux-value r))))) (test-with-runner r (thunk)) (reverse (test-runner-aux-value r)))) (test-equal "8.8.1. test-runner-aux-value" '("x" "" "y") (auxtrack-runner (lambda () (test-assert "x" #t) (test-begin "a") (test-assert #t) (test-end) (test-assert "y" #f)))) (test-end) ; 8.8 (test-end "8. Test-runner") (test-begin "9. Test Result Properties") (test-begin "9.1. test-result-alist") (define (symbol-alist? l) (if (null? l) #t (and (pair? l) (pair? (car l)) (symbol? (caar l)) (symbol-alist? (cdr l))))) ;;; check the various syntactic forms (test-assert (symbol-alist? (car (on-test-runner (lambda () (test-assert #t)) (lambda (r) (test-result-alist r)))))) (test-assert (symbol-alist? (car (on-test-runner (lambda () (test-assert #t)) (lambda (r) (test-result-alist r)))))) ;;; check to make sure the required properties are returned (test-equal '((result-kind . pass)) (prop-runner '(result-kind) (lambda () (test-assert #t))) ) (test-equal '((result-kind . fail) (expected-value . 2) (actual-value . 3)) (prop-runner '(result-kind expected-value actual-value) (lambda () (test-equal 2 (+ 1 2))))) (test-end "9.1. test-result-alist") (test-begin "9.2. test-result-ref") (test-equal '(pass) (on-test-runner (lambda () (test-assert #t)) (lambda (r) (test-result-ref r 'result-kind)))) (test-equal '(pass) (on-test-runner (lambda () (test-assert #t)) (lambda (r) (test-result-ref r 'result-kind)))) (test-equal '(fail pass) (on-test-runner (lambda () (test-assert (= 1 2)) (test-assert (= 1 1))) (lambda (r) (test-result-ref r 'result-kind)))) (test-end "9.2. test-result-ref") (test-begin "9.3. test-result-set!") (test-equal '(100 100) (on-test-runner (lambda () (test-assert (= 1 2)) (test-assert (= 1 1))) (lambda (r) (test-result-set! r 'foo 100) (test-result-ref r 'foo)))) (test-end "9.3. test-result-set!") (test-end "9. Test Result Properties") ;;; ;;; ;;; #| Time to stop having fun... (test-begin "9. For fun, some meta-test errors") (test-equal "9.1. Really PASSes, but test like it should FAIL" '(() ("b") () () ()) (triv-runner (lambda () (test-assert "b" #t)))) (test-expect-fail "9.2. Expect to FAIL and do so") (test-expect-fail "9.3. Expect to FAIL but PASS") (test-skip "9.4. SKIP this one") (test-assert "9.2. Expect to FAIL and do so" #f) (test-assert "9.3. Expect to FAIL but PASS" #t) (test-assert "9.4. SKIP this one" #t) (test-end) |# (test-end "SRFI 64 - Meta-Test Suite") ;;;