#[macro_use] extern crate log; mod cmd; mod event_bus; mod logger; mod transports; use anyhow::Result; use futures_util::future::join_all; use serde::Deserialize; use std::{sync::Arc, time::Instant}; use tokio::sync::{broadcast, mpsc}; use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken; use transports::{http, tcp, udp}; struct Backends { pub startup_time: Instant, abort_token: CancellationToken, sub: event_bus::sub::Tx, #[cfg(all(feature = "gpio", feature = "backend"))] pub raw_gpio: Option, #[cfg(all(feature = "roland", feature = "backend"))] pub roland: Option, #[cfg(all(feature = "camloc", feature = "backend"))] pub camloc: Option>, } fn def_host() -> String { "".into() } fn def_tcp_port() -> u16 { 1110 } fn def_udp_port() -> u16 { def_tcp_port() } fn def_web_port() -> u16 { def_tcp_port() + 1 } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct Config { #[serde(default = "def_host")] tcp_host: String, #[serde(default = "def_host")] udp_host: String, #[serde(default = "def_host")] web_host: String, #[serde(default = "def_tcp_port")] tcp_port: u16, #[serde(default = "def_udp_port")] udp_port: u16, #[serde(default = "def_web_port")] web_port: u16, } async fn try_main() -> Result<()> { let Config { tcp_host, udp_host, web_host, tcp_port, udp_port, web_port, } = match envy::from_env::() { Ok(config) => config, Err(error) => panic!("{:#?}", error), }; info!("Server starting up"); let features: &[&str] = &[ #[cfg(feature = "roland")] "roland", #[cfg(feature = "gpio")] "gpio", #[cfg(feature = "camloc")] "camloc", #[cfg(feature = "backend")] "backend", ]; info!("Compiled with features: {features:?}"); // let event_bus = event_bus::init(); let (tcp_tx, tcp_rx) = broadcast::channel(1024); let (udp_tx, udp_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (ws_tx, ws_rx) = broadcast::channel(1024); #[cfg(feature = "camloc")] let camloc = { // TODO: config let serv = roblib::camloc::service::Builder::new().start().await; match serv { Ok(s) => { info!("Camloc operational"); Some(Box::new(s) as Box) } Err(err) => { info!("Failed to initialize camloc: {err}"); None } } }; #[cfg(all(feature = "roland", feature = "backend"))] let roland = { match roblib::roland::backend::RolandBackend::try_init() { Ok(r) => { info!("Roland operational"); Some(r) } Err(err) => { info!("Failed to initialize roland: {err}"); None } } }; #[cfg(all(feature = "gpio", feature = "backend"))] let raw_gpio = { match roblib::gpio::backend::SimpleGpioBackend::new() { Ok(r) => { info!("GPIO operational"); Some(r) } Err(err) => { info!("Failed to initialize GPIO: {err}"); None } } }; let robot = Arc::new(Backends { startup_time: Instant::now(), abort_token: CancellationToken::new(), sub: broadcast::channel(64).0, #[cfg(all(feature = "roland", feature = "backend"))] roland, #[cfg(all(feature = "gpio", feature = "backend"))] raw_gpio, #[cfg(all(feature = "camloc", feature = "backend"))] camloc, }); info!("TCP starting on {tcp_host}:{tcp_port}"); let tcp_handle = tcp::start((tcp_host, tcp_port), robot.clone(), tcp_rx).await?; info!("UDP starting on {udp_host}:{udp_port}"); let (udp_handle, udp_event_handle) = udp::start((udp_host, udp_port), robot.clone(), udp_rx).await?; info!("Webserver starting on port {web_port}"); let http_handle = http::start((web_host, web_port), robot.clone(), ws_rx).await; let ebus_handle = tokio::spawn(event_bus::init(robot.clone(), tcp_tx, udp_tx, ws_tx)); let mut sighandler = SigHandler::new(); tokio::select! { _ = robot.abort_token.cancelled() => { log::error!("Abort requested internally, cleaning up..."); }, s = sighandler.wait() => { log::error!("{s} received, cleaning up..."); robot.abort_token.cancel(); } }; log::debug!("abort: main"); let force_stop = tokio::spawn(async move { sighandler.wait().await; log::warn!("Press ^C again to force exit (THE ROBOT WILL ESCAPE)"); sighandler.wait().await; log::error!("Bye! (Force shutdown)"); std::process::exit(1); }); udp_handle.abort(); udp_event_handle.abort(); let mut futures = vec![http_handle, ebus_handle]; if let Ok(mut tcp_handles) = tcp_handle.await { futures.append(&mut tcp_handles); } log::debug!("Waiting on {} tasks", futures.len()); join_all(futures).await; force_stop.abort(); let _ = force_stop.await; Ok(()) } #[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn main() { logger::init_log(Some("actix_web=info,roblib_server=debug,roblib=debug")); match try_main().await { Ok(_) => log::info!("Bye!"), Err(e) => { log::error!("ERROR: {e}"); std::process::exit(1); } } } struct SigHandler { #[cfg(unix)] sigterm: tokio::signal::unix::Signal, } impl SigHandler { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { #[cfg(unix)] sigterm: tokio::signal::unix::signal(tokio::signal::unix::SignalKind::terminate()) .unwrap(), } } pub async fn wait(&mut self) -> &str { #[cfg(unix)] tokio::select! { _ = self.sigterm.recv() => "SIGTERM", r = tokio::signal::ctrl_c() => { r.expect("failed to listen to ctrl-c"); "SIGINT" }, } #[cfg(not(unix))] { tokio::signal::ctrl_c() .await .expect("failed to listen to ctrl-c"); "SIGINT" } } }