mod msgs; use roboxide::pubsub::Subscriber; // This function will be called whenever the subscriber gets a message from the publisher. // A callback function requires the message as an argument. fn callback(msg: msgs::Message) { println!("received msg -> {}",; } fn main() -> Result<(), zmq::Error> { let subscriber = Subscriber::::new("/hello/world", callback)?; // actually spawns a thread that listens to the topic and calls the callback function // when it gets a message. It returns the thread's handle, so you can use the thread handle directly... let _subhandle =; loop { // ...or you can do work in here. Make sure you either have a loop like this, or call // subhandle.join(), or else the main thread will end and the subscriber will no // longer receive messages. std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); } }